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  • @dmazza


    I need to do something similar. I have two domains ( and where is the domain I use for buddypress, and redirects to it. Normally, I would park on and the end user wouldn’t know the difference, but with the subdomain rewrite rules, it really screws up wordpress mu.



    I am having the same problem. I can add a moderator, but it seems like there can only be one Admin.



    If you want something like mine:

    I think I just edited the profile loop and a lot of css in the member theme. All of that will be in the member theme. But I started with the skeleton, which I actually had to strip down even more, and then build it up a bit.



    Yeah, I had this problem for a while with 3.5 (while in beta) and it was fixed after buddypress 1.0.



    Awesome. We really appreciate it.



    I like the very simple 1-step registration process, but I don’t like the 2 confirmation emails. I just eliminated the registration process entirely and only allow facebook connect.



    That’s not a bad idea. As you can probably tell, all I did for this was change the layout and then work back in the default member theme’s css. I could just copy all of their css and do the same thing.



    In some ways I am glad that you are waiting for you plugins to be in full working condition before you release them, but you can definitely release the chat plugin before you add a feature like group chat.

    I am really looking forward to adding these to my site.



    This is a pretty core component of any social network. Why would you deactivate it?



    Same problem here. The radio buttons don’t do anything.



    A lot of people have requested it already, and they refuse to release it. The most recent thread was here:

    I have been working on a very simplified layout for my member theme that is similar to

    I might release it if I finish it. At the very least I will release sort of a skeleton theme for this layout.



    I was able to add it to the admin bar on

    I am going to make facebook the only way to sign up and login once I modify the home theme.

    I don’t know what you mean by ‘buddybar’. All I know of is the adminbar, userbar, and optionsbar. You might be talking about the userbar that shows your own avatar and navigation through profile, friends, activity, etc when logged in, and just a login form when logged out. I got rid of that on my member theme.

    It shouldn’t be very hard to add it anywhere, that code snippet should be all you need, unless you want a little more customization. You will also probably need to modify or add to the structure.css file within the plugin.



    I have this functionality working on

    I had to modify 2 files in bp-activity.

    bp-activity-classes.php – I had to make the output of get_activity_for_friends formatted like the other two, I don’t know why it wasn’t already formatted.

    bp-activity-widgets.php – I basically copied the code for the sitewide widget and adapted it for the friend feed.

    I was also working on the friend rss feed because it doesn’t work at all. You can see that when you go to My Account>Activity>My Friends and click on the RSS feed. Even if you have activity on the page, it won’t show up in the rss feed. I can talk more about where that bug is hiding if anyone is interested.

    I would be happy to post my changes somewhere, but unfortunately I don’t know how to abstract this into its own plugin. I think this should probably be part of the default activity plugin anyway.






    I also realized why I hated the default member theme so much. For some reason in Firefox 3.5b4 on mac all the font on the member theme is huge. I don’t know if anyone else has had this problem, but it is fine in Safari. It actually looks really nice in Safari.



    Thanks for the links.

    I have seen the horizontal design as well, and I don’t especially care for that either. I have determined for my purposes that I don’t need that navigation at all.

    That is an awesome facebook theme, but I don’t literally mean that I want it to look like facebook, I just want it to function more like facebook. Facebook has a very minimal amount of navigation by putting everything into “apps.” I don’t want to do that, but I also don’t think I need navigation just to see each of my friends’ events, groups etc. I am just interested in seeing who is attending each individual event, or who is a member of each individual group.

    My ideal design is this: The front page lists upcoming events, new groups and recent activity including blog entries, which is already possible. The top navigation remains the way it is with links to each component. I can see my own profile and friends’ profiles. I can see a list of all events, all groups, and within those events and groups I can see who is attending. Finally, each group has events and a blog. Each blog is primarily used to talk about and link to the group’s events. I guess that is exactly what we already have, but I feel like the default design is almost too much functionality for my needs.

    I think I am going to take apart the default member theme and show you what I mean. Then we can go from there, because I think a lot of people might like a more simple member theme.



    Actually I’m just surprised that no one has yet. I am somewhat reluctant to do so at the moment because things are still changing fast, but now it seems a little more stable. I think I want a much more simple design than most people would, so I can understand why you made it that way. My users are college students, so it needs to function just like Facebook. I am using it for campus groups to post their events, form online groups and start blogging. The main focus in on the events. BuddyPress is exactly what I have always dreamed of because I don’t like Ning.



    The default member theme sucks, and I haven’t seen anyone significantly modify it. I plan to do so at some point, but I don’t understand why they didn’t just model it from their own awesome member theme. Even the skeleton member theme is more or less the same as the default. You would have to make significant modifications to the skeleton theme itself for it to be anything like the member theme.

    Specific issues:

    Profile fields are way too spaced out.

    The navigation design isn’t really necessary.

    The wire should be on top, and profile fields in a small table below. Everything else is mostly unnecessary.

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