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  • chneijens


    I’ve manually added a second extended profile in the mysql table with the same user ID and it only shows the second(latest) extend profile data, but not both extended profiles.

    furthermore, i’ve opened the file profile-loop.php in dreamweaver, but i have no idea what to alter in order for this to work.

    any ideas anyone?


    Hi everyone,

    I discoverd something strange.

    The Members directory is now the startpage (thanks to nickbwatson)

    but when I try to search for a member it doesn’t return any results.

    Then if I try again, it does work and returns results.

    It seems like the members directory hasn’t been loaded until you refresh the page or hit the members button.

    Any ideas are welcome.

    Thank you.

    Thank you guys for helping me out. Feel free to have a look at the site it’s still under construction though :-)


    I’m trying to create a basic business directory and I want my visitors to see the members directory page as the startpage.


    I haven’t tried it in any other version of bp, but because it’s so simple I think it will work in any version.


    Thanks for the plugin, but it requires wpmu and mine is single user. I don’t need the option to create blogs.

    thank you thank you thank you, it works perfectly.


    Forgot to mention, i’m using wp/su 2.9.2 and bp 1.2.1 clean install

    visit website

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