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  • @3sixty


    sorry for the delays on this, but I don’t have the plugin live on my installation at the moment pending other problems I had on my installation. such is the nature of single author plugins. Unfortunately, I can’t give a date for any changes or improvements to the existing plugin.



    PS. The above is a message sent through, so I assume it’s running the latest/greatest version.



    No no, the opposite – I’m good. Works now.

    Maybe I’m not understanding you, though – what I did is comment out the call to bp_get_forum_topic_count() in the bp-template. I think you’re saying I should stop that function from registering in the first place by commenting out the related do_action. That’s probably a cleaner approach.



    Right, as I noted, you already get total_topic_count “for free” with $forum_template.

    “Try commenting out this line in /bp-forums.php and see if the memory problems persist.”
    Sorry to be unclear – yes, exactly – that’s how I found the problem.

    I did backtrack through the code, and I think you are right – it is a problem with the BB_Query instance. I would strongly advise against using bp_get_forum_topic_count unless this is addressed!!

    Reported on trac:



    This worked, btw. Thanks again.



    Thanks Paul! Will try it.



    It blows my mind that this is not a core feature of WPMU, WP, or BuddyPress. It is the most obvious first defense against sploggers and spammer-members.

    There is a plugin called Pie Registration that claims to do user moderation of unverified users before they are allowed to post. It seems to be a resurrection of an older (discontinued?) plugin called Register Plus. Find it here:

    Will check it out now.

    EDIT: It says that the feature “Moderate all user registrations to require admin approval” will only work when Email Verification is DISABLED. I can’t get it to work, though.

    Also found this:
    “Register Plus plugin seemed to be working fine in 2.9.2, with custom logo and all, but now I’ve just discovered that it only sends the registration email if the registration is done in IE. In Firefox or Chrome the mail is not sent. How can this be?”



    Wow, amazing analysis by Boone… I really “get it” now. Andrea_r also has a good point though that WPMU is distributed in other ways that are meaningful and powerful. I think the author’s comment was just speculation, and limited to a project called “DiSo” that was apparently designed to integrate with WordPress; not sure if DiSo worked at all with MU.

    The part about that quote that resonated with me is just the idea of “WP wasn’t designed from the ground up to host BP.” When I’m writing something for BP, I always feel like I’m gaming WordPress to do something it was not really designed to do. So I’m writing code that somehow has to play nice with the host, WordPress, which is awesome in its own right – but what I’m really trying to do is build a social network. So it would be more logical to me to say, “OK, here’s my BuddyPress network. WP is really good at XYZ, so how can I adapt *WordPress* to meet my BP needs?”



    “1) They tried to add on to WordPress, a project which was not designed from the ground up to be a distributed network.”

    This really feels like the “elephant in the room” every time I visit my wp-admin panel. My BuddyPress admin menu keeps growing and growing, disproportionate to the WP-specific admin menus.

    I keep waiting for the discussions to start on how BP is “outgrowing” WP. I guess that happens when the limitations of WP start to outweigh the advantages, such as all the great WP functions we get “for free”. When you think about it, it is a little weird – for example, how blogs and forums are integrated with BP in such different ways and don’t really “talk” to each other in a meaningful way. The whole idea of “like” and “favorite” and “report” buttons that work on one content type but not another. Etc.



    I moved two of my outstanding bug reports from 1.2.4 to 1.3 (and JJJ moved another one of my bugs to 1.3 in a “string freeze” a few weeks ago). If you’re a bug reporter, you might consider whether it’s a critical bug for 1.2.4 or could it be reasonably delayed to a future release. (Though ultimately, I have no idea whether JJJ/Andy are counting user reported bugs in their decision on when/how to move to 1.2.4)



    But seriously, I do recall an audio interview with Andy Peatling more than a year ago where I think he floated an idea of BP networks all interconnected and talking to each other, and for all I know, this is a plugin or core feature in some state of alpha or beta. Maybe somebody with more awareness of the overall project can clarify.



    Wow, 4 guys with $10,000 and an idea good enough to impress a NYT reporter on deadline. The future is changed forever!



    I integrated phpbb3-WP last night using WP-United and it’s not working perfectly yet. I think I need to adjust phpBB3 user permissions.

    The lock-in issue is definitely a concern – if Xevo is right that WP-United works not with WP 3.0, then you won’t be able to move forward until the WP-United developer updates his code (or you figure out his code).

    @dennis_h the one other issue just occurring to me is that even if you can get it running with BP, it will NOT integrate with the BP Activity Stream unless more coding is done. Am I correct on that?



    I wouldn’t let it disenchant you – there will always be people saying “buddypress should be X and should not be Y”. The one thing we can agree on is that BuddyPress is a purely awesome collection of tools that you can pick and choose to build your own social network.



    Well, you are probably talking about WP 3.0. Not surprised the entire Web does not work with 3.0 yet.

    WP-United has been around for a long time and is now a very mature software package so I would be surprised if it did not work with the stated specs:

    Tested with: WordPress 2.9.x & phpBB 3.0.6



    I doubt it would be easy to integrate WP-United, phpBB3, and BuddyPress. It certainly sounds like it would work in theory, doesn’t it? However, these people don’t seem to be reporting much success:

    I’ll give it a try tonight, and let you know what works and what fails.



    The irony of “BuddyPress shouldn’t be about forums”, and “if you want a forum, don’t use BP” and “bbPress is a parasite in BP…” is that the FORUM is the center point of activity here on Almost all of the live activity here among you developers, admins, etc. is based in the forum. When was Andy’s last blog post – almost a month ago? The Forum is the bread and butter of this site.

    There is nothing incompatible about Forums and social networks. It is perfectly appropriate to use forums in a social networking framework. Forums are central to, LinkedIn, and other thriving social networking sites.

    There was a specific need for forums in BP, and that’s why bbPress was directly integrated into BP as a core function. The bbPress-based bp-forums component is one of the most solid parts of BP, and Andy has pledged to reveal even more of the Forum features of bbPress in upcoming versions of BP (such as tag support).

    I’ve spent a lot of volunteer time working to strengthen and troubleshoot the BP forums, and add key functionality to it for the benefit of the whole BP community. I appreciate the fact that Forums are central to BuddyPress. I would be dismayed if BP did an about-face and decided to abandon forum support. Fortunately, I don’t see many of the “anti-forum” comments coming from key developers.



    That’s exactly what I’m trying to do – move to the next or previous post based on the original topic time, not the most recent comment time. Not sure if this exists in bbPress but it’s a core navigational feature of phpbb. When I get a chance I’m going to look at bbpress/phpbb code to see how they handle it.



    testing another delightful bug

    ^^^ spurious atmention



    I’m following anabel. I’m her first follower!

    But apparently not the first to notice her in the past 2 hours, 30 minutes:

    Yo MODs… ban hammer??



    one starting point is to check out the Group Blog plugin by Burt Adsit, because BP will not automatically add your users to a group blog otherwise.

    quickpost form in the theme would be helpful – you can hack the posthaste plugin, use TDO Mini Forms, or wait for the BP “quickpost” function that I have heard is coming.



    @gezan – I agree 100% – the plugin page looks very solid. The other is a bit ‘meh’.



    Just a note that burtadsit’s “group blog” plugin is perfect for your situation. check it out.



    There are a couple “persistent notification” issues ongoing, though at least one of them has a fix committed now:

    helpme1, if you’re able to edit your code, that may help with at least one of the issues you have?



    That was my first thought too – so hopefully a simple matter of truncating the slug to the desired length at the bp-forums level?

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