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  • @mikemcd22


    I am posting this here because it might solve part of the problem and it worked for me: I found this <a href "; While it does not solve the issue of members being able to approve themselves, it does allow the ability to resend an activation link (email) and to manually approve members in the Que. It works with WP 3.1.3 and BP 1.2.8. I hope this helps the scores of people desperately seeking admin approval of new user registrations.



    I found this <a href "; While it does not solve the issue of members being able to approve themselves, it does allow the ability to resend an activation link (email) and to manually approve members in the Que. It works with WP 3.1.3 and BP 1.2.8. I hope this helps the scores of people desperately seeking admin approval of new user registrations.



    This seems to be a highly requested and necessary feature. Are there any plans for this type of admin control in future releases of BP?



    I would also be interested in any development in this area.



    Any chance this is getting fixed in future upgrades? Another nice fix might be to make it obvious that users have look for a “confirmation email before their membership is active”. Yet another feature request might be to have avatars show user names on Hover. I am sitll trying to find where feature requests go and I am not sure these will make the priority list… :)



    I would love to know the answer to this as well if anyone is still watching this… Loved Theme my login…



    Any idea how long I will survive on GoDaddy shared hosting with only 100 – 200 or so users? Is dedicated hosting at GoDaddy better or worse than any other hosting solution?



    I know this is an older topic but in case someone is still looking for answers; the unwritten fix for this seems to be to simply create pages within your theme and name them “groups”, “forums”, “activity”, “members” and “register”. The “Register” link only works when you are not logged in but does not return any error (it just brings you to the root url). Also, I had to re-install forums using the Suffusion BP pack after I created the pages. Hope this helps someone save time…

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