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  • @b1gft


    No, if you come across a solution will you please let me know.



    On the default theme I just removed it from the menu bar. On the other theme which automatically shows pages, I made it private.
    Same results both ways, stoped the links working.



    Thanks dcavins for the suggestion, but it did not fix it. Thanks again.



    Have you set up an email with your hosting for your site. If not set it up



    You need to stop them now, as best you can and delete all members you have in there. A new BP site I have has had over 29,000 spam stopped in the last month. Do not forget WordPress is under a bot attack at the moment.

    Firstly, Switch off that any one can register on your site.

    Clean out all the spam members. Delete them.
    Install Stop Spammer Registrations Plugin from WordPress.Org (Saved my life)
    Install Limit Login Attempts
    Install capachi plugin and set it up for it to be on when people are registering.
    Change your admin name, if it is admin.

    Switch back on that people can register on your site.

    These posts might help you as the same thing happened to me.

    Second Post



    Please note this might get rid of the menu through out all the site, not just the front page. But try it and see.



    Default CSS around line 151. Height change from 126px to 0. That will get rid of the header with the menu. You might have to play a little with the size to make sure your login and logo fit ok.



    I want it as a teaser, so people will join the site to read the forum posts. They show private groups on the activity page, is that silly?

    Thanks for the links



    Sorry see if you have this one. name/profile/change-avatar/”>Change Avatar



    See if you have the following file name/profile/edit/”>EditEdit< is the name that is written on the tab.
    member is a members name



    You can upload avatars from profile page. profile > edit profile> change avatar.
    Make sure you have in settings that your members can upload avatars.
    dashboard > settings > discussion > Avatar display, thick it on.



    Hi @mercime, sorry I should have marked this post resolved. When I was checking the script for more faults, I noticed that I could not upload photos. To resolve this I changed the default settings in media from

    Then all the avatars appeared and I could also upload.
    But thanks for your help.



    Hugo, if I had tested other things to solve this problem, I would have told you.
    The reason I put the link to the site is, the last time I had a question with a site in maintenance, I did not leave a link to the site. I was told here to leave it as viewing the page source could help.
    As for whats happening, I thought I explained that. The avatars did not load onto the site. They are in the files but did not load.

    Your question “So what url are they showing, where are the links trying to grab the images from”
    How to I find this information, so I can tell you.



    Hi r-a-y,
    I have checked my files and the avatars have transferred over. So it seems they did not load. Is there some way I can get them to load.
    Thanks for your help



    Switched back to the default theme and all seems to be working now.



    photos uploaded by U BuddyPress Forum Attachment

    site I did not say the site as I have WP Maintenance Mode set and I thought the information I give on the version of the scripts, would do.



    I did number 2 and its still showing.



    Thanks mercime, worked perfect. Seen as its connected another quick question, how do I take the word freshness off the forum directory.



    group forums.



    Thanks for all the answers, Before I start to work on it, let me just explain. I have my site on the .net domain and the .com is pointed to the .net . I am quite happy, (in fact with your help, would like to) transfer the site to the .com (less the multisite) and leave the multisite set up on the .net url. Just take posts ect off once they are moved to the .com

    So I am thinking, do I export the database, from the .net over to the .com and make the changes to the files then, to stop multisite. The .com has no database at the moment. Or could I install a fresh wordpress on the .com, install bp and transfer over only the databases of all the buddypress to the .com.
    If this is the best way, would I be correct in saying, export the bp files from the .net and import them back up to the .com database. Any pointers on this would be great.

    I can have the database in the same host if it makes it easier.




    The search facility is not working on the site, well it kind of does, but only shows blog entries. what I do is use the tags and get the closest word to your problem and click on it and see what comes up. Of course first ask on the support forum, but I find, on my questions anyway, that only about 20% are answered. On the email notification, again I dont think it works, so to get over this, I will make some comment on a post I am interested in or want to find a problem on. Then when I return to the BP site, I log in and go to my activity page, and that shows all the posts I have being involved with, so I am able to follow it that way.

    There is a few bugs with BP own site, another one is my username is shown as “deleted user”, while my username is B1gft. I posted about it and again they said they have seen a lot of members that had this problem, again they said they knew about it, but again it was not fixed.



    If its not showing for logged out users but showing for you when you login, go to buddypress > settings> and make sure its clicked to no where it ask’s Hide admin bar for logged out users?



    I worked it out thanks.
    I would now like to kill the links on the visit tabs, even thought I have got rid of the words random group and random member and the word visit, if you click on where the words were, he link still goes through. Could you tell me, now what to do, to get rid of the links.



    worked perfect, thank you. Would it be the same file I need to change, to put the avatar first, then title second?



    Can anyone point me in the right direction, please.

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