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Thanks @mercime I will check those out.
As far as the backwards hover issue, just do what everyone else does and steal the design idea from apple.
Sheesh, never mind. bp_is_group_home() is what I was looking for. It didn’t work first time around for some reason.
hah, I wish it was! It is the bar for me right now if that counts
I am actually trying to figure out how they did. At least the best way. They have some really nice things going on in that site.
That is actually what i am working on too. Trying to move the forum info and maybe some other items to the group home page. Its not useful as it is now.
This is a great example
Thanks Andrea. I will check the link out.
I actually moved everything pretty smoothly but my one plugin is giving me errors on one theme. When I switch to the default theme I am mostly error free.
I will check out the beta. Its not that much work to start over.
I get paid handsomely in Panera sandwiches for lunch so I can’t complain about my employer
I just do what he says…. haha
thanks again Andrea!
OK, so I got thru the first 99% of the migration. My question now is the wp_options table.
I renamed it to wp_1_options and deleted the freshly installed wpmu options data and replaced it with the original wp/bp options data.
I am still missing my original widgets data but other than that is seems ok.
I am afraid I deleted something I will miss later.
Is it better to append the wpmu options with my original data? Or just start over like I did?
I have since had trouble using the bp classifieds plugin but I am not entirely sure its related.
Any thoughts?
3 tips:
1) Take a deep breath.
2) Don’t insult one of the most helpful people on the board.
3) Its a good question and I don’t know how to do it but maybe check out how the blog works and reverse engineer it. If you get too stuck, put it aside for awhile and work on something else. Then go back to it later with a fresh perspective.
Now kids, theres plenty to go around. How about $.50 to each – but you gotta promise to spend it on beer!
Thanks 21. I hadn’t seen those yet.
I will check it out.
Thanks for pointing those links out.
– resolved. Where do I send my $1
I can see how it might be good tokeep friending, but give the option not to use it. I hate it when Ning takes away features. maybe that should be a last resort.
@Xevo you made my point in your post when you said ‘friends/colleagues/partners”. It is much more useful to be able to group the people you want to keep in touch with.
I belong to some pretty large Ning sites and I have hundreds of “friends” there with no way of using sub categories to really define who these people are.
Someone else pointed out also, you don’t necessarily want to use the word “friend” on a business network.
Yes, lets please leave friending (and gifts!) to the complete meltdown that is Ning.
Instead of friends, let’s go the twitter route and be able to group people by lists or even with tags. That is useful.
Friending is a complete waste of bandwidth.
“I want to say “1.2 doesn’t contain any database changes”,”
Thats what I want you to say to!
Thanks for the info Paul. Thats what I was looking for.
Thanks for the response Brajesh.
My biggest fear is I put up the trac version, I get 20 people on the site using forums etc.. and then when 1.2 comes out, I have to do a diff on the database and hand tweek all those tables to bring it up to date.
That is a possiblilty, right? I am just trying to get my worst case scenario together.
or, is it better just to use 1.1.2 (whatever it is right now) and when 1.2 comes out, just do the automatice update. It would take care of upgrading behind the scenes for me,right?
Sorry, for the silly questions but up to this point I have just been re installing every new version – haven’t used it for a live community yet, but its coming soon….
Thanks Jeff I did see that. I jumped to the end ““I’ve built a completely custom WordPress theme and BuddyPress themeâ€
I was thinking mine was custom but maybe its just altered. I think I need to visit
““I’ve used the old default themes, but modified the layout/colors—
a little more in depth now that you point it out. thanks.
Johnegg – I made a plugin for that exact scenario. Its a wpmu manual member approve plugin.
Hey Andy, that worked. I was able to post. I still got a 404 on the first pass, though.
should I head to that link when I login?
yea, i tried the default themes and deactiating plugins. didn’t work.
I think I might have to re-install.
Cool, thanks DJPaul
I will check that out.
For what its worth, I have been getting that error page on this site lately so maybe the two problems aren’t related.
Well, actually. No… haha
Its good info and it will definitely be used but my actual question here was how to make that main page without having to add it to the themes folder.
Like how the events plugin adds all its files to the bp-themes folder.
I guess it doesn’t matter which directory we add the files to but all the plugins I have seen are adding the files to the bp-themes directory so I guess I am just wanting to be a sheeple on this topic.
After reading your last post, it seems like I am looking for something like this:
bp_member_load_template( ‘fun’, true );
does anything like that exist? I am looking thru the event code but there is quite a lot of it so its slow going.
This is the best post I have seen on the subject.
hey Paul,
I don’t really have code at this point. The only code I have is for the member pages, not the main page.
I basically got the slug working with bp_nav_bar and that was it.
I am using BP 1.0.3
Good stuff, thanks John.
bp_core_load_template( ‘chubacabra’, true );
that would look for chubacabra.php in the home directory, correct?
It does not have to match the slug, I assume?
I am sure I can go into template mode and create a page that way, but I would like to make it so if someone installs the plugin, the main aggregating page shows up automagically.
I am working on a video component. Basically just stole the picture component and am migrating it over to accept video embed code. No uploads.
I haven’t seen anyone working on one so I thought I would take a shot at it.