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  • @keston


    Hi, this one worked for me:

    Hope that it can help



    Thanks Nicola.

    It seems to do the same thing with bpdev-youtube, I add a new ticket for that.



    Hi, you mean in the buddypress front end or bb front end? Do you install this plugin:

    It did the same thing to me before I’ve installed it on bp front end now its working but not in bbpress!



    Thanks Nicola, now I know what the problem.I’ve set my install like that because if not install wasn’t work.I report it right now.



    @Enlightenmental1: Yes, if you take a look to my website you can see some of them working.Thanks for trying to help btw.

    My BP-Dev plugins are relatively correctly installed.I’ve only the youtube plugin and this one which doesn’t works.

    It’s probably a conflict or a problem of configuration.

    Please Nicola told me if you already have experienced some thing like that.



    Read better :D

    As I said in my previous post I’ve already activated the tinymce plugin under the plugin page.The plugin is in your package via svn but when I browse I don’t see it and don’t find any documentation on that.

    I throught that it will be included on the backend in a near future, but that the function was already here for thoses who wants to add it by themselves.



    Hi, thanks for all your work and your fast answer

    To be honest my bp-dev admin is just a feed reader and I’ve just fixed a simplepie bug with this method: but it still the same

    Tinymce is activated on the bpdev plugin page.Check my bpdev admin:



    @ Sparun: Thanks, I’ve seen that and the plugin is already activated in my admin but for the moment I don’t know how to make it working.

    I’ve just updated bp dev plugins from the trunk, and now the group extra thing is working, but not the tinymce, I guess that you must to configure something somewhere!

    If you have a link or something about integrating that, because he’s in the pack but not on the plugin page.Or just tell me where I must to look, thanks!



    Nice work Deep and Artsafact.I’m working on this one: this is a community website around the sneakers culture.



    I would love some features like allow images and a tinymce editor on the forum’s textarea without any extra coding.But if somebody have a way to do that he can contact me, it would be greatly appreciated!



    I’ll try to set a little plugin or something later, but for the moment you can follow this method, it’s the Fishbowl81’s code adapted for ebay editor kit:

    Edit your bp-xprofile-filters.php by placing the following code after the custom buddypress filters:

    /* Display ebay listings field */

    function bp_profile_ebay_display( $field_value ="", $field_type = "", $field_id = "" ) {

    { // clean up input

    return "<script language='JavaScript' src='".addslashes($field_value)."&sid=BP&siteid=0&sort=MetaEndSort&sortby=endtime&sortdir=asc&srchdesc=n&tbgcolor=FFFFFF&tlecolor=FFFFFF&tlefs=0&tlfcolor=000000&toolid=10004&track=5336248810&watchcat=63850&width=350'></script>";



    function bp_profile_ebay_groups( $group_name ="") {

    if($group_name == "My Ebay listings"){

    remove_filter( 'bp_the_profile_field_value', 'xprofile_filter_link_profile_data', 2);

    add_filter( 'bp_the_profile_field_value', 'bp_profile_ebay_display', 2, 3);


    add_filter( 'bp_the_profile_field_value', 'xprofile_filter_link_profile_data', 2, 3);

    remove_filter( 'bp_the_profile_field_value', 'bp_profile_ebay_display', 2);


    return $group_name;


    add_filter( 'bp_the_profile_group_name', 'bp_profile_ebay_groups', 10, 1 );

    Also it depend of your css code but it can be useful to put this in your member theme’s stylesheet (base or your custom stylesheet). table td{


    Then create a profile field group named “My Ebay listings” and a profile field like ebay username and you’re done!



    !Its working fine right know! just by comments some code lines, visit the backend and comments them out!!! How I can find that alone?! Thanks!



    Yes this one.I don’t know how to directly apply the patch but I modified the files as indicated on it.



    Hi Burt, I’ve the same problem.I’ve found a ticket in the trac but it didn’t help.

    I’m running the latest svn bp version, the latest mu version, it’s subdirectory you can saw that here:

    I know that the problem is that the wire table isn’t created into the database but I don’t know how to fix that.If you can help me it will be truly appreciated!



    It did the same thing to me.I fixed that by deleting bp-music.php and puting the code directly in bp-xprofile-filters.php.I don’t know if it’s a good issue but it’s currently working, thanks Fishbowl81.

    I’ve also adapted the code to display user’s ebay listings:

    (Sorry for my english)



    @mattkg: Thanks a lot, its working fine for me with safe mode OFF.

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