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  • @namrons


    thanks @henrywright That’s perfect! @rosyteddy it’s in bp-custom



    Thanks so much @henrywright that’s working! I’m thinking I should do the same for the “Public Message” button. Could you help me out with that too?



    @henrywright I’m a fan of your Buddypress Mute plugin. Would you consider (if you have the time) producing a working version of this “Bump Activity to top Plugin”? The original dev is not active any more. Hard to believe there’s no other solution out there. Perhaps I’m underestimating the complexity, though.



    Thanks so much @danbp. That worked perfectly! However I have not disabled the search engine visibility option as I don’t understand the logic behind this?



    Thanks for your responses.

    I switched “Allow activity stream commenting on blog and forum posts” back on and I tried your suggestion but it has had not effect, unfortunately. Any more ideas?



    I see it’s changed substantially and all handled in bp-blogs-activity.php now and not bp-blogs-functions.php as before. Fixed it. All resolved.



    Brilliant! That works. Thanks @r-a-y. All resolved now.



    Thanks @shanebp and thanks @r-a-y Your fix definitely works with latest version of WordPress and Buddypress (tested) but I have a couple of sites with an older WordPress (because some plugins I’m using are not yet compatible with recent WordPress) and this fix does not work there. Any suggestions for a fix with older WordPress?



    Actually, its not even letting me log in. Bizarre.



    @shanebp I tried but my login is not letting me edit. Please be so kind as to amend it when you get a chance. Many Thanks.



    Thanks for confirming the bug @shanebp
    I can also report that the same bug is manifesting in the “My Favorites” and “Mentions” streams in the same way that it does in “My Groups” – only the word “replied” appears.



    Turns out it’s long standing issue: “Stop using hide_sitewide for privacy purposes”

    Any suggested work around in the mean time?



    Anyone? Any help is most appreciated.



    Bump…. Can anyone replicate this?



    Thanks for getting back to me @danbp. I’m using the theme “SocialBuddy” mostly but I have tested this on different themes/versions of Buddypress/versions of WordPress as well as different servers – dedicated and shared and the result is the same everywhere so it appears to be a bug.

    I would be curious to know if you could replicate this:

    1) Inside a PRIVATE group add a status update and then comment on this update. (or add a few comments). All good so far.
    2) Now go to “My Groups” feed and you will see your status update as well as the comments. Try comment on any of the comments and see if they post correctly.

    For me these comments only show up once I have refreshed the page.



    @godavid33 @Tbarnes37 @transmission @k12onos

    I see you encountered and posted about a similar issue. Did you ever manage to resolve it? Are you able to replicate the issue I’m seeing? It’s also manifesting in other streams where private group updates show up. Sorry for tagging you but I’m desperate.



    @hk12onos Did you ever manage to fix this? I know it’s an old post but I have the identical issue when commenting on updates of a private group. I’ve tried it on various themes/versions of WordPress/versions of Buddypress and I get the same result.



    Is anyone able to replicate this?



    Only spotted this now! Thanks so much for this. It did the trick. Resolved!



    thanks! @chouf1



    That works perfectly but I would love to know how to get this post form to add the Buddypress Activity Plus media buttons. Any idea?



    As a work around I modified register.php in the theme to request users to register lowercase usernames.



    I have disabled all plugins and have the latest version of Buddypress and WordPress on a multisite installation. On the registration page the username field insists on lowercase characters. The only way around this for me is to change the hint.

    Which file do I edit to change hint from “Usernames can contain only letters, numbers, ., -, *, and @” to something like “Usernames can contain only lowercase letters, numbers, ., -, *, and @”



    I am encountering exactly the same problem. Any developments on this?



    Thanks. I see the buddypress multilingual plugin is not BP 1.7 ready yet it seems? I want buddypress on each subsite. Would BPML automatically translate the social network posts into the various languages across the sites? Surely not?

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