Forum Replies Created
Luccame pointed me to in case anyone else comes looking for this topic.
I’ve actually never used—or run into anyone using—Custom Press and EventPress. As for xProfiles, EP as such doesn’t interfere with any of those. I can only comment based on past bug reports and yours is the first one of this kind—and the only way that I can think of for EP to cause a 500 server error is if one of the few rewrite rules in EP conflicts with some other rewrite rules.
However, I think you seem to be using network mode? I haven’t actually tested EP/BPCP in network mode—so can’t predict the behaviour at all.
And I think you meant Paul Gibb’s Welcome Pack
Ok—EventPress creates events under a post type ep_event and registrations under post type ep_reg; just in case that proves useful.
Hey—not expected behavior at all. Could another plugin/theme be causing this somehow? Anything you’ve changed recently?
You could try using BuddyPress Custom Posts and modify it to what you need. That’s what EP uses, and it basically attempts to minimally replicate the dashboard for custom post types. (
Have a look at how capabilities are granted in models/events.php—you can grant the required caps to subscribers too. Or, there’s an event_creator role that’s just meant for this—in the wordpress admin area, you could make the default user role Event Creator, and also bulk modify the existing user capabilities to event_creator.
The over-ride works only for the php files, not the CSS files, actually. To remove the css file in an upgrade-proof way, dequeue Or you might just want to add the css with an !important added to child theme’s style css, for example `.ep-event-details { background-color: #fff !important; color: #000 !important }`.
Event Creators is the role which only has permission to create events. And yes, you can upgrade existing users to that role from wp’s backend.
I’ve faced this question so many times I decided to write a wiki page about it—it’s not as detailed as I would like, but it should get you started with customizing the themes.
Hope that helps.
@farmerpaul I’ve added root components starting from bp_loaded, with the component registered at setup_globals (setting up $bp->{component name}, etc.) and bp_setup_root_components and adding the controller for the component at wp,1 and navigation at wp,2 (I needed them to be after init as I was joining custom posts types which become available at init).
See these files: was a bug in the filter for the register button—I just resolved it and did a quick version bump! ( was an interesting number too so I couldn’t resist in-spite of not having this planned)
I’m surprised that neither I nor anyone else noticed this before.
@abstorm You’ll need to upgrade people to Event Creators (a new role is created) to allow them to create events—and they can do that via both the front end or back end.
BuddyVents is good too.
@ovizii That is not intended behaviour; the plugin has it’s own templates built off the default theme for BuddyPress; if you’re using a custom theme you’ll have to add your own templates. You might be able to get by with just changing the styles of the EventPress templates; the theme files are stored under eventpress/themes/bp and buddypress-custom-posts/themes/ . Any file you place in your own theme folder with the same name/relative path will directly over-ride these default theme files.
This seems to be a more upstream issue—check out
@obakitch You can over-ride the theme files — I guess you can get an events directory, etc. as required; disable the forums; to match the look of your site the edit-form, create and edit pages will have to be drastically re-themed.
For future reference, try raising plugin issues on the plugin group:
Also, try out EventPress . That is the only plugin right now using BPCP (BPCP was developed as an offshoot of EP, to be honest) and can give you an idea of the kind of functionality provided by EventPress.
@JacobPolavieja Yup — by default BP treats WP Custom Post types like normal blog posts and inherits the standard functionality. BPCP sidesteps the whole WP display, etc. procedure, and makes custom post types behave like a component in BP — if you were to register a post type using BPCP too, you’d get activity stream integration, a separate directory for that particular post type, a front end editor that mimics the back end admin screen to an extent (inheriting custom widgets you add, etc — this will be slowly improved over time), and default theme files that are automatically picked up from within the plugin unless you have replacements defined in your themes folder.
Personally, I found the best resource ever for PHP to be — for any function I need to get into, etc. Plus the code snippets people leave on the sites are awesome.
For exploring BP’s available API and how to go about doing anything I’d suggest diving into the Core Code of a “related” (something that can have a bit of similar functionality to what you intend to make) component. Find out what is similar to your intended plugin, and see how that is implemented — it acts as a good starting point to the BP API available.
Use some editor that allows quickly jumping between functions/class definitions from calls to them — it’ll make browsing that much more helpful. (I tend to stick with gVim + exuberant ctags).
Hi Sven — Thanks! I replied to your question on the google group. Copy/pasting here for the sake of completion:
On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 3:10 PM, svenl77 wrote:
> first of all, thanks for the nice powerful plugin. Brilliant work!Thanks!
> I have a question. how can I display the event categories?
> I like to display The event categories in the sidebar. But with the
> eventspress templates for the entry. Not as a normal entry.
> I couldn’t find anything in your files. Will this function be
> developed soon? It’s an important part for me.Depends on whether you’re using EventPress on WordPress or EventPress on
BuddyPress — support for nicely displaying tags and categories hasn’t been
included at the moment, but for I can definitely add in templates for
WordPress by 0.1.3. Tag/Category support in BuddyPress needs much more work
and will take a bit of time.Kunal
Capital P please!
On a more serious note — for those wondering about the future of EP — I have no intention of abandoning the project; drop in for feature requests, bug reports and discussions at and
1. I’ll check about the invite tab, that is strange behaviour (I haven’t been able to to do that much as I have exams this week — I’ll be addressing all bugfixes for 0.1.2 from Monday onwards.
2. If an event creator invites someone, then the registrations get auto approved. If someone else (apart from the creator) invites people, then they get the “pending” status. ( I had assumed that anyone invited by the event-creator himself shouldn’t be given a pending status.)
Also, I’ve started using Google Code hosting for EventPress and related issues — that way I don’t have to keep checking this forum, the plugin forum, the wordpress plugin form (as EP also runs without BP) and my blog for feedback — . So, beyond this point, I’ll be checking the google project more often (and more of a chance to see a reply there).
@Anointed: Ah, ok. I haven’t actually updated the gsoc repository for quite some time now. I also thought about moving to git but decided against it in the end — WordPress’s repositories will be the sole location for up to date versions of EventPress and BuddyPress Custom Posts.
@Anointed: Apart from EventPress, you’ll also need BPCP Thanks.
@PJ: If you haven’t yet, try getting a new version of EP and BPCP from the plugin repos. That should solve the problems.
@PJ: Just eliminated the called — that debug fn slipped through the cracks — had used it while modifying the posts query for sorting thru eventpress. That would probably also explain the issue with the theme, I guess.
I’ve removed that call — can you check if that stops breaking the theme: . (This is a bleeding edge version of EventPress, so it might be better if you wait till this weekend is over before going live).