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Advanced Recent Site Wide Posts Widget

  • Suzanne


    Hey folks – I souped-up the Recent Site Wide Posts widget the other day to do some things it currently does not. Someone was asking out here how to make all the list items display excerpts and this version solves that (and more). Here are the features:

    • Specify your own title

    • Specify number of posts to show

    • Specify how many of those posts should display excerpts

    • Specify number of words in the excerpts

    • Show/Hide author avatar

    • Show/Hide post meta

    • Choose excerpt truncation style, i.e. […] or Read more… or Continue »

    If people want more excerpt truncation styles, just holler. Actually, I wonder if I couldn’t just let the user specify it in the options panel [duh]. Okay I’ll do that in the next version.


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  • @mercime


    Checked this out in install with WPMU 2.9beta trunk and BP 1.2 trunk. Great idea for letting us add the CSS ourselves. Very cool.

    One thing, it’s not pulling the posts from blog_id_1



    Do you have that blog set to public? It’s pulling them for me, but I notice it does not pull posts for blog that’s hidden. That’s part of the original plug-in (which is all I did, copy the original).



    You’re right, I caught that after my post here. The main blog was in maintenance mode and set up for registered users only :-) That is a nifty widget, thanks again for sharing.



    You’re welcome – I’ll probably update it to allow the user to specify they’re own excerpt truncation style after the holiday. Have to tear myself away from the keyboard and go do the family thing for a bit.



    Great widget, Suzanne! Thanks for your work on this I’m loving the customization! :)



    You’re welcome. You just reminded me I was going to add the other features. Ugh – long to-do list :)



    By the way, Dan (Chouf1) has added I18N translation functionality to the plug-in so that will be a part of the next version as well.


    Is there anyway to attach GET THE IMAGE plugin along with this and grab the first image in the excerpt?


    By the way, thank you for this plugin!



    @Suzanne: how to make this plugin to exclude grabbing posts from specific blog? Thanks



    ok – i replicated the bp_get_latest_post funtion to exclude the specific blog id. Would be good if this feature is incorporated in future. thanks

    Roger Coathup


    @suzanne – nice work, thanks.

    Just seconding a couple of things already mentioned:

    • It would be nice to be able to specify blogs to exclude (e.g. We only want to show user posts; we don’t want the admin blog id 1, and blog id 2 which we use for a help, to show). I realise this means extending or bypassing the BP core function
    • It would be great if it had the option to pull a thumbnail image from the post to display

    Roger Coathup


    @suzanne – widget isn’t working for me on 1.2… is this a known problem?

    This looks like a great Widget. Unfortunately I see an error in my Home page after it has been activated:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function bp_blogs_get_latest_posts() in C:\xampp\htdocs\enterprise\wp-content\plugins\ahjira-recent-sitewide-articles\ahjira-recent-sitewide-articles.php on line 41

    Sorry if this is a newbie mistake. I am using WordPress MU 2.9.2. Any idea why it thinks the function is missing?

    Thank You for posting the Widget – the options looked really good.


    Having the same issue. i really want this plug in to work, are you still answering questions or helping with this ?

    Well guys, it appears that we may be on our own. The plug in designer doesn’t even have a way to contact her on her blog…maybe she has just washed her hands of it.

    I found out that it’s not working with the latest version of BP because this function:


    …is not used anymore.

    I still don’t know what it needs to be replaced with to make the plug in function correctly, but if you remove line 41, at least the error goes away, but the plug in doesn’t pull any posts.

    At least that points us in the right direction, maybe someone else will have something else to add to help us get it working again.



    Figured this out: you need to delete bp from several locations. On lines 41, 56, 162 is code for bp_get_posts or get_permalinks. Delete the bp_blogs part and just leave the get_latest_posts part or get_permalinks and it works again. You may get another error message for a different line – delete bp from that.

    I’m hardly a coder, so don’t trust me implicitly, but using the straight WP code seems to work.



    I deleted bp_blogs from line 41 and so on, but I get an error right away for line 41:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_latest_posts() in /hsphere/local/home/theywantpie/ on line 41

    Anyone has any ideas? Is there any other plugin/widget that can show the latest posts?



    This is an old thread but does anyone have an answer? The site wide recent posts is telling me there’s no posts and this plugin throws errors like people have described above. Removing “bp_” from the get posts and get permalink functions didn’t work for me either.



    Sorry ’bout the triple post but I thought I’d mention that I can’t delete or edits posts. Please fix!

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