Forum Replies Created
I don’t have “Network” enable in WordPress 3.0 RC1 and BP – Activity Stream as Front Page is still not working.
What is the best practice to test BP against WP 3.0 RC1 – i thought BP 1.2.4 was published to fix the WP 3.0 issues, or should i use trunk?
This seems to be a logic feature that would be highly flexible and extremely useful for any much used network.
I think Buddypress need some kinds of forums for detailed discussions. I don’t think it needs BBPress. The Activity Stream has nearly everything to replace BBPress. The only thing is missing is the ability to choose if you want to post an “Update” or an “Discussion” (or Forum Post, or whatever you want to name it). If you decide to post a discussion an input field will be added to title your certain discussion. By doing so all Discussions could be listed in a classic “Forum View”. Because it is all build with the Activity Stream technology users can reply from within the Activity Stream, have nested comments and all the great plugins that are developed to work with the Activity Streams.
I did a conceptual mockup 4 month ago and posted it on trac. I still think this is basically a great idea:
Trac Ticket:
Mockup: Pagination on the search template isn’t working “Page Not Found” (i tried it with search term “search”). Will the unified search be part of Buddypress 1.3, or is ot only?
Congratulations on your GSoC acceptance!
@foxly, @francescolaffi, i would love to get some new screenshots to see whats coming up next!
@apeatling – I like that “Latest Post” View on Support Forums is back! I would suggest some small refinements related to UX. It happend very often that i get sidetracked by the User/Group-Avatars and the “Post Meta-Infos” when scanning through the “Latest Post” – Index. I mada a small mockup where i removed the Avatars (i really like them, but found it alot
easier to scan the index without avatars) and moved the meta-infos to the group-column. You can find the mockup here -> (The old view is visible on the bottom of the image)
These are all great new features! I’ll hope “global search” and “Post something to xxx” will also make it in the defaut theme, so that theme developers could adapt it!
I had the same problem a few seconds ago. A newly registered member didn’t recieved the activation email but was listed in WordPress>Backend>Users
I asked the user to check spam inbox twice but there was stil no activation mail
It would be great if admins could manually acivate such users or resent the activation email.
And also with documentation to teach template developers how to modify them.
Will these “high end” template be the facebook and flickr template i can see in the actual beta?
A tool to start your own social niche network.
A niche could be everything and buddypress should be easy to customize and expand so it could adopt to all of this demands. Thats why i like that Andy decided to get MrMaz on board. He knows where the limits of the actual API are because Buddypress Links pushed it to the limits.
I guess a crucial point could be to identify the “missing core functionality that is deemed to be of a high value to the BuddyPress community and to plugin developers”.
There could be a public poll, but at the end the developers should identify what is most important … they have more knowledge and a better foresight as a common user like me.
I guess good privacy and access control will be something to look at with highest priority.
MrMaz: I’m still on vacation, but heared that you are now part of the buddypress-dev team! Congratulations, i’m really excited about the API you are working on. I guess the abilty to post Links as Activity-Item-Attachement from the “John Doe Postbox” won’t be there before BP 1.4?
I have a small question. Does the “Automatic thumbnail picker” in BP-Links only works for certain websites and what are the criteria to get Rich Media detected? I’m asking because most of my Links show up without an automatic detected thumbnail, but the articles i’m “linking” have a lot of pictures on it? Do you see any potential to improve the “Automatic thumbnail picker”. Links Directory looks really great with thumbnails, but my users are to lazy to upload them manually.
One of the sites that doesn’t get detected is,1518,688472,00.html
Kudos to all your hard work!
MrMaz: I’m still on vacation, but heared that you are now part of the buddypress-dev team! Congratulations, i’m really excited about the API you are working on. I guess the abilty to post Links as Activity-Item-Attachement from the “John Doe Postbox” won’t be there before BP 1.4?
I have a small question. Does the “Automatic thumbnail picker” in BP-Links only works for certain websites and what are the criteria to get Rich Media detected? I’m asking because most of my Links show up without an automatic detected thumbnail, but the articles i’m “linking” have a lot of pictures on it? Do you see any potential to improve the “Automatic thumbnail picker”. Links Directory looks really great with thumbnails, but my users are to lazy to upload them manually.
One of the sites that doesn’t get detected is,1518,688472,00.html
Kudos to all your hard work!
Are you running BP-Trunk?
Are you running BP-Trunk?
@Gpo1: I guess thats something you have to do in your custom theme and not the plugin itself? Or what do you mean with “mobile friendly” ?
You have to create your own child-theme to add a class, but you could also use :first-child property if you just want to style the “name of the user who posted something”.
Search for .activity-list .activity-header a:first-child, or add it to your child-themes default.css and style it the whatever you want.
@MrMaz – This solved the JS problem … but there is still an erro saving the Link-Details. Could this be the case because i’m on Single WP 2.9.2? Are there any known issues – should i report errors like this, or is it to early in development of 0.4? – but it isn’t set in stone
Are u using the BP trunk version? It’s broken there …
Put this in your bp-custom.php and create a file “login.php” in your custom theme diretory.
login.php must contain your custom login html.
It will restrict the access to your communitiy to logged in members and redirects automatically to your custom login page.
function restrict_access() {
global $bp, $bp_unfiltered_uri;
if (!is_user_logged_in() && (BP_REGISTER_SLUG != $bp->current_component) && (BP_LOGIN_SLUG != $bp->current_component)) {
//bp_core_redirect( $bp->root_domain );
bp_core_redirect( $bp->root_domain . '/' . BP_LOGIN_SLUG );
add_action( 'wp', 'restrict_access', 3 );
define('BP_LOGIN_SLUG', 'login');
function example_page_setup_root_component()
bp_core_add_root_component( BP_LOGIN_SLUG );
add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'example_page_setup_root_component', 2 );
function bp_show_login_page() {
global $bp, $current_blog;
if ( $bp->current_component == BP_LOGIN_SLUG && $bp->current_action == '' ) {
// The first variable here must match the name of your template file below
bp_core_load_template( 'login', true );
add_action( 'wp', 'bp_show_login_page', 2 );MrMaz – which BP Version do you use for testing your development Version (DV)? I downloaded the DV and checked it on BP 1.2.3 and had some problems with an error message that won’t dissapear (Please fill in all of the required fields) and with fetching the page details.
Great, you’re welcome.
i complement the docs with “BP_FORUMS_SLUG”.
It’s always worth to check the docs first: will give you some hints.
You don’t need to touch core files, you could do it by defining your own “SLUG” in wp-config.php – however docs say nothing about a “FORUMS” Slug – I would suggest to search the buddypress files for something like this.
Change the URL slugs of BuddyPress components:
define ( ‘BP_ACTIVITY_SLUG’, ‘streams’ );
define ( ‘BP_BLOGS_SLUG’, ‘journals’ );
define ( ‘BP_MEMBERS_SLUG’, ‘users’ );
define ( ‘BP_FRIENDS_SLUG’, ‘peeps’ );
define ( ‘BP_GROUPS_SLUG’, ‘gatherings’ );
define ( ‘BP_MESSAGES_SLUG’, ‘notes’ );
define ( ‘BP_WIRE_SLUG’, ‘pinboard’ );
define ( ‘BP_XPROFILE_SLUG’, ‘info’ );
define ( ‘BP_REGISTER_SLUG’, ‘signup’ );
define ( ‘BP_ACTIVATION_SLUG’, ‘enable’ );
define ( ‘BP_SEARCH_SLUG’, ‘find’ );
define ( ‘BP_HOME_BLOG_SLUG’, ‘news’ );
I’m excitedt about the 0.4 as well. It’ll be the first plugin that extends the activity stream postbox … a feature i’m really looking forward about!