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Forum Replies Created

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  • @ceo


    @nexia – Wouldn’t that also eliminate anyone NOT in the specific group from being able to use the forum though?

    @ashfame – I don’t think there is an option in BP. Searching I found this topic regarding a plugin, but it looks like it’s only partially effective as some people were posting that it was not allowing any group creation.



    @David – The site that had the issue for me was an upgrade from 1.1. Strangely, my test site worked fine when I upgraded it and it had a trunk from a few weeks ago. (And also, I completely agree regarding IE. I work for the state, though, and they seem to believe that’s the only browser we should ever use. It’s clear proof there is something wrong with their brains.)



    Discussed in this thread. You’ll have to install bbPress separately and integrate it with WordPress.



    Looks the same to me. This may seem like a stupid question, but perhaps maybe check that your browser isn’t zoomed a bit on your own domain? (I’ve done it.)



    Had the exact same issue yesterday when I upgraded. Thought it was a browser malfunction at first (I was at work and using IE *gag*), but in the end I fixed it the same way as David with a fresh database. I checked everything I could think of and starred at code until the page got wavy and I have utterly no input as to what caused it, but there’s something in the upgrade that seems to randomly do this. No idea.



    Clearly, I can’t read. >_<

    I actually already have Invisible Defender running — and I don’t know if it’s really done anything, but certainly it’s better than nothing. And my form is slightly tweaked; don’t know why I never thought to change the slug, though.

    Anyway, thanks David! :-)



    Thanks for the guide link, r-a-y, was incredibly helpful in getting my forums to work properly. Yay! :)



    With all of the web standards and accessibility built into WP and BP, it really makes me sad that a captcha plugin is the only known solution to this.

    Captchas are probably my biggest pet peeve on a site. Even the ones that aren’t horribly mangled pictures or have sound alienate those with vision and/or hearing loss. The BP site I run gets its share of spam registration — and like Andy I just mark them as spam as quick as I can. But a captcha isn’t going to help me in any way since 80% of my member base (including myself) are blind or visually handicapped.



    Very snazzy new design!

    Really enjoying 1.2, especially the ability to use child themes. :)



    The update buddypress link in plugins section in hinting me. Can I upgrade just by hitting that link? ;)

    Worked fine for me. You’ll still need to move the themse folders to the proper places, activate the new home theme, and go into the BuddyPress > General Settings and Save the member theme. Or at least, I did.



    Okies, this problem is now fixed! Half of my issue was I forgot to turn on error display in php.ini so I could actually see if there were any. (Duh.)

    So, when I did, voila!

    Warning: require_once(wp-includes/registration.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/blahblah/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-settings.php on line 25

    Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘wp-includes/registration.php’ (include_path=’/home/blahblah/public_html/includes’) in /home/blahblah/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-settings.php on line 25

    So, I opened up bp-core-settings.php and took a peek at line 25 to see why it wasn’t including what it was supposed to be and the line says:

    require_once( WPINC . ‘/registration.php’ );

    So I changed it to:

    require_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/registration.php’ );

    And now things are running perfectly. Yay!



    Well, that was completely confusing (didn’t realize I had to move themes around and such and then I couldn’t find them). But sadly, nope still get a blank page/404/whatever you want to call it.

    I contacted my host’s Support and I think I have them stumped too!



    Well, upgraded to 1.0 and this is still not working for me; however, the error has sort of changed:

    Cannot Complete Request

    Additional information about this problem or error is currently unavailable.

    So, my question is . . . could this be something with my host? I know that the last error I had that was WP related was due to some Apache memory issue thing that was fixed by Support quite quickly by just allotting more or whatever. (I was having trouble creating an Export file.)

    I’m completely stumped by this, especially since nothing else but this one page is broken (at least that I know of).



    Woot woot!

    And woot woot from Yara, too! ;-)



    Bumping this because I’m curious about the same thing DJPaul mentioned. The need to create a random account for bbPress is fine, but it’s pointless having it listed with the BuddyPress members when it’s not really one.

    Any suggestions?



    Interesting. I don’t think I’ve noticed that on the other bbPress sites, but maybe I’ve never paid attention.

    I just look at it as a little nudge to get more involved. ;)




    Me too, actually, with the ‘inactive’ thing. Though, you guys are both now members.



    Actually, it’s that page itself because I can’t change emails from their either. Something with the Settings page with BuddyPress. I can change these items just fine through either bbPress’s admin or WP admin. And nothing else in the profile seems broken. The Settings page loads fine, but clicking Save Changes leads to a 404 (so /general doesn’t seem to exist, I guess?)

    Anyhoo, running 1.0 RC 2 and bbPress is 1.0 alpha.



    Uh, duh, I guess a link would help:

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