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  • Anonymous User 96400


    I do see the point and I did not mean at all that we don’t need a codex. I was merely replying to an earlier comment.

    Anonymous User 96400


    Linking to a wikipedia article will not, apparently, get you any brownie points with @ethanvan ;)

    Just start writing on the codex. If you can’t cause of permissions or whatever, let the core team know and they’ll sort you out. This is a community-driven project. The more you participate, the more you’ll be recognized. Being disrespectful to people that have already shown their dedication and involvement will only make you look weak.

    A codex is a valuable thing to have, no doubt, but I don’t believe that the lack of one will cause developers to turn away from the project. If you can write code then you can read and understand code. If you work with any of the dozens of IDEs out there, then any function, class or method is only 1 or 2 clicks away. That way is quicker than trawling through the codex, WP or BP. For me anyways.

    Anonymous User 96400


    `Wait until you have a myriad of new features and THEN make a release`

    Now, that’s bad practice right there. Ever heard of release early, release often?

    I agree that the codex isn’t anywhere near where it should be. But holding a release up to finish documentation shouldn’t happen.

    Anonymous User 96400


    Rather than doing two loops, one of which will run through all available groups to perform a database request each time, just do 1 query that gets all group ids and then pass those ids to the include parameter. Something like this:

    `function my_get_groups_for_country( $country = ” ) {
    global $wpdb, $bp;

    $group_ids = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( “
    SELECT group_id
    FROM {$bp->groups->table_name_groupmeta}
    WHERE meta_key = ‘group-country’
    AND meta_value = %s
    “, $country ) );

    return $group_ids:

    Anonymous User 96400


    Oh, yeah, forgot that BP_User_Query’ll only land in v1.7. Can’t think of anything else apart from a custom SQL query then. Maybe a good idea to refactor it once you upgraded to BP 1.7, though.

    Anonymous User 96400


    Also, a select box might not be the best option for what you have in mind. Imagine you’ll get a result of a couple hundred users. Becomes completely unusable. Not sure what your ultimate goal is with that selectbox, but I’d look at other options.

    Anonymous User 96400


    What do you need the profile fields for? Seems like WP_User_Query would do the job perfectly.

    If role is stored as an xprofile field, you might want to look at BP_User_Query. Haven’t used that class yet, but it might do what you want.

    Anonymous User 96400


    The time spent on running all the filters and actions is negligible, really. And if you need the extra functionality a plugin provides, then it doesn’t matter if you include the code as a plugin or include it via your theme’s functions.php file. It’s got to get loaded anyways. The only difference is the time when it gets loaded.

    Personally, I have a look at the code before I install a plugin for the first time. Nicely formatted code and proper in-code documentation give you a good first impression of the code you’re about to run. Of course, to most end-users this will only be goobldygook, but there are tools out there. YSlow, Debug Bar Console, etc. Then there’s plugins that monitor the load time and can give you detailed information about the load times (had a quick look for one I sometimes use, but couldn’t find it).

    Anonymous User 96400


    It’s a myth that a WP site runs slower or more poorly the more plugins you have installed. The more plugins you install, the greater the chance that one of them is written poorly, which could then cause a bottleneck of some kind and slow your site down. So it’s about the quality of the plugins and not the amount of them.

    Anonymous User 96400


    Sorry, that txt file seems to have gotten deleted during the redesign and general housecleaning a year or so ago. I don’t have it around anymore neither. It’s fairly easy to write yourself, though. Just have a look at the groups API functions and pack it into a foreach loop.

    Anonymous User 96400


    Well, this is really a support site rather than a social network, even if it does use BP, so a chat plugin of any kind is probably not appropriate (at least in my opinion).

    Anonymous User 96400


    First of all, I guess that’s what the personal activity stream is for. Anyways, comments are linked to post ids and members are (not yet? maybe never? who knows…) not a custom post type yet.

    You could probably create a new activity type and add that to the profile. Seems to be the easiest, I guess, although I don’t really see the point.

    Anonymous User 96400


    Something like this in bp-custom.php:

    `function my_filter_group_stati( $stati ) {
    if( $key = array_search( ‘hidden’, $stati ) ) {
    unset( $stati[$key] );

    return $stati;
    add_filter( ‘groups_valid_status’, ‘my_filter_group_stati’ );`

    Anonymous User 96400


    What @mercime said together with filtering `groups_valid_status` to only return public and private should do the trick.

    Anonymous User 96400


    Have you had a look at Mapology?

    There’s a test site at where you can try the plugin before commiting to buy.

    Please note that I am the developer of that plugin.

    Anonymous User 96400


    Create a page called forums, or discusssions or whatever you like (if you haven’t already), then go to the BP pages settings and chose the page you created for your forums component. Save and all sshould be good.

    Anonymous User 96400


    Don’t include the [ ] in the syntax :)

    So it’d be like this:
    `UPDATE wp_bp_activity SET action = replace(action,’admin1‘,’admin2‘);`

    Anonymous User 96400


    That would be something like this:
    `UPDATE [tablename] SET [fieldname] = replace([fieldname],'[string_to_find]’,'[string_to_replace]’);`

    You’ll need to substitute stuff like [tablename] with the correct values.

    Anonymous User 96400


    You’ll have to enqueue the Javascript files in bp-messages/js/autocomplete and the css file in bp-messages/css/autocomplete. There’s also some inline JS that needs to be included, which you can find in bp-messages/bp-messages-cssjs.php.

    The file paths above are for BP 1.5. Not sure, but could be slightly different for lower versions.

    Anonymous User 96400


    If you want to add a record, then there are API functions to do that for you for the most part. `xprofile_insert_field()` is one such function. There’s more in bp-xprofile/bp-xprofile-functions.php.

    If you really do need to query the database directly, then you can find the table names within the $bp global, e.g. `$bp->groups->table_name` for the main groups table.

    If there are API functions, then you should use these. Only query directly if you can’t find a function to do the heavy lifting for you.

    Anonymous User 96400


    That would’ve been something like this:
    `function bpe_setup_globals()
    global $bp;

    // some stuff

    $bp->active_components = 1;

    // some more stuff
    add_action( ‘bp_setup_globals’, ‘bpe_setup_globals’ );`

    It’s probably been 5 days to a week since the last upgrade.

    Mine might not be the most elegant solution, but at least it makes sure that my plugin is working :)

    Anonymous User 96400


    Ended up using `register_activation_hook` and `register_deactivation_hook` to modify the `bp-active-components` option, which populates the `$bp->active_components` array.

    Anonymous User 96400


    This site here is not a sandbox. It’s not meant to test things out. That would be, as you can see from the theme, for example. testpb runs the default theme, while we have a more or less functional custom theme here ;)

    Install BuddyPress in a subdomain or, better locally on your home computer, and test out what it can do and what it can’t do. testbp is good in that you can see what you can do as an end user, but you won’t know what you can adjust as a site admin.

    Anonymous User 96400


    Allright, cheers! More than a few days should be enough to fit everything in :) There’s never enough hours in a day, though…

    Anonymous User 96400


    These are not bugs, they’re notices, meaning that the plugin will still work. These have been resolved in BP 1.5, btw.

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