Forum Replies Created
Does not look like you’re using a BuddyPress compatible theme. The default TwentyTen theme is not BP compatible, out of the box.
Try making the your current, activated theme compatible with BuddyPress by using the BuddyPress Template Pack plugin:, create a child theme for BuddyPress: way, your theme must be BP compatible in order to utilize the BP features.
Good luck!
We installed the WP Super Captcha plugin on 3 different WP/BP high traffic sites and it cut the spam sign ups down by 80% immediately. Not a beautiful solution, by any means – but it does work somewhat. 80% is better than nothing.
Can be configured to show the captcha on the sign up page and login page – whichever you prefer, or both. Compliant for WordPress (with or without Multisite enabled) and BuddyPress configurations.
Good luck!
I have encountered this bug, as well – many times….typically when I have moved a WP/BP site from a localhost to a new domain – – or when I’ve assisted in the transfer of the site to a new host.
After banging my head for awhile – I resolved it by reinstalling the forums (easy – just click the Forum Setup in the BuddyPress section in your Dashboard. and click re-install) – then went into each group that has forums enabled, as admin – disabled the forums for that group, then re-enabled the forums for the group…after that, it worked.
Not sure if its a bug, or if this is the accepted solution – however, it’s what worked for me on three completely different sites where I experienced this particular problem.
Timely, yes (especially on a site with lots of Group forums) – but it worked.
Additionally, this thread reports that this problem was caused due to the bbPress sitemaps plugin – not sure if you’re using that:
Good luck!
I came here for the cake…where’s it?
It actually covers 1.2 — Really, the only thing that didn’t make it into the book is the mention about the ability to use it on .Org as well as MU — but the basics of using BP are the same either way, so in the grand scheme – it was a minor omission when compared to the massive changes that did make into the book for 1.2. It was quite a challenge keeping up w/ BP development during the writing of the book no doubt – – big props to Andy with helping me stay up to date and as current as possible; while doing a fab job tech editing the book
Keeping up w/ fast dev. in print is a challenge for any publishing company or author. My hope is that it is helpful to anyone who gets their hands on it.
Have to say, I was bummed to see the scheduling conflict w/ Andrea and I – – I did not want to miss her panel.
Hopefully some kind soul will tape it (hint hint)
I’m also doing a BP Workshop on Sunday — kind of a hands on install-to-launch in steps .. maybe I can convince someone here to help me co-run it to help field questions?
Sunday looks like it’s shaping up to be an “Unconference” day with lots of opportunity for open discussion, networking and workshops. Fun stuff!
Count me, and my husband Chris, in for sure. Andy – an open discussion would be fantastic, but agreed that drinks are necessary. Looking forward to meeting everyone in NY!
Thanks DJPaul & John – I really had a lot of fun doing that theme for them. Just LOVING the new BP theme structure
@Bpisimone many thanks!
@Erich – the book is set for release late Jan/early Feb, last check. Thanks for the pre-order and hope you find it helpful!
Mfjmk – would love to include it. If it’s not too much trouble, could you pop me a quick PM here when you have it updated? I have about 3-4 weeks left before the book is ready for print (according to me editor)
Thanks alot!
My editor says .. “Lisa, just create a bunch to list in the book”.. uh, heh.
I think telling the readers to keep their eye keen on the /extend/themes directory on the BuddyPress site is a good way to go, since there are only two compatible themes listed so far, doesn’t really warrant an entire chapter really.
Thanks for the feedback!
M@rk – seems so
Looks pretty much how I’m doing it for a client site currently – – they have 4 main Contributors who publish to the main blog and they wanted a section in the sidebar called “Contributor Corner” that displays each of the 4 contributor avatars (clickable to their profile page) shown next to their latest status update from their profile.
Give this a shot – it links the user avatar (by user ID) to that member’s profile page (this example pulls from the user with the ID of 3) –
<?php global $bp; ?>
<a href="<?php echo bp_core_get_userurl($userid=3) ?>"
title="<?php bp_core_get_user_displayname( $userid=3, true ) ?>">
<?php echo bp_core_get_avatar( $userid=3, 1 ) ?></a>I bet there’s a cleaner way to go about it – but it should get ya started
Hello Madloki –
Visit this URL at BP Trac:
Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and you’ll see the following:
Download in other formats:
* Zip Archive
Click on “Zip Archive” and it will download the .zip file of the latest trunk version.
Just launched this custom MU/BuddyPress theme last week for a client of mine:
Loving the latest release(s) of BP – keep up the phenomenal work!