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  • @mattg123


    if its only on the members profile, its your theme



    I used not long ago with the current bp version, so as far as I’m aware it still should.



    If you plan on paying for a chat then check out



    @rastarr you could always go the none-code-way and create a new user?



    @shubh14 that’s because rtmedia has changed, go pro or go home or….. go take a look at their theme files and copy how they create galleries^^



    @pjbursnall , I wouldn’t say that it is pretty easy here

    <?php global $current_user;
    		$display = $current_user->display_name;
    		$login = $current_user->user_login;
    		$userid = $current_user->ID;
                    $home = get_home_url();

    add that above your custom drop-down then its pretty simple just echo out the username, url etc <li class="li-fourth"><a href="<?php echo $home . '/members/' . $login . '/activity/mentions'; ?>">Mentions</a></li>

    EDIT –

    Oh the other bit you’d have to google for is the avatar but here
    <?php echo bp_core_fetch_avatar( array('item_id' => $userid, 'type' => 'full', 'width' => 100,'height' => 100));?>
    You’ll want to adjust the width/height accordingly



    @pjbursnall yeah that code replicates the notification element only (the only part that is somewhat confusing to replicate) you place the code in the plugins directory in bp-custom.php you may have to create the file yourself. – shows you how to create a drop down menu, get the current users info so you can create links to their profile pages, etc.

    Just a note, to add the notifcations to your custom bar your code will look something like <li><?php bp_notification_badge(); ?></li>



    @pjbursnall Personally I think buddypress should disable admin access anyway as most users don’t want it but that is neither here nor there. Recreating the admin bar is pretty easy, you need to know some css, html and a few bp functions to get the current users details like username etc, as for the notifications @modemlooper or @mercime posted this a while back (my apologies for not remembering which).

    function bp_notification_badge() {
    	if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
    	global $current_user;
    			$notifications = bp_core_get_notifications_for_user( bp_loggedin_user_id() );
    				if ( empty($notifications)) {
    				echo '<li class="li-first" id="li-first-right"><a href="' . get_home_url() . '/members/' . $current_user->user_login . '"><span class="circle-zero">0</span></a><ul class="second-level" id="second-level-right"><li class="li-second"><a href="' . get_home_url() . '/members/' . $current_user->user_login . '">No new notifications!</a></li></ul></li>';
    				} else {
    						echo '<ul class="second-level" id="second-level-right">';
    					$counter = 0;
    						for ( $i = 0; $i < count($notifications); $i++ ) {
    						$badge = count($notifications);
    						echo '<li class="li-third">'.$notifications[$i].'</li>';		
    				echo '</ul>';
    				echo '<a href="' . get_home_url() . '/members/' . $current_user->user_login . '"><span class="circle-badge">'.$badge.'</span></a>';

    As for actually disabling the admin bar + backend that can be done with a plugin, plenty of them just google.



    @steel-rat that plugin adds a favourite button however no notifications, you would have to build what you want yourself i think



    @synaptic I noticed @modemlooper actually put an incredibly valid point across about plugins, I’ll extend that to themes. You didn’t really pick up on this in my opinion. Buddypress gives you the foundation, plugins give you the rest. I imagine nearly every Buddypress powered site has multiple plugins and custom themes. If these were added to Buddypress itself, it would be bloated and have features others simply do not need.

    Whilst your thread is about how to contribute if you’re not a programmer, you mentioned that you are currently learning html/css. With a good grasp of these and an understanding of PHP and jQuery you could start developing Buddypress themes.

    Creating a theme obviously takes time, and you have to “learn” how to do so but as you are currently learning html/css it makes the next leap pretty straight forward, you could start a new project to build a Buddypress theme, by the time you’re done you’ll have a good grasp of html/css and probably a fair understanding of PHP and jQuery. With the added bonus of a new theme for the community.

    Btw I didn’t mean for that to read with any animosity but nearly everyone could contribute to Buddypress building complicated components may very well be out of bounds for the average user, but like yourself most have some degree of knowledge that could be put to good use.



    @mehdi-w you should google “css” and learn some of the basics but…. place that at the top of default.css, it should fix the majority of the links, the ones still have an underline have more specific css selectors.



    @medhi-w I advise you to go and learn some basic css but a {text-decoration:none;} will do what you want



    Well, if you have the knowledge you can fix it, however @bphelp has code for a custom toolbar either way you’ll need some coding knowledge



    well from the looks of things your admin bar has been modified, check buddypress’s admin bar for example, so i would start by deactivating all plugins – minus bp AND use bp default theme. Also is the admin bar displayed while bp is deactivated?



    have you got any code in bp-custom.php?



    Never done it myself, but i think comment_form accepts some arguments for that kinda of thing. Though since your question is more wordpress related, and you have buddypress installed I’d use buddypress activity comments rather than the wordpress ones anyway



    @clanvision use the default buddypress theme and see if the error still exists, my site doesn’t have this error.

    Also, I’ve used shared hosting for a Buddypress site before, it’s fine for getting a site online and tested but beyond that it will be useless. Your site takes 4 seconds to load <!– Generated in 4.036 seconds. (294 q) –> and that’s without many concurrent users.

    This laggy slider of yours would be the last of my concerns, you need to optimize your site quite badly. (btw Buddypress is free, and so is the support if no one answers your questions, it’s because they don’t have an answer. If that’s the case it’s YOU who should do the research to fix the problem, not complain about the lack of free support)





    np @samdg but as mentioned higher in the thread, removing the username from the url might be a different story



    Go Google how to create drop down menu’s with css then look for wp/bp functions to get their display name, username, avatar etc



    or go to member-header.php and remove it properly since hiding it with css means its visible inside the page source anyway, not very hidden



    those two lines were “IF” you changed the locations of the javascript file and the image – if you placed them in the folders that i mentioned, you won’t need to modify those lines at all



    @shanebp looks pretty cool checking it out now thanks



    No need…. I’ll just explain it slightly better you’re using a buddypress child theme, so you need to create a folder inside _inc called “js”. For me, this holds all my javascript files in this case, you’ll put backstretch.js here (make sure the name is backstretch.js)

    Next step is putting the background image in the folder _inc as well, place your image inside “images” within _inc, name it background.(whatever)

    Now we need to add the code so that wordpress uses these files – we can add it to our functions.php

    function backstretch_script() {
    		wp_register_script( 'backstretch', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/_inc/js/backstretch.js', 'jquery', '1.8.3', true);
                    wp_enqueue_script( 'backstretch' );
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'backstretch_script' );
    	function backstretch_add() {
            <script type="text/javascript">
                jQuery.backstretch("<?php echo get_stylesheet_directory_uri()?>/_inc/images/background.jpg");
    add_action ('wp_footer', 'backstretch_add', 20);

    add that code as is – you may want to change the .jpg to .png or whatever file type your image is.

    If for some reason you don’t want to place backstretch.js or your background image in those folders, you’ll need to modify these two lines to the new location.

    wp_register_script( 'backstretch', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/_inc/js/backstretch.js', 'jquery', '1.8.3', true);
    jQuery.backstretch("<?php echo get_stylesheet_directory_uri()?>/_inc/images/background.jpg");

    Hopefully that’s slightly clearer



    deactivate plugins, use default theme

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