Dggerhart replied to the topic Spam Users Registering. Stop 'em. What's the current best practice? in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 6 years, 7 months ago
Awesome advice.
Thanks so much!
Dggerhart replied to the topic Resend "Invite Anyone" invitations in the forum Third Party Plugins 6 years, 7 months ago
I wanted to close this topic by summarizing my “Solution”
Keyboard buffer forklift of the invitation data into a Mac Numbers spreadsheet (it readily accepted and columnized the table data from the CMS list view of invites.) This goes page by page. I had about 15 of them.
I then copied the single column of email addresses into the MailChimp…[Read more]
Dggerhart replied to the topic Resend "Invite Anyone" invitations in the forum Third Party Plugins 6 years, 7 months ago
Yup. Thanks! I was really hoping I was just missing something simple…
Anecdotally — it appears that single invitations are transmitted reliably. Using the multiple invite feature (addresses separated by commas) might be failing.
Dggerhart started the topic Resend "Invite Anyone" invitations in the forum Third Party Plugins 6 years, 7 months ago
I wonder if I’m missing the strokes to resend email invitations that went out through “Invite Anyone” plugin. Not a great deal of Knowledge Base at the “Invite Anyone” support site…
So I’m hoping that with records are in BuddyPress Invitations there is a way to reissue.
Is there a way to bulk select and resend? Or do they all have to be…[Read more]
Dggerhart replied to the topic Spam Users Registering. Stop 'em. What's the current best practice? in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 6 years, 7 months ago
Thanks for the suggestion, Varun. I’ll read about it.
For the record, here’s a link for anyone reading this in the future:
Discusses the options, and ‘wares to deploy … but seems really dated.
WordPress.com…[Read more]
Dggerhart started the topic Spam Users Registering. Stop 'em. What's the current best practice? in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 6 years, 8 months ago
I’m reading lots of posts that are a 18 mo’s to more than two years old. So I thought to re-ask the question, hoping for some more current advice.
How can I stop Spam Users from registering?
WordPress 4.9.6 running Idyllic theme.
BuddyPress Version 2.9.4
Site https://insideouthope.orgWhat’s the plugin, combination of them or other…[Read more]
Active 5 years, 6 months ago