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  • @netweblogic


    cheers for the reply, but are you sure that’s necessary?

    If you’re extending BP_Component (which is since 1.5 but I don’t want to backpat further for, a year is long enough), it’s very easy to add new menus all you do is add the setup_admin_bar function to your class and it’s called automatically.

    At that point, it’s pretty safe to assume BP does that check for you.



    and subscribed to the devels :)



    thanks for the link @mercime !



    thanks for that (I saw that page… was right in front of me and I missed it!).

    So I guess that means that BP isn’t integrating group forums with the add-on yet, is this the direction BP is heading?



    Another thing worth noting, the default BP theme creates problems when viewing add new posts/pages/etc. pages.

    This is probably because theme CSS is being loaded admin-side – submitted a bug –



    can’t edit my comment, but meant to say works with BP 1.5



    Events Manager doesn’t produce any errors with BP.

    yipee, one less thing to fix :)

    also, great look and improvement guys, love the way BP has grown and improved so much since the early beta days



    btw, @boonebgorges I guess I should mention that it does now integrate with activity and notification too :)

    I don’t have a calendar view atm, but the code is there already, its a case of adding the right options etc to get it showing instead of an events list.



    It’s been far longer than ever wanted, but EM now integrates with buddypress. You can now create/edit events, manage bookings, and create group events.

    This is still a release candidate for EM 4.0 but it’s stable –

    Looking forward to some feedback!



    Thanks @r-a-y v.helpful

    Here is a small improvement, because depending on the name of the group e.g. “home group” you could get a false positive here with the previous strpos function

    function redirect_to_forum() {
    global $bp;

    $path = clean_url( $_SERVER );

    $path = apply_filters( ‘bp_uri’, $path );

    if ( bp_is_group_home() && $bp->current_action == $bp->bp_options_nav )
    bp_core_redirect( apply_filters( ‘bp_uri’, $bp->bp_options_nav) );
    add_action( ‘wp’, ‘redirect_to_forum’ );



    r.e facebook, we’re looking into that actually

    r.e. buddypress, over time we’d be interested in doing whatever’s necessary to plug em into the right parts of buddypress, Groups, personal profile, etc.

    btw, sorry for late replies here… I simply forget to check and since I don’t get any emails about this forgetting can mean not answering in weeks! off-topic, but on that note am I blind or is there an rss feed or another way of doing this? i’m so happy has notifications now, would be awesome if it had here too.



    Thanks for the two recommendations, I’ll check ’em out and see what they have to offer. We already have a pretty solid events system in place for wp, so I’m hoping we can build on that. Some of these features you mentioned we’re hoping to make available on non-buddypress installs too, so maybe it’ll be two birds with one big stone :)



    Sorry for late reply, the widget I made is a proper WP widget that you can manage in the wordpress widgets section and it’ll show who’s online. It works just like the default who’s online widget, but it’ll only show your friends. I updated it with the version I have working on my site with latest buddypress installation.



    Yup I had this problem too. Thanks for the solutions. As with any wordpress issue, remove the plugins and themes (and maybe rename the mu-plugins folder) and things should be back to “normal”. My issue in particular was to do with a plugin in the mu-plugins folder, remember to check that one too!



    Same thing here, latest versions, same error. jwack’s solution fixed the issue.

    Thanks jwack for posting your fix, you saved me from a potential timewaster!



    Hi pjnu,

    Maybe you haven’t defined a template to display your event in the settings menu? I’d need some more information to go on (any errors elsewhere, php error logs etc.)

    Please message me on here (just friended you) as I wouldn’t want us to hijack this thread further.



    Yeah, I’d like to see what Kunal17 asks for too. If nobody has a something out there yet I’ll probably end up making a plugin, especially to stop the blogs with only the first default post showing up.



    5* and working. Also, apologies for not doing it sooner!




    Davide, the original author of the plugin, made some changes to it which helped. Are you using multi-user or single-user wp?

    I think integrating more with BP would be great and is something I’d like to see, but this would be a pretty big addition to the plugin (probably would justify making a second plugin so non-bp users aren’t affected). I’ll look into it, but I can’t say it’ll be anytime soon, more urgent issues on my BP install to tweak….



    Thanks everyone for the tips and tricks, I’ll be checking this page again!

    It’s strange but the moment I upgraded to WP2.9.2 and BP 1.2 spam started again.

    Previously, I just added SI Captcha and I went from getting 10-20+ spam registrations to none. I added WP-hashcash now and I’ve only had one registration since.

    I’ve just disabled the blog registration on the signup page, hopefully that’ll help too.

    By the way, there’s also a meta tag in the header of many templates :

    <meta name="generator" content="WordPress 2.9.2" />

    Removing that may help too….



    Given this thread has been resolved, yet these issues persist even when doing the above, I’ve added my solution in zageek’s other thread :



    Yup, I’m having this problem as well. Driving me nuts too, errors occur in any bp version I’ve tried so far… don’t understand exactly how it’s happening either. I think it’s a server issue though as my local server didn’t have this problem (or at least not as often, can’t remember exactly)

    In previous versions (<1.2x), I got this problem which was resolved by changing all include() functions to include_once() within bp-loader.php.

    Now (WPMU 2.9.2 and BP 1.2.1), it seems that buddypress is being loaded from somewhere without it even being activated (I see the bp menu in wp-admin once bp is in my plugins folder). I think when trying it activate it it tries to load everything twice, and there comes the fatal error. I’d love some insight on this particular bit….

    The fatal error is blank for me too, but I can get it to start showing by changing error_reporting to the numerical E_ALL equivalent in my php.ini or httpd.config.

    I have had to hack BP to fix this issue again, the trick is:

    1. create a new file, e.g. bp-loader-fix.php
    2. move the contents of bp-loader.php over except the first comment block
    3. Make sure the new file has starting and ending <?php ?> tags, same with bp-loader.php
    4. in bp-loader.php, add the following as the last (and now only) php statement require_once('bp-loader-fix.php')

    That should prevent the redeclaration from happening.

    Can anyone offer insight on this? I’m on a CentOS PLESK environment, I wonder if it’s to do with that?




    I’ve tracked down the root of the problem (at least in my case), it’s most likely that you server clocks are out of sync (timezones) between your system, php and mysql.

    (This explanation might be wrong with exactly where times are pulled from, but is correct as to the fact that they’re pulled from different places!)

    The bit that checks recently online users looks at the last activity entry in user_meta and checks for users logged in within the past 5 minutes. However, last_activity user meta is logged by wordpress using PHP gmdate, and when you search for the last activity in this widget, it uses MYSQL’s NOW() function. If your times are out of sync a user with last activity of <5 minutes will never happen.


    In my local server, the times of last activity are being logged as GMT by WP (PHP). However, I’m in CET and mysql takes it’s timezone from the system (windows), so everyone no matter what was last “seen” by WP and BP at least an hour ago.

    See below for more info on setting MySQL timezones



    I’ve modified the Who’s Online Avatar and created a “Friends Online Avatar” widget, with an added option for setting the widget title.

    You can get it from:



    Same here. Who’s online never seems to work. Am working on the solution now, if anyone has feedback on this, e.g. have you got it to work etc. please comment!

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