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  • @deepbevel


    Yes, that’s always bugged me, everything else is in profile. It would be great if there was a way for a logged in member to see immediately if anyone commented on any their activity posts.

    thank you for the info, I may work more with the plugin you referred to, see if I can get it working right.



    will that create in-profile notifications for activity comments? it looks like it address a more complex issue.



    thanks for that,

    okay, so mentions are their own component, and it looks like activity comments only have email notifications but no profile notification, unless I use a plugin.

    is there a difference between activity comments and activity replies?

    Also, what exactly constitutes an “update”?



    I tried the plugin, it shows a link to the comment under the notifications tab, but it doesn’t display a count, still says “0”.
    Also, it won’t load the notification in line,
    gets this error

    There was a problem marking that notification.



    I’m a pretty good googler, but I just can’t find a straight definition of what notifications are. I really tried.



    thanks I shall!

    however, if someone could tell me once and for all what falls under “Notifications” I’d sleep soo well tonight.



    I added a profile field to the members header.php, it was overwritten when I updated to the latest bp because I forgot to add it to my child theme.

    it became the default:
    * If you’d like to show specific profile fields here use:
    * bp_member_profile_data( ‘field=About Me’ ); — Pass the name of the field
    do_action( ‘bp_profile_header_meta’ );


    But the field still appears in the members header! how is this possible?

    My problem is, I’m trying to recreate the same site again, but I can’t duplicate it, I don’t know how to edit the members header anymore, or why it still works on my demo, but not when I use the same copy of bp as my demo?

    Im getting this error in the members header

    Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /home/palosverdes1/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-members/bp-members-template.php on line 662

    What’s going on? Please help!



    @ousep, your code still works after all these years.. it shows the count after the favorite button, perhaps not the most elegant solution (in the button, like the comments count, would be ideal) but it works! thank you!



    Turns out my site wide activity was being displayed in a page-wide widget (via “widgets on pages” plugin) But I thought it was the activity page. The widget doesn’t show the delete links.. which is weird but at least I know what’s going on now.
    Still, can’t remember if there’s supposed to be back-end listiings of the activity posts.. don’t see any.



    Never mind, it’s the Custom Community theme, some kind of conflict with he new bp, nice…



    Thanks for the advice on getting rid of the double homepage, now I’d just like to find out why there are sideshow options for every page, but no slide show showing up when they are enabled. I tried it with the home page slider off and on, and with different category settings, and with and without the thumbnails enabled. No combination seems to work.



    I just want to change the default “My Blog” to my own site name. Are there actually no settings for editing the main pages? does one have to edit php just for that?

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