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  • Mike Witt



    Could you provide a bit more information on what you’re seeing? I’ve also been having a problem, apparently with the timezone, between BuddyPress and bbPress. But the problem I’m seeing is definitely not new with BP 12.

    FYI, I’m just another BP user. Here a description of my issue:

    bbPress / BuddyPress notification interaction?

    Mike Witt


    I’ve finally gotten a test site up to try out 12.0.0-beta2. It looks (so far) like I can run without BP Classic. I am seeing a lot of Deprecated notices for things like bp_core_get_user_domain and bp_get_group_permalink, but maybe those just haven’t been cleaned up yet.

    I do see something else, which is not new in BP 12, but I hope it’s OK if I just mention it here. It seems to be an interaction between BP and bbPress. When my site is set to UTC the BP notifications for bbP posts have the right times. But if, for example, I set my WordPress time to UTC+4, then the times of mention notifications look right, but the times of reply notifications are four hours off.

    I don’t *think* there’s anything weird on my site that would cause this.

    Mike Witt


    @awol, regarding your bbPress tangent — my experience is that neither the BP forum (this one) nor the bbP support forum work the way BP and bbP do “out of the box.” Perhaps it has something to do with the theme, or perhaps they’re customized. But if you want to see how they’re going to work together your you, I’d suggest setting up a test site and installing them with your theme. Also robin-w on the bbpress forum has a plug-in that allows for a lot of customization and is pretty good about answering these kind of questions.

    Mike Witt


    @canister, for what it’s worth I’ve gotten a lot of good help on doing things with the members loop from the buddydev forum:

    Mike Witt


    I haven’t absorbed all the information here yet, but I did want to voice a big “thank you” for taking care of legacy users by providing BP classic, taking care with the transition, and providing a place to discuss things.

    Mike Witt


    @doncomputing, this looks to me like it’s coming from MemberPress. I think you should ask MemberPress support if they can shed any light on what might be happening (or did MP already tell you to ask BuddyPress?)

    Mike Witt



    Six years later(!) I’ve run into this same privacy issue. Just curious, are you still using BuddyPress and did you ever find a solution?

    Mike Witt


    Great. Thanks @imath.

    Mike Witt


    Is it documented somewhere what versions of PHP a particular BP release is tested up to?
    Or, can you tell me if 10.6.0 is confirmed for 8.0 and 8.1?

    Mike Witt


    OK, I see it. Looks like that’s Kinsta specific.

    Mike Witt


    Hi @meestergijs,

    I don’t know the answer to your question, but I am curious about how you’re getting metrics on how long your plugins take to load. I would love to have that kind of information for my website. Is there some particular tool that you’re using to do this?



    Mike Witt


    @ravals, in the unlikely event you’re still interested in this, take a look at:

    Hide Public message on profiles

    Probably scroll down to the bottom.

    Mike Witt


    For what it’s worth, I’ve overridden buddypress/activity/post-form.php and basically deleted all the content from that. This *appears* to work on my test site, removing the What’s New field from both the user’s profile and their “group” page.

     * BuddyPress - Activity Post Form
     * @package BuddyPress
     * @subpackage bp-legacy
     * @version 3.0.0

    I’m a little unsure if I should actually have that closing ?>, but it appear to work that way.

    Mike Witt


    @kerchmcc, @sub0810, @maryreyes:

    Just wanted to make sure you saw the latest developments (the bbPress thread just above).

    I’ve also updated the bbPress Track ticket with the suggested code. I don’t feel competent to say that it’s correct, but it appeared to work on my test site:

    Hopefully someone who really understands these things will take a look at the ticket!


    Mike Witt


    Just one final note: It turns out there is a known bbPress bug for this, and future developments will all be on the bbPress thread, not here. So watch this thread:

    bbP subscription control in the BP profile?

    Mike Witt


    Just in case anybody is still following this thread 🙂

    I had a little time recently to look at this again, and I got some info from the folks at BuddyDev, that this is actually a bbPress thing:

    [x] icon to delete subscriptions

    I haven’t yet tried the fix Brajesh suggested.

    I’m asking for more info on the bbPress forum:

    bbP subscription control in the BP profile?

    Mike Witt


    I’m using Legacy, so that link tells me to override activity/post-form.php. But that whole file just creates that one form, right? So it seems like I should be overriding the thing that *includes* that form. I don’t see it in activity/index.php, but maybe I simply don’t know how to recognize it?

    Any thoughts on this? Sorry for me level of ignorance here 🙂

    Mike Witt


    Thanks @michaelabf, I’ve started using this too. Do you happen to know if there’s a similar way to get rid of the “What’s New” line on the user Profile->Activity?

    Mike Witt


    Hi @hcmendez,

    I don’t know how to do what you’re asking, but I am using Memberpress and Buddypress. If you figure out how to do it, or if you have any ideas, I’d be interested in comparing notes about this (and anything else about MP/BP interactions).


    Mike Witt


    I’m very interested in this too. If you find any really good sources of information on caching in dynamic or memberships sites please share it here. For what it’s worth, I’ve got all caching turned off since I’m not sure how to do it safely. I’m also running bbPress and MemberPress, which probably makes the concern greater.

    Mike Witt


    OK. I’ve never created a track ticket before, so I hope I’ve done this right:

    Mike Witt


    @shanebp – Just to summarize, I did everything you suggested, including 2020 and BP Nouveau. I still get the DB error. See comment above.

    Mike Witt


    @shanebp – OK, I deactivated every other plugin, and I switched from 2022 to 2020 as you suggested.

    Getting the same error when clicking on one of multiple PM notifications.

    The only things active are BuddyPress and the 2020 theme. No 2020 child.

    Mike Witt



    > You could try turning off other plugins and switching momentarily to a WP theme like 2020

    Are you saying 2022 is no good?

    I’ll try turning other plugins off.

    Mike Witt


    @shanebp – OK, I finally figured out how to replicate the error.

    WordPress 5.9.2
    Twenty Twenty-Two Version: 1.1
    BuddyPress 10.2.0 (Nouveau)
    And some other plug-ins, including MemberPress and bbPress

    (1) Send two private messages to someone.
    (2) That person clicks on one of the notification, and the error happens
    Sometimes it happens if the recipient just refreshes their profile (and hence the notifications)

    Note: There need to be multiple private message notifications. If there’s just one notification the error doesn’t appear to happen.

    The error looks a bit different with BP Nouveau:

    [31-Mar-2022 17:41:07 UTC] WordPress database error You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ') AND user_id = 2 AND component_name = 'messages' AND component_action = 'new...' at line 1 for query UPDATE wp_bp_notifications SET is_new = 0 WHERE item_id IN () AND user_id = 2 AND component_name = 'messages' AND component_action = 'new_message' made by do_action('wp_ajax_messages_get_thread_messages'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, bp_nouveau_ajax_get_thread_messages, bp_thread_the_message, BP_Messages_Thread_Template->the_message, do_action('thread_loop_start'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, bp_messages_screen_conversation_mark_notifications, bp_notifications_mark_notifications_by_item_ids, BP_Notifications_Notification::update_id_list

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