There is a paid calendar plugin for WPMU-Dev premium members:
It’s quite good, only thing it lacks is an attending/unattending function, but they say that’s in the works.. 2nd plugin is not there yet I think!
Thanks for your reply Bowe.
But the Group Calendar at WPMU-Dev is much like the BP-Events plugin… or not?.
I mean to say, based on the screenshots provided, it doesn’t has the classic agenda view listing (like the vertical view of PHP event calendar).
For example: I need that the user to view all empty hours from 7.00am to 00.00pm together with the scheduled events for that day, not only the scheduled events. Just like you’ll see on a classic agenda/calendar manager.
I miss that feature on both plugins.
By the way… are you member of WPMU-Dev premium? would deserve the money it cost?
Ah I see your problem and no the Calendar plugin does not the have agenda functions you are looking for.. Right now it’s still a bare bones plugin which does what it says, but nothing more..I’m hoping they will expend it in the near future and you can always point them to this thread to let them know you are interested and might take a subscription..
I’ve just become a member of Dev-Premium because I was interested in a lot of their plugins.. I can’t really judge if the money is worth it for a longer period of time, but their support is good and they are actively developing stuff for BuddyPress and WPMU.. It really depends on the site you want to run.. If you want to make some money with Ads and premium memberships for members you can find some really good plugins which makes this easy to fulfill….
I’m developing a non profit website so I will probably need to cancel my membership at the end of the month and become a premium member again when I have some extra money left! I’ve downloaded some cool themes and plugins for WPMU and BuddyPress so I’m happy with their service and corresponding price tag.. Hope this helps!
Yeah, you helped me a lot with your comments. Thank you very much Bowe
Hey @samuelaguilera, did you have any luck with the file sharing plugin? Looking for something like that at the moment..
If you are planning on modifying the Group Calendar at WPMU-Dev I highly suggest not doing it. It works OK in the front end, but if you dig in, you soon realize that it is very poorly coded. The programmer is obviously a beginner and there is very little abstraction and tonnes of unneeded duplication, so making any changes is a real pain. No offence intended, its just the way it is. It ain’t poetry!
I changed the plugin substantially and added the ability to turn it on and off for each group. I also added the ability for groups to display a combined calendar of many groups – color coded by group. I also added the ending dates and times for events.
I requested all these things at WPMU-Dev but they basically said no, not interested, so I developed them myself. Seeing as it’s open source I can release it to anyone else if they want it. But seeing as it was previously with WPMU-Dev and seeing as how the foundation code is soo poor, i hesitate to release it as a plugin in the WP repository.
I would love the opportunity to try it out if you are willing to relase your changes. I also appreciate the heads up on the code quality. Saved me a bit of money there.
what is your email, I’ll send you the file as is.
I’ve been using that plugin for quite some time, and would love to see the mods you’ve made.
airfoil55 at gmail dot com
Check out Peter Anselmo’s Group Documents plugin:
Peter does great work, and this plugin might get you very, very close to what you need. It provides a document repository for groups, allows uploaded files to be categorized and provides a backend management tool to determine allowable file types – among other features.
Been checking the email off and on, must have missed your mail. Can you resend?
@Anointed, I just sent it. I was out of internet range for a few days there.
must be bouncing, not receiving anything, thanks for trying though
+1 to airfoil’s comment for using Group Documents as a filesharing plugin.
Could you send me your release please ?
Thnaks !
coulon.guillaume ‘at’
Hi @Dwenaus
Would you have the possibility to send the release to me too? I think many people want an event plugin, but are not willing to subscribe to wpmu dev for only that plugin (most of their other wpmu plugins are covered by buddypress functionality anyway…)
Thanks a lot!
paul.hockley ‘at’
It would be better for all of us if an event addon would be available to the public. There is a real need for a well coded event calendar. 
Why dont you make an dropbox account place the file in there then you can just give people the account info and then no worry about being told dont share the link. It is under gnu anyways your only paying for support but if you dont need support then why pay for it? To many people miss use gnu. If people want to sell and make money dont make a gnu software that simple. For the price they want they can buy copy rights. They can sell support but selling gnu stuff is not right because gnu state that the public owns it so your buying something you own. Would you buy your own house from your self?
Hello @Dwenaus,
Could you please send me the files as well? – I was quite astonished, when I mooved to WPMU / BD, that it did not have such a ground functionality for a group to start with.
Thank you and sorry for troubling you.
rgerhart at
Same here @Dwenaus. dwaynne at
same situation here, could some one e-mail it to me at raymundoo
I hate to impose, but could it be sent to me as well? jrcue[at] Thank you in advance.
Hi all, did some one test Dwenaus ‘s release?
It looks very interresting!
Could some one please send it to me too?
corthouts ‘AT’ gmail ‘DOT’ com 
Thanks a lot Dwenaus, thanks a lot guys !
Hi @Dwenaus, the change you made is still available? you can email me? someone of the user that have received the mod can send me? Thanks to all