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  • @parkstreet


    Ah, I see. I’ve never noticed it before so did not think it was a bug. Thanks @r-a-y for bringing that to my attention.



    I think I may have been a little unclear about what I am trying to do. I don’t want the blog’s description that is currently in the wp_bp_user_blogs_blogmeta table. I want the blog description that was entered in wp_{blog_id}_options table for each blog. The bp_blog_description tag works whether I copy over the file to the child theme or not. So what my plugin does is allow each blogger to update the buddypress table that corresponds with the current blog with a 250 character description of that blog.

    @mercime, at some point I will. But at the moment I don’t feel comfortable sharing it because it was just a quick and dirty (yet secure) solution for me. Once I clean it up and test it more thoroughly, I will release it if people are really interested in a plugin like this. But maybe someone else has a better solution to be able to tap into each blog’s options table to pull the blog description. On second thought, maybe there isn’t a way and that is why the buddypress blog meta table exists in the first place.



    Please disregard, I wrote a quick sitewide plugin that handles this.



    Can anyone help me out with this?





    Don’t know. There should be a way to cache the avatars. But someone else will need to take the code above, extend it, and make it more usable. I am just supplying a basis to build on. As for now, if the facebook profile pic is not available, it will default to the silhouette.





    @DJPaul, oooh, that is a nice setup.



    Ok, this is what I’ve come up with so far in order to get the user’s facebook profile pic. However, they disappear when you log in. If anyone is willing to add to this to give it the finishing touch it needs or can tell me what to add that would be great.

    add_action('wpfb_login', 'bp_jfb_get_avatar');

    function bp_jfb_get_avatar($avatar, $id_or_email='') {
    global $comment; $id_or_email;

    if(is_object($comment)) {
    $user_id = $comment->user_id;

    if (is_object($id_or_email)) {
    $user_id = $id_or_email->user_id;

    if (is_array($id_or_email)) {
    if ($id_or_email['object']=='user') {
    $user_id = $id_or_email['item_id'];

    if (get_usermeta($user_id, 'facebook_uid')) {
    $user_info = get_userdata($user_id);
    $jfb_suffix = '';

    if ( $id_or_email['width'] ) {
    $jfb_size = $id_or_email['width'];
    if( $jfb_size < 32 ) {
    $jfb_suffix = 'm';
    } else if ( $jfb_suffix < 64 ) {
    $jfb_suffix = 'n';
    } else {
    $jfb_suffix = 'b';
    } else if ( 'full' == $id_or_email['type'] ) {
    $jfb_size = BP_AVATAR_FULL_WIDTH;
    $jfb_suffix = 'b';
    } else if ( 'thumb' == $id_or_email['type'] ) {
    $jfb_size = BP_AVATAR_THUMB_WIDTH;
    $jfb_suffix = 'n';
    $avatar = '<fb:profile-pic uid="'.$user_info->facebook_uid.'" facebook-logo="true" size="'.$jfb_size.'" width="'.$jfb_size.'" linked="true" class="avatar"></fb:profile-pic>';
    return $avatar;

    } else {
    return $avatar;

    add_filter( 'bp_core_fetch_avatar', 'bp_jfb_get_avatar',10,4);

    This code should go in a bp-custom.php file and uploaded to the mu-plugins directory.



    @jimcale, there are supposedly hooks that you can use; I am working on it but haven’t figured it out yet. If there are coders out there that can give me a hand, that would be great; two heads are better than one.



    @jimcale, you are getting those spaces because in the settings Disable Buddypress Filters is checked. This should be unchecked.



    @lgedeon, thank you.



    Has anyone else found a fix for this yet or a way to reset? This fix does not work for me: I am only having this issue with the theme that was activated during the upgrade. All other themes seem to work.



    I am using memcache along with a caching plugin and my buddypress install still seems slower than before. Especially when you are logged in.



    I can’t activate the plugin. I get a “Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.” message.



    I get a slow response as well after upgrading to 1.2. @Andy, this is what is generated on my site:

    <!– Generated in 2.477 seconds. –>

    I’m on a dedicated server with 8GB of RAM.



    I think what you are looking for is the Custom CUNY Academic Commons Profile Filters plugin.



    Are you using plugin manager or supporter type of plugin?



    I can’t get it to work either. The external blog plugin works for me except in Chrome.



    @Mariusooms, it works greats and their is no issue with the subdomains. However, I noticed that you would have to save the first check box before the next one (or radio buttons) was a available, and so on. Not a big deal but is this the normal behavior of the plugin? If I am not making any since, please let me know and I will clarify. Thanks again for your help.



    Yes, try this instead. You may need to tweak it a little, but I believe it will give you the link you are looking for. You will need to add the beginning bracket “<” and the ending one “>”.

    a href="<?php echo bloginfo('home'); ?>/<?php echo BP_MEMBERS_SLUG ?>/<?php the_author(); ?>"><?php bp_post_author_avatar(); ?></a



    You may need to turn this:

    <div id="respond">

    <div class="comment-avatar-box">
    <div class="avb">
    <?php if ( bp_loggedin_user_id() ) : ?>
    <a href="<?php echo bp_loggedin_user_domain() ?>">
    <?php echo get_avatar( bp_loggedin_user_id(), 50 ); ?>
    <?php else : ?>
    <?php echo get_avatar( 0, 50 ); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    into this

    <div id="respond">

    <div class="comment-avatar-box">
    <div class="avb">
    <?php if ( bp_loggedin_user_id() ) : ?>
    <a href="<?php echo bp_core_get_userlink( $comment->user_id ); ?>">
    <?php echo get_avatar( bp_loggedin_user_id(), 50 ); ?>
    <?php else : ?>
    <?php echo get_avatar( 0, 50 ); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    You can try that out to see if that works for you.



    Both of those themes look really nice. Good job. I look forward to seeing the others.



    @javicarrasco, I am on an unmanaged dedicated box and I used to use cPanel, and I had the same problem you have. I went with cPanel because I did not have to worry about installation. However, I nixed it and decided to go with a control panel that I use on all of my dedicated boxes. You may want to do a google search for log files that cPanel creates. I found that the plethora of log “files” being created by cPanel for every little thing was my issue.



    @Mariusooms, this is a great plugin and thanks for creating it. One question though; I see that the plugin gives you the url of the blog that will be created: Will there be a conflict in creating the blog if you WPMU install is setup for subdomains? Thanks.

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