Philippe Roussel replied to the topic BuddyPress xprofiles website field not working in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 18 hours, 52 minutes ago
Hi @emaralive,
I did a lot of fancy stuff with plugins lately, and that might be the reason why I came across this issue. I re-tested and everything seems fine now.
Thanks a lot for your quick answer.
GyziieDK replied to the topic BuddyPress Group – Load Newest Activity (Bug) in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 6 days, 8 hours ago
Hello @emaralive
Thank you for the update! 🙂
I can confirm that it now works with the new update – yaaaay! :o)
Thank you guys for all the work you do for the community!
Keep up the great work. <3
GyziieDK replied to the topic BuddyPress Group – Load Newest Activity (Bug) in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 3 weeks, 1 day ago
Hello @emaralive
Thank you for the update. Sounds exciting – I’m looking forward for the new release when it’s ready. In the meantime I just made the “Load More” button hidden on my site. 🙂
Please keep me updated. Thank you! 🙂
Why Not Advertising, LLC replied to the topic Blurry Avatar and Cover Images in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 4 months ago
@emaralive @vapvarun thank you for the information, I can try editing and looking into other solutions when I get a chance but this one seems like a warranted challenge for the BuddyPress Programming team.
@thinlizzie it might be a waste of time at this point until the code is revised to take into account other CONSTANTS and the issue with high…[Read more]
Mathieu Viet replied to the topic BuddyPress Error (Admin Dashboard Users Menu) in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 10 months, 2 weeks ago
@emaralive Thanks for alerting me about this issue.
@kioubizin using BP Classic is the way to go with your config. The issue you get with the WP legacy widgets Admin Screen is due to the Latest Activities BP Legacy widget that comes with the BP Classic Add-on.
I’ll fix it asap and build a new minor release for it. In the meantime I believe you c…[Read more]
Mathieu Viet replied to the topic BuddyPress roadmap 2023-24 in the forum Ideas 1 year, 1 month ago
Cool! I wasn’t aware of it! Thanks a lot @emaralive
Active 2 hours, 14 minutes ago