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  • @embergermedia


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    I’m glad to help! I’m sure some of my ideas are not the cleanest way to solve the problems, but they seem to work. And as it seems difficult to get answers to questions here sometimes, I try to help where I can.

    Let me know how things go after you get a chance to try them out. Ps. the code I pointed to in that link, if it is not clear- I used it to create an ‘if’ statement.




    Hey @christophg

    Sorry, I’ve been travelling a lot or work and haven’t had enough time to come back here!! Thanks for the info on Profile manager. I was half way through with my solution when I stumbled upon hers. It didn’t work for me, so I contacted her. After several iterations of the plugin it still didn’t work for me. I suspect there may be a plugin conflict, however, I have limited plugins running on my installation, and my community needs every one of them. So I continued to make refine the idea I sent to you.

    As for your question regarding using S2 to control who gets one of your pages created, I am not sure if it is possible. As it stands, S2’s hooks and filters only allow you to keep content sequestered depending on user level.

    One idea for you though is to allow a page to be created for every one who registers. Then, display the contents of that page as an iFrame on each users member profile page. Create a private group for the members who should have a rating. Then wrap the iframe in code that restricts the display of the iframe to only displayed members of that group. I do this very thing for my “Brands”.

    I believe this is the code I used to show only on my brands member pages:

    Let me know if you need more help!



    @christophg Sorry for the delay in getting the registration/profile idea to you. Here is what I do:

    I use S2member to keep my customers and brands separate. I then created a new profile group called “Company Profile”. I made this the last profile group. I then added the following code to the file:

    <?php if (S2MEMBER_CURRENT_USER_ACCESS_LEVEL li:last-child{display:none;}


    The above code hides the profile group on the edit menu from users below level 2, my brand level. And it also hides the profile group edit fields from anyone below level two. In case the menu item shows for some reason. And, unfortunately, this will not hide the menu item from users in IE 8 and below. But it WILL hide the profile group from them.

    I tried using jquery to affect last-child in IE. Although I can get the jq to work on a test page on IE, it won’t work on the menu item… not sure why.

    Next, my brands all belong to a private group, and I use a group conditional script to show the brands profile info front and center on their profile page with custom styling. This allows the brand members only to have a slick looking page that is different from regular consumer pages.



    Let me know if you need anything else. Or if something doesn’t make sense.






    Create a simple page template for the feedback page. All you want is the pages content and comments. Make this the default theme for this post type. Then simply create an ifame calling the page that you would have normally linked to. I would set the frame style to have border=”0″ so that it looks more integrated. Let me know if you need more detailed instructions.



    @christophg Awesome! Can’t wait to have the time to look into it. Unfortunately my community is already over 200 strong, and counting! So unless I can make this idea work retro active it won’t work for my project. I plan to dig into my idea next week. (hopefully it happens this time!)

    @imjscn For my communities needs a 5 star system is best. I’m sure it wouldn’t be hard to mold my idea into a thumbs up/down system. Keep watching this thread, as I make progress I’ll post it here. You may also want to look in christophg’s idea if you have a young or new community.



    Sure thing. It’s late at the moment, but I’ll round them up for you soon.



    As opposed to multiple reg forms using s2member levels, I have created a business profile group for my Brands (S2 level 2). I use the s2member levels and css to hide this profile group from “consumers” (S2 level 1) on the site.

    I have then created a private group just for the brands, and created a condition loop in the member header that shows the info from the brand profile section if filled out and only if they belong to this private group.

    If this idea appeals to you and you need details let me know.

    Wish you luck with the new venture!!



    Is this the wrong forum to discuss this idea?

    Anybody have any thoughts on this? Thanks



    Interesting. Though I tried following the links there and they took me no where.

    How is your experiment coming along?

    I had some family business, and paying work take priority this week. So I may not get to mine for a few more days.



    Hmm.. interesting idea to look into that plugin. I’ll give it a look. I think firstly though, I am going to see if my idea will even work on a basic level. Then I’ll look into this problem.

    As for yours, I think just a simple post template is all that would be needed. If it has none of the sites styling (ie, header and footer or wrappers), it will fit nicely within the iframe you give it. And if you set the frame to border=”o”, it will look clean with the page.

    I am interested in the basics of your idea. How will you automatically assign each user a post? And will this happen for old users? Or is it easier for new users?



    Have you thought about maybe simply calling the content of the linked post and displaying it in an element directly on the profile page? No need for extra navigation. Or perhaps making a simple template for the custom post type? No header or footer…just post content. And displaying it’s content in an iframe?

    I just realized something, I need to work out how to make and use cookie info, or something equivalent. I need to keep track of each users rating of each “Brand”, so that if they want to re rate the “Brand” their old rating is subtracted before their new rating is figured in. With out that I am left with either: Hiding the rating form for good from the user on a per “brand” page basis after they rate, OR allowing each user an unlimited number of ratings per “Brand” (that could get ugly fast!!)



    I just saw your update.

    I think we may stay away from the comment ability- we desire to keep ratings as benign as possible.

    How are you planning to display this info on a users profile page?



    @christophg I have my math worked out, and the basic structure summarized. I’m going to start the heavy lifting this upcoming week and hope to test by next week. I’l let you know how I make out. If all goes well, I will then study up on how to make this a plugin.



    Wonderful idea as well! Hmmm… I wonder which idea would be easiest to implement? I am thinking yours. Since we wouldn’t have to create custom code to track ratings, average and display them. gdstar would handle the heavy lifting.

    The only problem I could see is the enormous amount of new pages being created, 1 for each user. We are looking to grow our network to about 10,000 users with in two years!

    What do you think?



    @christophg So far I’m looking to create a custom user data field for the front end, and hard coding it into the member-header file with out current user id restrictions so other members can manipulate it. On the front end it would just be a simple form field of 5 check boxes with a star image set as background images. I am still working on the math to tally total ratings and display out the results as said stars. Think of the star rating system on NetFlix. The form to rate is also the averaged rating display.



    @christophg I have a similar site structure and have been looking for a rating system as well. To date I haven’t found anything except this crumb of hope:

    this being done by @dwenaus

    At the moment I am working on trying to create a simple solution myself. I may have a look at the plugin mentioned here and see how it works. I’ll post here if I figure anything out.



    I use S2member to monitor my sites membership, it provides hooks and such (not too sure about the terminology) that allow you to display content to certain user roles. I have a user role for companies (experts). I also have a profile field group just for them. It is the last group.

    I have added inline css using last-child selector to hide the menu option to edit this profile group from everyone except members that have a level 2 membership. And since Buddypress will only show profile data if the field has been filled in, it only shows on Experts (level 2 ) users public profiles.

    If this is confusing, let me know and I’ll try to give exact steps for how I accomplished this.



    I use S2member plugin. It will handle what you are asking for. Plus a whole lot more. Be sure to read all the documentation.



    I took a different approach:

    1)Buddypress general settings- rename the “Full Name Filed” to nothing… clear it out and save. This will remove the label from the reg page.
    2) Hide the full name field on the registration page with css.
    3) Add JS to mirror typed characters from username field into full name field
    requires jquery 1.4.2

    #field_1 {visibility:hidden;}

    function sync()
    var n1 = document.getElementById(‘signup_username’);
    var n2 = document.getElementById(‘field_1’);
    n2.value = n1.value;


    Call it appropriately:

    `<input type="text" name="signup_username" onkeyup="sync()" id="signup_username" value="” />

    Seems to be working pretty good so far.




    Updates to forum posts. They have been there since March, when we went live!



    I’ve been using S2member. Works Great! I think you’ll find it does what you need, and then some.



    Thank you!! @alan



    @r-a-y yes this is the original thread. However, the other thread I opened was more specific. So I still have an unanswered question. I was hoping that since you gave a ray (no pun intended) of hope that it could be accomplished, that perhaps you could offer guidance on how to accomplish it.

    I have googled for the last month on this, and can’t create the solution by myself. So i am still asking for help.


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