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  • @nahummadrid


    Definitely looking forward to that.



    Sounds like something is messing with the default behaviour then. Personal activity updates would never appear in any group unless it was “post in group”, vs “post in profile”

    Do you have a filter or plugin already set to do private sitewide activity stream?

    “Activity Stream for friends only” & “Currently, I have the privacy option the restrict each post to Public, Friends and Only me. But the Group code you gave me only works if I set the privacy to public.”



    @naomibuch I think I see what you are saying.

    Private group activities are appearing in the sitewide feed? Is that right?





    You might just over load members/single/parts/item-nav.php and members/single/parts/item-subnav in your child theme and just remove all the navs or replace them with something of your own.

    you could keep searching forums for topics on removing tabs there are some “solutions” to removing tabs.



    over riding that file in child theme with what i mentioned above is what i am sticking with currently at least for my purposes.



    you could edit the /forum to “topic” or “discussion” in the settings no? same for /forums can be something different as a page name.

    or might this be it?



    Edit timed out on me up there and didn’t get to revise my reply in time!

    /buddypress/activity/post.form.php, overload it child theme

     * Template tag to prepare the activity post form checks capability and enqueue needed scripts.
    if( bp_is_group() && !current_user_can('administrator') ) {
    } else {
    <h2 class="bp-screen-reader-text"><?php echo esc_html_x( 'Post Update', 'heading', 'buddypress' ); ?></h2>
    <div id="bp-nouveau-activity-form" class="activity-update-form"></div>
     * Template tag to load the Javascript templates of the Post form UI.



    @meisinotti you can restrict the post form to admins depending on what template pack you use… you could set something like,

    with nouveau, /buddypress/activity/post.form.php, overload it child theme

     * Template tag to prepare the activity post form checks capability and enqueue needed scripts.
    if(bp_is_group_activity() && current_user_can('administrator')) {
    <h2 class="bp-screen-reader-text"><?php echo esc_html_x( 'Post Update', 'heading', 'buddypress' ); ?></h2>
    <div id="bp-nouveau-activity-form" class="activity-update-form"></div>
     * Template tag to load the Javascript templates of the Post form UI.

    assuming you don’t allow users to create their own groups, if you want to allow them to post updates on their own created groups then you’d need to check for that.



    @easleyr1 nice!



    Yes, deactivate your plugins 1×1 to see if you can narrow down the issue to a source.



    Thats weird. You should see on the left side a Log In and Register link and a search icon on the right.

    And you are not using any other plugin or code snippet to modify the admin bar in some way or making your site private? You have the General setting of Anyone can register ticked?



    what is your theme and what plugins do you have installed? when you say friends, is your site meant to be private? I don’t think there is a setting that would cause this. I’d think it would be a plugin or a customization made in the theme.



    I just see the user name and type out

    So something is removing -/members from all your user urls.



    I tried now with bp legacy pack and the bs tooltip works as expected. something with nouveau in conflict.



    This is what I did to force it back. I put this in my functions. You could try that

    add_filter( 'show_admin_bar', '__return_true' );



    @brianstoiber do you happen to have woocommerce installed? I just noticed this myself. I turned off woocommerce and it revealed the toolbar.



    Yep, I was wrong! It is a BP setting sorry. still does your theme/a plugin you have also have admin bar settings?



    “Show the Toolbar for logged out users” doesn’t sound like a wp or bp setting? Is that a setting of your theme or a plugin? I could be wrong of course but sounds like something to do with theme/plugin.



    Sorry I misinterpreted the initial question, so you have 2 questions
    1. Upon logging in you’d like to redirect the user to his profile activity page.
    2. How to disable the wp-login for non-admins or something like that so that regular users never see wp’s login screen.

    2. would this be a good start to a solution

    1. ?





    Yep, BuddyDev is one of my most trusted! Good support 🙂



    @easleyr1 your other members profile do exist, are you using a plugin to remove the members slug? or doing something like this

    all the links to users have the members slug missing, so its not just friends.

    I’d check if any of the modifications have been made affecting this or if you have a plugin on that messes with the urls



    You say you deleted your “members” page? Is there still another members page in trash?

    Have you tried a different page other than ‘members’ and associated it to member component directory?



    Maybe something like this?

    add_filter('bp_member_registered', '__return_false');

    Cannot tell what page that is? Is that the members widget?

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