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The album component isn’t ready yet. It wasn’t in the dev roadmap for the release of the first public beta. Anyway it will come!
Terrific! I’ll try it out ASAP!
Thanks Andy!
The plural’s problem is quite well known as it was mentioned in the mailing list. So changes will be made certanly soon (I think and hope)!
Woooohoooo! I’ve figured it out how to make it work for now: all works well if the permalinks are in the default format!
Try it out guys…
Damn! I’ve a lot of conflicting usernames/slugs!!!! Heeeelp!
I can confirm the same as gogoplata… with one diff: I have buddypress home theme not on my main blog. I’ve changed in the code the ID of the blog in some php files and voilà .
Are all of you running the theme on blog with ID=1?
I can add this: I have a member If I go there it bring me to a post with “ken” in the slug: So I’m definitively sure about the bug…
Same problem here!
If I try to go to a random blog, bp sends me to a post of the main blog with the word “blog” in its slug…
Thank you very much Trent!
I’ve deleted old subdomains and…mpf…some user’s avatars with them!
Is changed the location where avatars are saved; now I’ve figured out that is under the upload dir of the main blog (ID=1) in the /files/avatars/ subdir.
It’s a pity to notice this in late… ^^’
Nothing? :'(
Sounds good!
Mumble mumble…I’ve simply wrote a post from the beckend of my blog width bphome theme…(that in my case isn’t the main blog, but I don’t think this is a big difference in writing post…)
Am I a special case?
For me that’s not a problem, sincerly. But I’ve noticed that also edits to the blogs posts goes into the activity feed…and it sounds bad to me. Anyone with this problem?
A bit of trunk ago it worked for me…so I think you can try!
Very impressed…
Nothing but “WOW!” to say for now.
We’re all waiting for this.
Great job!
Screen notifications? w000000000t!
It rocks! Thank you Andy. I was disoriented by the GCal about groups0.2.
See you soon!