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  • @hatiro


    From what I remember, the ajax is done through the default theme _inc ajax.php file specifically the bp_dtheme_ajax_querystring() function found around line 91. This gains its data from the get_users() function found in bp-core bp-core-classes.php on line 201.

    This is for bp1.6 though, as stated above I understand this has changed now and is done differently, so perhaps someone who has looked at this in 1.7 onwards can add to this thread.



    OK found it! The Member Directory Search now passes values straight into the loop using ajax querystring, this gets its data from the main get_users function and doesn’t use the search_users function.

    Obviously I needed to modify the core to omit searching in certain profile fields by inserting ‘AND spd.field_id NOT IN (‘2′,’3′)’ into the sql before the search terms, but I understand that as of BP1.7 this will be reworked into BP_USER_QUERY and so will need changing anyway…

    As an aside will the exclusion of searches for profile fields be doable in this new user_query? The reason is that if you are using any form of security/visibility on profile fields then you don’t want to be able to search on them. Currently, even if the profile fields are not visible it will return the user with that data in their field if the invisible data is used.



    Coming at this from a different tack then.
    Does anyone know which function the Directory Search uses in order to accomplish the ajax querystring?

    Any pointers would be gratefully received.



    @ChrisClayton Thanks, if its a known bug not a problem, just wanted to make sure it wasn’t me missing the obvious.



    Thanks for the replies. I think I’m creating a problem for myself bigger than trying to keep up to date with all the upgrades… problem is trying to upgrade older version of buddypress to new version with some plugins now defunct, so quite a change to the site. Having the ability to run a beta site in parallel tapping into the existing data for the network, groups and forums would allow for development to the point of going live and providing some members to test out with their posts being kept, rather than a complete swap out, with always too little testing.



    the LEENK.ME plugin looks promising but would it be able to be set for users in buddypress not just blog owners?



    Thanks Paul. Much appreciated.



    Having finally caught a break to spend time upgrading I’m wanting to go from 1.1.3 – 2.5? but the codex instruction page highlighted in this thread says page not found. Has the url changed or has it been deleted???

    If anyone can help that would be great.



    I have the same issue but turned on its head.
    If I write a username in the send to box even if they are not a friend it sends the message anyway.
    I’m using bp1.1.3 wp2.8.6.
    Any idea how I can get this reverted, I haven’t altered the code in friends apart from creating a language file to change friends to contacts……



    That is true if I clear the cookies and cache.

    But what I usually find is that when I close the browser and then open again I usually have to log in again. On my buddypress site that is indeed the case but for it isn’t

    I seem to be logged in to unless I clear the cookies or log out, regardless of closing the browser window and finishing the session or indeed rebooting…..

    I only ask this as a lot of my users keep forgetting their passwords and this option would be great….




    I hadn’t noticed the join leave function as I’m currently not using that part of the functionality, but glad that we managed to get it working…

    Is your pagination working when you have more than 10 events?



    OK, I’ve found the solution, after running through a lot of the files, I managed to get down to ajax.php in bp-sn-parent/_inc. in there you will see functions calling the -loop.php files.

    Simply duplicate bp_dtheme_ajax_directory_blogs() function and insert events where blogs is.

    This will then allow the directory and the search functionality to work in events….

    If this works for you don’t forget to change the red light to a green light..




    I’m running an altered version of 1.1.2 and WPMU 2.8.6, and have exactly the same problem.

    I’m not a coder but am trying to look at the differences between the events code and the groups code which is what I beleive it is based on.

    It looks as though it has something to do with AJAX as the groups search uses a jQuery function(“form#search-groups-form”) in bp-groups/deprecated/js/directory-groups.js

    I say this as when you search on the groups directoy the page doesn’t refresh.

    I can’t see anywhere, where the events pages calls an ajax function to complete the action.

    Also, I’ve noticed that the pagination doens’t work for me after 10 events (i.e. moving to a second page) but that could just be me.

    If you get any joy with this let me know…

    Likewise, I’ll do the same.



    Yeah, I would have done but I’ve been skinning this one since about 1 Nov 09….. and have made it fit what I’ve been doing. I had originally done the site in 1.0.3 which has been live but then ran into trouble with plugins, so decided to redo to 1.1.2 when I couldn’t upgrade without losing a few things, I decided to start over with 1.1.2…

    Trouble is (not that I’m complaining here) that you are developing the system far, far quicker than I can keep up…

    As I guess quite a few of us aree running older version, it may be worth considering setting up different forums to cope with legacy systems as like the IE issue, we still have to cope with those who are just not up to it………..




    Did you find a solution to this, as apart from the duplicate id’s which have been sorted, not sure how to access the html to correct the activity stream that is putting <p> tags in the wrong places. Its causing me a few headaches as Firefox and IE7 insert different closing tags…



    Whilst that’s true, I think for those of us who are not great developers, coders or web stylists, having something that shows recognition even if its not linked is a better alternative than just deleting it from the footer…

    but of course with the logo I presume copyrighted, it would need to be an offical ‘powered by’ one to be used only for specified purposes.

    I’m guessing that those developers who are able to combat the spammers with a greater degree of control then perhaps it is a non-issue.

    It was just a thought.



    Found that using this custom function broke the group join button in the group. The custom function therefore needed a simple if statement to show whether the join button is being pressed by an admin or not (as admin would have already joined). This seemed to rectify the situation.

    Only thing now is to work out how to change the avatar in the activity stream to match the user and not the logged in user….



    My error, found that a custom function had broken this action. For some reason even though the custom function had been renamed it was being used by the join button on the group page but not on the directory page. I think it must be something to do with the wpnonce url action. A simple if statement in the custom function fixed this issue…



    OK to finish this off so that the topic can get back onto the image resolution.

    in bp-activity-templatetags.php ~line 258 there is the function bp_activity_content. in the return apply_filters part at the bottom of the function replacing $content with html_entity_decode( srt_replace( ‘%s’, ”, $content ), ENT_compat, ‘UTF-8’) seemed to do the trick. I copied it from the filter for the rss feed futher down on line ~462…

    Apologies to those trying to get images to work, but this thread helped me sort out my problem.




    Only really changed the IMG output above to mimic the [a] tag and put the plugin description at the top, dropped it into plugins and activated it.

    Problem I’ve got is how to strip out the html in the activity stream, or to turn it into a clickable link with the activity stream…

    None of this helps the forum topic here though….sorry…



    Plugin Name: TAG-override

    Plugin URI:

    Description: Forum tag override function

    Version: 0.1


    Author URI:


    function gs_bp_forums_add_allowed_tags( $allowedtags ) {

    if ( bp_is_group_forum_topic() ) {

    $allowedtags[‘a’] = array( ‘href’ => array() );

    $allowedtags[‘del’] = array();

    $allowedtags[‘p’] = array();

    $allowedtags[‘br’] = array();

    $allowedtags[‘cite’] = array();

    $allowedtags[‘blockquote’] = array();

    $allowedtags[‘h3’] = array();

    $allowedtags[‘strong’] = array();

    $allowedtags[’em’] = array();


    return $allowedtags;


    add_action( ‘plugins_loaded’, ‘gs_configure_forum_filters’ );

    function gs_configure_forum_filters() {

    remove_filter( ‘bp_get_the_topic_post_content’, ‘attribute_escape’ );

    remove_filter( ‘bp_get_the_topic_post_content’, ‘convert_smilies’ );

    remove_filter( ‘bp_get_the_topic_post_content’, ‘convert_chars’ );

    add_filter( ‘edit_allowedtags’, ‘gs_bp_forums_add_allowed_tags’ );





    I’ve managed to adapt the above to enable the use of a href tags, and whilst it works fine in forums, it shows the link in all its verbose glory on the activity streams. Any thoughts on how I can get it to allow the tags in the activity stream?



    OK, I passed on the messaging route and altough its taken me a day or so (I’m not a coder), I’ve managed to create a member list within the manage members part of the admin section of the group, which checks to see if they are members of the group or not and displays a join button alongside each member (in a div with auto scroll on the vertical).

    I then passed the user_id as a variable in the join button link and registered it in the function using $_GET…

    The functions I duplicated and put into bp-custom and tampered with to change logged_in_user for user_id are bp_group_join_button, groups_action_join_group and groups_join_group…

    So far so good, haven’t rigourously tested it yet though but it seems to work.

    I haven’t coded a plugin but I’m sure that would have been a better route… :)



    r-a-y, you are a star, thanks so much for your quick response.



    Sorry for posting on a resolved topic.

    r-a-y put me on to this post, which is exactly what I need, but reading the thread Burt kindly put some code in the pastebin, which seems to have expired. Any chance it can be posted again as I’ve read through the thread and the penny hasn’t dropped yet…





    Many, many, thanks, I’d searched ‘blogs’ on the forum but couldn’t find it…time to change my glasses again…

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