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  • @mrgiblets


    Hey @danbp,

    Thanks for the tip but in the meantime I went and bought Buddyboss Wall and that seems to be doing the job perfectly.

    I think I was having trouble as I am using a completely blanked WP theme with everything stripped so I can style everything to my liking. But the css structure of both WP & BP can get very confusing at times 😉



    Thanks @henrywright, that did the job perfectly 😉

    It’s probably down to my css / ajax set up so don’t worry about it, I’m sure it’s not an issue with the plug-in itself 😉



    Sorry @danbp you’ve lost me there?

    All I’m trying to do is change the slug from “members” to “users”.

    So links become –

    I thought the docs I was reading were outlining exactly that?

    Have I misunderstood?



    Hey @henrywright,

    Yes it’s very strange, I have changed multiple other things in my new POT file but for some reason this particular string won’t translate?

    Try it yourself if you like, at least then I’l know if it’s just my install or a script bug.



    Hey @henrywright,

    What would I need to change to stop the mute button showing up on the members directory listing?

    It seems to be a little unstable on there, If I mute somebody from this page it doesn’t show me the unmute button again? Unless you can give me the code to fix that instead 😉



    Haha I don’t envy you there, that is a serious amount of code man!

    I’m yet to even start on the mobile / tablet side of things yet with this bp site, still just trying to understand how it all works and how to modify it to my needs. Building it solely for desktop res at the moment, but I will eventually have to join you on the rocky road of media queries lol



    Hey @mcpeanut,

    AWS Pro will do exactly what you are after out of the box, it returns you to exactly where you were on the page, but you might find that you want to disable that as it can be a bit confusing for people. If they click on a link for a blog post for example, it will load the new page but not from the top if that makes sense, so you see the blog post but you may already be halfway down the page and need to scroll back up to read it from the start. This can be fixed with the inbuilt “scroll-to-top” feature though, which is what I use but I’ve removed the hard coded jQuery animation that comes with it.

    The messaging issue is that at the moment with AWS Pro activated, the dropdown list of members isn’t firing when you start typing somebody’s name in a private message. I notified the dev about it and he is fixing it for the next update though.



    That honeypot code is great, gonna give that whirl, thanks @danbp



    Hey @mastodontmedia, I’m using a clean install of BP 2.2.1 with WP 4.1.1 and members are sorted alphabetically by default.



    Doh.. Don’t worry I see what’s happening.. Need more coffee 😉



    Hey @danbp,

    Sorry bro, I can’t get it to return the user_id.

    This is what i’ve got in bp-custom.php :

    function field_location() {
    global $bp;
    	// Check if the Activity component is active before using it.
    	if ( ! bp_is_active( 'activity' ) ) {
    	if( bp_is_user() && ! bp_get_member_user_id() ) {
            $user_id = 'displayed: '. bp_displayed_user_id();
        } else {
            $user_id = 'get_member_user: '. bp_get_member_user_id();
    $field_name = 'Location';
    $return = false;
    	if ( empty( $user_id ) || empty( $field_name ) || ! bp_is_active( 'xprofile' ) ) {
    		return $return;
    // the bp way to get user datas
    $location = xprofile_get_field_data( 'Location', $user_id ); 
    // output the div only if $location has data
    if ( ! empty( $location ) ) {
    		echo '<div style="margin-bottom:5px;">Location: '. $location .'</div>';
    // we show this on the member header, using an pre-defined action hook in members-header.php
    add_action( 'bp_before_member_header_meta', 'field_location' );

    And then I’m calling it in member-header.php like this :

    <?php field_location(); ?>

    Using do_action( ‘field_location’ ); isn’t working for me but the above method does.

    But it returns nothing. Only if I declare the user_id variable somewhere will it return the data for that user.



    Brilliant that’s perfect, thanks again @danbp 😉



    One other note about the code you provided, It only works if I declare the user_id in the variable. ($user_id = 2), but that’s obviously not practical here. How do I set that to get the user_id of the current profile being viewed?



    A quick follow up question…

    Can I echo the xprofile_get_field_data fields elsewhere in WordPress (outside of Buddypress) in the same way?

    ie :

    $location = xprofile_get_field_data( 'Location', $user_id );
    echo $location;

    Obviously replacing user_id with the numeric user id.



    Superb, thank you @danbp!

    Not only answered my question but this also gives me the fundamentals to implement further ideas I have for my BP site like displaying profile fields based on user roles.

    Cheers 🙂



    The site i’m currently developing with Buddypress (my first buddypress site) is totally Ajaxed using Ajaxify WordPress Site Pro.

    All profile tabs are now ajaxed as well as everything else.

    There is a small issue with messaging but the plug in developer is fixing that as we speak.



    Cheers mate, London.

    Bloody hell….

    65.000 concurrent connections on port 80 from cometchat files to the webserver

    That is just insane!

    Well again, while I was having these problems I went through my server records and even when the site was bombing out the CPU “spiked” at 6.3% which is nothing. lol

    It certainly wasn’t my machine that couldn’t handle it, but if they are throwing out that many requests to a single chat instance, can you imagine how many they must be throwing out for the thousands of websites that are using it? It’s no wonder that their poor old web servers can’t handle it.

    I will back up what that guy said though, their support team are excellent. Every single issue I had they have attempted to resolve (In fact in every other case they have, apart from this one)



    Well I just assumed that if I was to run this on my own server that it would never need to contact cometchat at all, let alone every single time somebody visits your site. It really is overkill in that respect. I guess they could also be using it to collect user meta, but again, when you pay decent cash for something you don’t really expect that kind of backend activity going on.



    Bro I was about to buy the mobile SDK and brand it for our site.

    The site is a live radio station and CC was taking down the entire site (not the audio stream as that is hosted on different servers), but it’s not a good look when people can’t access your website.



    @mcpeanut if you want to see quick chat in action check it out here –

    It will be dead in there now, but gets busy during the afternoon / evening hours (UK).



    I suggested to them that they host whatever scripts are being called on a reliable CDN like S3.

    I don’t know whether they will take my advice though?

    It’s also worth noting that the cometchat site itself is usually very slow to load. I don’t know if they are hosting their callback scripts on the same machine or not but it all does start to make more sense when you take that into account.



    Oh I should add, the last time I tested it there were only 14 people trying to connect at once and cometchat still threw the 504’s.



    @mcpeanut yeah it is a weird one.

    The server is set up and working perfectly. There is only one website hosted on there, but it is a busy one. The problem arises due to their ngix websever ,mine is apache2. When multiple people hit the chat room at once their nginx server throws 504 errors.

    have you got 30 users connecting from different locations in a real world test?

    Yes, the site is live and was tested repeatedly with real users from literally all over the world.

    isnt that what it is supposed to do when connecting to their push service

    That’s what I assumed would happen when using their comet service plan, and it does, as far as the majority of the weight on the CPU goes. Even with cometchat enabled their servers still throw 504 errors when too many client try to connect at once.

    Like I said, I even took comet service out of the equation all together and ran it on my machine with memcache, same story. It’s never my apache server that throws the 504 errors, always their nginx one. If we weren’t using different software I would have probably never been able to diagnose that, but luckily these and all other server errors always tell you what software the web server is running.

    The problem arises because every time a client on my site loads comet chat, the script contacts the cometchat servers (for what I assume is some kind of anti-piracy measure – they wouldn’t actually admit when I mentioned it but they didn’t deny it either).

    I’m perplexed by it because I have seen comet chat for years as you say, I never dreamed I would have this kind of an issue with it.

    They have been trying to fix it by rewriting mySQL queries and other things, but as it stands right now, if I was to reactivate it, the site would get knocked out until I removed it again.

    Re: Quick Chat – It flies on my dedicated server but it used to start really slowing down on my vps (which had a pretty decent spec too – 6GB RAM) when it hit around 40+ users. At that amount it would start kicking people out of the room and taking ages to post messages.
    If you only need it for a basic chat room for 20 or so people at once it does the job just fine, if you need it to cope with more than that I’d look elsewhere.



    Guys I have cometchat installed on a current wordpress site and I’ve had to deactivate it after much back and forth with their support team (who are very good it has to be said).

    I bought the Professional Edition and also purchased the Comet Service to reduce load on my server.

    Sadly it hasn’t worked out well.

    Every time cometchat gets even slightly busy (30+ chatters in a room) it brings down my entire website. I disabled comet service and tried running it solely on my own dedicated server (which is pretty powerful 12 core / 64GB ram / 1Gbps pipe + 1Gbps burst) but the same issue kept happening.

    After some debugging it all boils down to the fact that, whether you have comet service activated or not, the script “calls home” to comet’s servers every time somebody loads it in their browser. The problem that was taking my site out is that their servers couldn’t handle the load and were returning 504 errors which was wiping my site out (as the comet chat scripts are loaded aright after the opening <head> tag, preventing the rest of the site from loading).

    They tried a few things to fix it for me, but ultimately the script still needs to contact their servers and their servers can’t handle the requests.

    It’s a shame because it is a really good script and when working, works flawlessly. The integration with WP is brilliant, although, as mentioned above, any messaging done via comet chat stays in comet chat and can’t be translated elsewhere on your site.

    There is this WP chat plug in that I’ve had to revert back to (had it prior to buying comet chat) but it’s a bit clunky and is a bit of a resource pig –

    It does work though. Hope that helps 😉



    Most welcome brother 😉

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