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  • @dlittle800



    Last week I upgraded to WP 3.0 and installed your Buddypress Sitemap Generator

    Then, I upgraded to Buddypress

    Now, I cannot install Buddypress fully – any version.

    When I try to install it just keep loading and loading. I tried deleting all
    plugins. Then I noticed your sitemap files were not in a plugin folder.

    I don’t know if I deleted them all and if this is what is still causing the problem.

    If you want to take a look at my site, you are welcome. When you visit the site,
    it looks like it is working – but only for existing users. New users cannot register
    and I cannot login to admin unless I delete Buddypress..

    Any suggestions would be welcomed.




    I contacted my web host (, and they said my PHP memory limit is 64M

    They also confirmed from the error logs that I’m hitting the memory limit – so this may be the source
    of the problem.

    If this is the case, It’ll cost me an extra $240.00 a year to host a buddypress site that’s just a hobby.

    I tried deleting version and reinstalling version 1.2, but I still have the same problem.

    Could upgrading to have changed something in my .htaccess file (or something else) that I need to change back in order to use 1.2 again??

    Is there a buddypress plugin that can solve the memory problem : )




    Hi Ray,

    Thanks for the advice – but I’ve tried reinstalling Buddypress about 10 times.

    Buddypress is just not installing properly, as new registrants are not able to sign-up

    This is so frustrating because I have 10,000 members on this site – and growing (but not now)



    Hi Paul,

    Your suggestion lets me login, but when I am in the dashboard, I get the same
    message about Buddypress being deactivated due to missing file.

    When I try to Network Active, there is a “too long” delay, then I see this link in
    the address bar:”

    I realized too, that the site is not allowing new registrants. I just get a white page when
    I try to register.

    Ugh!! And I have 10,000 members on my site!



    removed nest .plugins folder – still same problem. Can only login to dashboard
    if I delete buddypress via FTP.

    WPMU works fine, and I can install and activate other WPMU plugins. But when I install
    buddypress, the site works but I can not login to the dashboard.



    Here’s the solution I’m going with. Gets the job done and will work fine until something better comes along.

    Changed text under Site Admin -> Options -> Welcome User Email

    Dear User,

    Your new account is set up.

    You can log in with the username and password you created.

    If you forget your password, visit the following page and click “Lost Your Password?”


    –The Team @ SITE_NAME



    @jfigura – thanks for the tip about avoiding WPMU DEV templates, lol.

    Re: too many quirky things in BP – I’ve found that a software program is ‘nothing but’ a bunch of quirky things. But it sure would be great if some brilliant programmer could create a plugin to solve this issue – I would certainly DONATE!

    @Peter – you are definitely right about the trend to store sign-up email password notifications – In fact, I have a folder in my Gmail labelled ‘passwords’ full of logins including the one for Buddypress and WPMU! (I’d be resetting my password everyday if I didn’t)

    @Mike – I would be willing to live with the current BP password situation because I sometimes forget (or delete) my own passwords and need to reset them and never even bother creating a password I can remember.

    Where I’m at now, is trying to figure out how the frig to change the message from WPMU so I can eliminate the password that does not work (it actually sends the correct username).

    I tried changing the text in the WPMU Admin panel, but this seems to have no effect at all – So I’m posting at the WPMU forum trying to find out which file to change.

    Any ideas would be welcome : )



    It sure would be great if WPMU sent the BP password created at new user sign-up.

    Is there any hope for making that happen in the future?

    >>The folks at WPMU tell me I’ve got a BP problem and vice-versa : (



    OK, so what’s supposed appear on solarpoweredfuture/blog?



    Thanks for the feedback Brajesh,

    But let me clarify the problem a bit further…

    I actually have had no problem setting the homepage as a static page on Dashboard->settings->reading.

    The problem, is that once I do so, the Blog is ALSO set to the same static page.

    I need a static page on the homepage AND posts in my blog (at the same time)

    Not the same static page as homepage and blogpage.

    Any ideas?



    Is it possible to have the welcome email include the RIGHT password? (i.e. the password that was entered upon registration)

    Any idea how?



    You need a test case!

    Here’s a thought…

    I am creating a social networking site for entrepreneurs.

    You can use my website as an example, and interview me as I go through the process of learning buddypress and setting up my site.

    I’ve been working with WordPress for 5 years, but am not a PHP programmer. I’m guessing this probably defines most of the (non-developer, business oriented users) who will be using Buddypress.

    I am open to ideas.

    – Derek

    You can contact me at:

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