Forum Replies Created
There ya go
Right now when I click on a Blog post title, it takes me to a version the the main page which is formatted to the main page for the slide show, which I’d like to change
Well that has to do with the theme you built, maybe some incorrect php.The user profile page right now is completely blank with only the background image of the site and the header image but does have the standard user profile content on it.
Ok, well than what is missing?
What are the files for User profile and Blog posts which can be edited to give them a custom look and feel as index.php dose in the theme folder?
User profile is yourtheme/members/single
The post page depends on your theme, some themes have a post.php file, but I don’t know if you have created something similar to that however in your theme that you built.
I would say gregfielding wrote a function regarding the redirect, or edited an existing function.
This will give you some hints:
Why do yall’s hide your sites from visibility/ search engines? For spam or what?
kvadd, your members directory seems to be working for me.
Did you solve it?
Anything you need me to do?
I suspect there has been a WP change that has impacted BP.
No, because your the only one who has had this problem
Try de-activating all your plugins to see if there is an issue with a plugin.
Something is wrong with your user roles. What are they all set to right now?
Check this out:
I am pretty sure we wire around wordpress feeds, but I’m not positively sure.
`one, too: cursor on “buddypress with logo” on menu, on left. it will show arrow to expand, see option there.`
Just go to your dashboard and create more profile fields under “Profile Field Setup”
Not that I can think of currently. You must be running some plugin to show the tags, because they don’t show up anywhere by default.
One option is to install this plugin:
It imports activity from other blog feeds around the web. What you would do is put the address of the feeds of the group’s activity streams into the group, so the posts would flow into that group also.
This is an email issue, nothing to do with Arras. Zy has fixed conflicts with buddypress and Arras in 1.5, however Arras is not a per say easy “compatible” theme to makeover with buddypress by itself. Unless your ambiguous like me, and do it anyway
The situation might have worked on the bp default theme for a number of reasons. The confirmation email delay of sending depends on the number of traffic on your site at the moment, sometimes with high traffic loads the email can take up to 45 minutes to arrive. ( yes, 45 minutes).
Also, the bp-default theme by itself doesn’t have much to load at all, like images, javascript, and other. Arras theme has lots of images to load, (like featured slideshow), and much of the widgets have images, and other things that can cram up the server, and cause a big delay on the email sending as well.
This plugin allows that:
However, the photos/videos are hosted under the cinopa server, not yours, unlike the Bp-albums plugin.
Andrea would be better to help you with Multisite, I’m not very fond of it.
Under wordpress MU?
From my understanding your users shouldn’t need to go into the backend to set theme. They should have preset themes.
Simple CSS rule can achieve that. `font size: 4px; `
Thats just default settings in wordpress.
Looks like you could of modified some textarea ID’s because thats the only reason that I could think of that that could happen.
Unless your running a 3rd party plugin.
It’s some problems we have been having at, it’s happened to me as well. I think JJJ is upgrading some things on the site.
Probably the avatar was so big because the default css attribute for the avatar sitewide (`.avatar { `) was probably set to a height and width, so it would automatically assign that height and width to that image because it has nothing else specified.
We have all been through hours of trial and error
Shrinking avatar would make more sense because who wants to type in a textarea that is the size of the cursor?
Tell ALL your group administrators to do this in their group to make the forums work properly. If there is over 100K groups, you must have a LOT of group owners, or, 90% of them are spam groups.
If they are spam, you must go in and delete them all.
That’s not the issue he is having. It’s with the avatar and the textarea is colliding.
Find this line in your `wp-content/themes/fishbook-buddypress-buddypack/style.css`
` img {
border: 2px solid #FFFFFF !important;`Add this to the bottom:
`width: 33px;
height: 33px;