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Looking for a members Google Maps plugin. Need help please.

  • Hi everybody (I’m french my english is awful, be prepared),

    I tried all the Google Maps plugins for BP, BC Maps seems to be perfect for my needs but with 0 documentation I don’t know wich fields I have to add on members profile…

    BP User Profile Map: works fine but it’s only to put a map on each members profile, there’s no global map with all the members on one map only.

    BuddyPress Maps: doesn’t works

    BP Members Avatar map: could be perfect but works only with LAT and LON and I need the plugin works with cities names

    My needs :
    A map with all the members on it. To put themself on the map members will have to fill a field called “Location” with their cities name or adress
    An idea ?

    Thanks by advance

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  • No idea ?



    Viens faire un tour sur



    I’m with you @fisheyecom

    Would be super cool to have a map in each group showing locations of members, hopefully by using miniature profile pictures as map-markers. Clicking on the marker should show the name, profile photo, and maybe 1-2 other pertinent details, and clicking on name should take to member profile.

    Roger Coathup


    @traveljunkie sells a full featured plugin to do this – check it out here:

    @all ever tried doing global maps and dealing with google map api, I’ts not simple, I worked on a custom site app that had one to display properties from a side column list, getting those map markers and overlays working effectively was not easy. If traveljunkie has coded this up then I would use that, I made the deliberate decision not to attempt a global map as it’s far too much work for bp-user-profile-map a plugin I released for no profit.

    sorry for this self promo, maybe you can try this plugin :, it adds a map in member / friends view with the latest position of the friends of the user… I know it’s not replying to your need at 100%. But i agree with Hugo, dealing with all members on a map is a huge challenge.



    BP Members Avatar Map does use cities and towns which are then translated into latitude and longitude
    I use a combination of BP Members Avatar Map for my directory page and BP User Profile Map for individual maps – they seem to work quite well together but do require a ‘Location’ extended field
    My member directory and individual profiles are not particularly ‘pretty’ but they are functional
    I should emphasise I am still using WP 3.2.1 and BP 1.5.1 You are welcome to visit my site to see how they are working the directory page is called Locate and you should be able to see the map as a visitor – if you look at the Tasmania, Australia portion of the map and follow any of the avatar links: you should see the profile outcomes.
    Most of the other ‘members are spam’ that I am slowly cleaning up but they contribute to my site activity, so I tolerate them.
    If you return to the About page you will see a Pulsemaps Visitors map – most of the ‘Australia’ visits are me – but they are from many different places because my IP is dynamic and belongs to my ISP not to me.
    Hope this helps.



    Just took a look at imath’s bp-checkins plugin too and seems a great solution if you want to follow the mobility of users. I will see if I can integrate it in my site in addition to the static ‘home’ locations my site uses. This may seem like overkill but since my site is a prototype it may be useful for my members to provide feedback on which mapping components are most appropriate.

    Thanks to all of you !

    It’s time to try all theses solutions.



    You are welcome to join my site ( ) just to see the “Location” field in the registration page and then see the results in the members (locate) directory and of course your profile. you will find you can alter the city/country detail etc. to refine the positioning.
    Hope you find what you need.
    Bon chance!



    pawriter.. how did you get bp members avatar map to work?
    I added location (base) and a latitude and longitude field (not in base).
    I see on the members page the box and the legend..but no map.

    I guess I’m not familiar enough with it..?





    Just to clarify, we’re not after Google Latitude, Facebook Places or FourSquare like functionality in terms of grabbing live locations of online members.

    Rather, if I go to a group, I should see a map showing markers for locations of all members, based on what the members have provided in their profiles.

    Right now, if I go to a member profile page, e.g. on, I already see a map marking that member’s location. The request being made is the logical next step – marking all members of the group on a group page, potentially with the following additional functionality:
    1. The markers would use more granular data for location (e.g. complete address, not just city)
    2. Clicking on the marker would show a couple of member details, including name and maybe 1-2 other profile items as chosen by site owner.
    3. Clicking on member name in the bubble would take to member’s profile page. Or, at least, a link to member profile page would be provided in the bubble.
    4. The marker itself would potentially be a tiny profile picture of the respective member.



    Apologies for my site error – I have been using free hosting for about 12 months and it now appears I have violated CPU usage by more than 20% over 1000 times. I can get the site back if I like to upgrade to paid hosting – hmmmm will consider my options.

    The BP Members Avatar Map does provide for complete address – I just gave my members the option to only include city or even just country as greater depth of information was not necessary for my application. There is an information field which can be used for brief details once a marker is selected and a link in that information bubble takes you to the members profile page. The marker is either the default or the graphic chosen as avatar by the member so their images could be used.
    Apart from the map being on the entire member registry page rather than group pages this would seem to fit your requirements however I haven’t tried it with any version of WP newer than 3.2.1



    Sounds very promising.

    Pity it seems to be dead

    Even developer’s website seems dead

    @hnla Could you possibly consider taking over this plugin and updating it for BP 1.6.1?

    Hugo Ashmore


    @sooskriszta I’m afraid that if I have any time free it has to go first to supporting my own map plugin which needs work and improvements, sadly time is lacking at the moment, taking on another plugin could involve a lot of work and time which I simply don’t have at present.



    I am also trying to get a map of all of my member’s locations. I would LOVE to use BP Members Avatar Map but like @fisheyecom said, I also see that everything shows but the map itself, just showing a big blank box. Also, I tried GeoMashup and that seemed to do the job, however the user has to update their location in the wp-admin under their user profile which I don’t allow users to view the admin at all. Does anyone know if there is any way to update the location on the front-end without iframing the wp-admin/profile.php page in?





    Currently, none of the user locator map plugins for BP sites work. BP Members Avatar Map seemed to have the most going for it…

    Seems like a perfect addition to any BuddyPress site.

    Maybe someone could try to resurrect it?

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