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  • @allenweiss


    Thanks Andy



    they have been talking about this here

    maybe that will help you (it solved my problem).



    Thanks Andy..I posted it as Ticket #1180

    Let me know if you need any other information that would help to track down this problem.



    I’m still not getting any contacts on my contact list for my group (and this has been confirmed with everybody else in my community), but here seems to be the function that isn’t finding my contacts


    Is there anything I can try to see what might be the problem? I would very much appreciate help on this else I’ll need to try a complete reinstall of BP 1.1. Thanks



    Bump…sorry, but without solving this problem I’m afraid I can’t move forward making this available to my community.



    Ok…by unchecking the forum option for my group and saving, then checking it again seems to have solved the problem..thanks



    I have the exact same problem..i hope you find an answer that we all can benefit from



    I just upgraded using the automatic approach, and the group invite doesn’t work for me either.



    Thanks..I’ll try this (and hope it works in BP 1.1. Without being able to protect the site, as much as I like BuddyPress, its essentially worthless for use in private communities…I sure hope someone comes up with plugin for 1.1.



    just to the home page of buddypress, like here:



    Yes, almost everyone of the 20 people filled out their profiles, but not one shows up on the possible list to send out invites. Guess I’ll need to wait for 1.1 to get this resolved, unless someone else has a solution…thanks



    bump :)



    I have the exact same problem…sticky posts don’t show in the forum



    ok…the only way I know to make this work for my site, is to have a sticky subject that people see when they first enter the forum. Right now, however, when I make a post (in a public forum) sticky, it won’t show up in the forum (that’s strange) but will when I don’t make it sticky. Is this the way it’s supposed to work?



    Thanks Andy….however, I’m not sure how to make my forum look like your forum which is more intuitive. For example, your forum has a Main theme (which is similar to the groups concept) as is easy to browse through the main themes, but with 1.1 to do that, you first need to understand you have to go to the groups tab (very non-intuitive). Also, many of the groups could be formed for reasons quite different from posting topics and discussions.

    Anyway, I don’t mean to complicate things, but just raise some issues of usability and how to make this most intuitive for new visitors.



    if you use my method, your changes won’t be lost when you upgrade



    One more thing, if I first go to my profile, then when I go back to the directory the problem disappears..this doesn’t make sense to anybody, does it?



    Looks like this was an issue prior to BP1.0.1

    But I’m seeing the same thing in BP1.0.3



    We changed them on our site. Basically you go into the plugins/buddypress/bp-languages folder and get the file. Then use a program called Poedit (you can search the web for this), and use it open the file. You can then change the language in that program. When you save the file with a name, say TEMP and it will also save a TEMP.po file. Put that back into the bp-languages folder. Then add a new bp-custom.php file into your plugins folder and put this code in it:

    define( ‘BPLANG’, ‘TEMP’ );

    if ( file_exists( BP_PLUGIN_DIR . ‘/bp-languages/buddypress-‘ . BPLANG . ‘.mo’ ) ) {

    load_textdomain( ‘buddypress’, BP_PLUGIN_DIR . ‘/bp-languages/buddypress-‘ . BPLANG . ‘.mo’ );


    Change the name TEMP in the above code to whatever you called the po file.

    That should do it.


    Participant if I’m using, say, carrington-blog for my wordpress home theme, then it would go in the carrington-blog directory? If so, I just tried that and it always results in a page not found. Am I doing something wrong? Note, I have the code in the functions.php file (which is in the carrington-blog folder) and the file it points to in that folder as well – as per your instructions…thanks



    I’ve tried this, but can’t seem to get it to work. I put the function, defined above, in the functions.php page in the BP theme directory I’m using (which is the default bpmember) and put the help.php page (that’s what my page is called) into the same folder (is this correct). I think my problem is that I’m not sure when people say “home theme’s functions.php file” if they mean the bpmember folder (since that is my home theme) and if the “home theme directory” is again the bpmember folder (again, since that’s my home theme). Am I just getting this all confused?






    ah..that was it (forgot to read the readme file..duh)…thanks




    I just tried installing it (which went fine), but now get this error on my group page:

    Warning: require_once(/home/alumnide/public_html/wp-content/bp-themes/bpmember/groupblog/blog-activity.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/alumnide/public_html/wp-includes/theme.php on line 822

    Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘/home/alumnide/public_html/wp-content/bp-themes/bpmember/groupblog/blog-activity.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/alumnide/public_html/wp-includes/theme.php on line 822

    Any ideas?



    I figured out a solution to my problem and thought I’d post it here in case others have the same problem I have. I have a community for professionals who when the sign up have the option to use their username or their first and last names (most choose to use their first and last names) in the community. BP doesn’t handle this option at all and all lists (e.g., members) show only the username (user_nicename or display_name), so I had to write a function to pull the first and last names, when somebody used this. Here is the function, which I placed in the mu-plugins folder:

    function get_user_realName(){

    global $site_members_template;

    $u[‘1’]=xprofile_get_field_data(‘First Name’,$site_members_template->member->id);

    $u[‘2’]=xprofile_get_field_data(‘Last Name’,$site_members_template->member->id);

    if ( empty( $u[‘1’] ) ) {


    if ( empty( $temp) )

    echo bp_the_site_member_name();


    echo bp_user_fullname();

    } else {

    echo $u[‘1′].’ ‘.$u[‘2’];



    I’m not saying this is pretty, but it gets the job done until BP makes it easier for members to choose how they want to be known in the community.

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