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  • @nickbwatson


    @stwc and everyone else.

    I’ve been experiencing problems with spammers constantly, I would get about 11 a day, (at the minimum). I’ve tried several things, reCaptcha, email activation, email domain blocking, etc etc and nothing seemed to help with the bot spammers.

    All they were doing was creating users with a few profile fields filled out, so there was no big issue, it was just annoying seeing so many fake users on the site.

    So all I did out of the suggestions here was enter the code provided for the .htaccess file :

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} POST
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} .yourbpsignupslug*
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !.*yourhomedomain.* [OR]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^$
    RewriteRule (.*) [R=301,L]

    And it seemed to have worked. For the signup slug, I used wp-signup.php. And so far, for about a day and a half now I’ve only found 1 bot spammer. Drastically reduced, but not quite fixed.

    But we’ll see. I’ll post back if there is any change, or after a few days of no spammers.



    I’m getting several spammers signing up, I have the Anti Splog plugin (here) and the reCAPTCHA is turned on.

    Email Activation is turned on.

    AND I’ve blocked all of the emails on this list (here)




    Thanks for the support! To answer your question Mob Power generates money for charity through the advertising on the site. Rather than the funds advertisers pay going into the pockets of shareholders ALL funds go to charities each member gets to choose. We think that’s a more appropriate use of the value generated through social networking, after all it is the users who create most of the value through their time, attention, and interactions.

    Each member profile allows users to choose ”My Causes”, these are the charities that will receive your portion of the total money raised on the site. Each month ALL the money raised by Mob Power through advertising is split up between the charities members have selected, a completely democratic means of allocating the resources.

    This entire process is overseen by the Mob Power Foundation comprised of a Board of Directors of Public Figures whose governance will ensure full transparency and accountability.

    Mob Power doesn’t take a single cent of the money raised through advertising to cover expenses like most ”social businesses” simply because Mob Power exists to help solve humanities greatest problems and not create jobs for anyone. So far it has been completely funded by believers in the idea.

    However, Members can select Mob Power as one of their ”Causes” if they want Mob Power to continue operating. All funds allocated this way will only be used to cover operating costs, with any excess going back to the charities. This way all Power is in the hands of Members. Now that’s Mob Power.

    More information about this and related topics is available in the About section at



    We’re currently in the process of making a tour video and some “How To Use” videos. So those will be posted on the main page for people to get a feel for the site before they sign up.

    Here are some large screen shots:

    User Page

    Charity Page

    Hopefully those videos will be done soon.


    Glad you liked the disclaimer :)



    We will be releasing some videos about what Mob Power is, and how you use it soon. If you’d like you can sign up, but I understand if you are skeptical.



    This is a pretty major issue. No one else is experiencing this?



    Yeah I’ll try that, but if it returns the blank string, doesn’t that mean it will just wipe the status?



    Hmm, I’m not sure sorry. I’ll have a look and see if I can do something, I’m pretty new to all this stuff.




    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
    function addtext(text) {
    document.whatsnewform.whatsnew.value = (text+=document.whatsnewform.whatsnew.value);

    I did have to change the names of the forms for this to work because they contained “-” marks (ex whats-new-form).

    But basically you just have that script above your form, and then within the submit button of the form, just add:

    onclick="addtext('@<?php bp_displayed_user_username() ?> ');

    MAKE SURE THERE IS A SPACE AT THE END OF <?php bp_displayed_user_username() ?>

    or else it won’t work when you post.

    Now all I need to do is get it so that when you post, it doesn’t change your personal status!!!



    Any help at all? Here’s what I have:

    <textarea name="whats-new" id="whats-new" value="" />@<?php bp_displayed_user_username() ?> </textarea>

    So all that I would like do do is hide the

    @<?php bp_displayed_user_username() ?> from the user



    As I mentioned above, yes. But thanks



    Anyone have ANY thought on this? It’s quite a problem.



    thanks for the link iamzippy, but it doesn’t seem to be the same issue.

    Thanks though.



    Okay, I’ve contacted my host again, apparently PHP safe mode was on.

    So if anyone else has the issue, ensure that PHP safe mode is OFF

    Works fine now, and I’m closing this.



    Thanks Boone Gorges, I’ll give it a go and see how it works out.

    My main problem was the confusion when people come to a profile wanting to comment, so I think this’ll solve that.




    I definitely agree with this. I’ll have a look around and see if I can find something myself, but other than that, I hope they add something back in.

    I understand that they wanted the @mentions to become the new way of commenting on someones wall, but you can post directly onto groups… so why not a member page as well.

    Like you said it’s more familiar to people. They just need to bring back the “wire”



    I really just need help with the if statement.



    function bp_featured_group_form() {
    if ( is_site_admin ) {
    <hr />
    <div class="radio">
    <label><input type="radio" name="bp_featured_group" value="normal" <?php bp_featured_group_setting('normal') ?> /> <?php _e( 'This is just a normal group', 'featured_group' ) ?></label>
    <label><input type="radio" name="bp_featured_group" value="Featured" <?php bp_featured_group_setting('Featured') ?> /> <?php _e( 'This is a featured group', 'featured_group' ) ?></label>
    <hr />
    add_action ( 'bp_after_group_settings_admin' ,'bp_featured_group_form' );
    add_action ( 'bp_after_group_settings_creation_step' ,'bp_featured_group_form' );

    function bp_featured_group() {
    if (bp_get_featured_group()) {
    echo bp_get_featured_group();

    // Get the official title group setting
    function bp_get_featured_group( $group = false ) {
    global $groups_template;
    if ( !$group )
    $group =& $groups_template->group;
    $featured_group = groups_get_groupmeta( $group->id, 'bp_featured_group' );
    return apply_filters( 'bp_featured_group', $featured_group );

    // echo official title group checked setting for the group admin - default to 'normal' in group creation
    function bp_featured_group_setting( $setting ) {
    if ( $setting == bp_get_featured_group() )
    echo ' checked="checked"';
    if ( !bp_get_featured_group() && $setting == 'normal' )
    echo ' checked="checked"';

    // Save the official_title group setting in the group meta, if normal, delete it
    function bp_save_featured_group( $group_id ) {
    global $bp, $_POST;
    if ( $postval = $_POST['bp_featured_group'] ) {
    if ( $postval == 'Featured' )
    groups_update_groupmeta( $group_id->id, 'bp_featured_group', $postval );
    elseif ( $postval=='normal' )
    groups_delete_groupmeta( $group_id->id, 'bp_featured_group' );
    add_action( 'groups_group_after_save', 'bp_save_featured_group' );

    I may as well post the code,

    Here it is.







    I posted the ticket here:



    @Mark Schafer, and anyone else

    Oh okay, I actually hadn’t tried out the multi select box yet.

    I have that issue as well! It only displays the last one I’ve selected exactly as you said.

    And I just tested this from scratch.

    Installed wordpress mu 2.9.2, installed buddypress 1.2.1, and tested each of the fields and the error occurs for each of the selection fields, (except for the multi select box which does as Mark Schafer stated)

    have you made a ticket?



    WordPress 2.9.2

    Buddypress 1.2.1



    Okay great. Obviously our problems are slightly different, but hopefully they’re related.

    This is just a really major issue, and I don’t want to launch my site until this is fixed.



    Okay, I know this is old, but I didn’t want to start a brand new topic for this.

    New things I’ve discovered with the problem:

    The error also occurs when I try to change the filter to lets say.. alphabetical or something.

    If I go to the groups directory, and I search for something and THEN I click on “My Groups” it displays the groups! And I can even go back and click “All Groups” and it will display all the groups for (w/e I searched for)

    So for some reason, if I am to search then click, it will display the groups when you change the filters. But if you just go to the page and change the filter, it displays “There were no groups found”

    if anyone has ANYTHING to say, please let me know. This is driving me crazy.



    Oh okay, so I read through the readme, and I see the line:

    “Future features include: admin tab with toggle switch; ability to tweak BP’s automatic profile filter”

    So in the future, there’ll be a way to turn off the auto filters. The plugin always worked, it was just the automatic BP linking that I was not aware of.


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