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  • Check out dsader’s privacy plugin at He did it in that.

    You could write a small plugin that used the login_head action. You could put something on the querystring that the plugin would looks for.

    mu-plugins is the correct location.

    The information you have provided in your posts don’t have enough information in them to tell what is wrong. That’s why we have asked various questions.

    The short version would be that most likely you have not followed the install directions correctly. For example, the expected callback error means that a function call is being made to a function that hasn’t been defined. 99.9% of the time with a plugin that means one or more files are in the wrong place.

    Yes and no. Throughout the template files output is based on whether the user is logged in or not. So there are some things that do get shown, mainly profile info is not. So, all my tags are closed, but not particularly in the footer :) Did you put the files in the plugins directory or the mu-plugins directory?

    I did if($current_user->ID) { in header.php . I have my own widgets as well that the output depends on whether the user is logged in and whether they are looking at a blog, profile, group, etc.

    You should able to use is_user_logged_in(). I chose not to because every function call chews a few cycle putting data on the stack and taking it back off and I already have alot of custom code running that I’m trying to keep as slim as possible.

    She meant vanilla install :D

    I did a simple check of $current_user to restrict access to the profiles while waiting for privacy options to be included in BP.

    Check the head of the outputed page and see if your style sheet is before the buddypress one. If it is, the buddypress one will override yours. If yours comes after it will override the buddypress one.

    Look at/into bp-groups/bp-groups-cssjs.php.

    Nice job :)

    When I looked (without being logged in) it said admin wrote a new blog post. May be related to being logged in.

    “make sure you’re using WordPressMU.”

    “I was hoping beyond hope this wouldn’t be a diy.”

    That’s one of the things that makes them bleeding edge :)

    Wildcard subdomains are part of your DNS & apache setup.

    To turn off subdomains in WP, edit your wp-config.php and change VHOST to ‘no’.

    Did you set up the profile fields under site admin?

    Yes, that other changed returns/shows your username instead of first/last name.

    Does the link in the activation email have the right domain in it?

    One of the issues with this would be that spammers could create their own BP sites and gain access to hundreds of other sites.

    Neither… gets the profile gets the blog

    Since the home base is an empty blog each url has to be one or the other. Bear in mind, I created my theme pretty much from scratch and am not using the BP theme.

    My theme would work just as well on &

    Yep. I check in the header to see if it’s a home base or blog and render accordingly.

    The /profile/ wouldn’t be that difficult to do…

    page template that’s part of the theme that looks up the owner & displays the profile +

    hook the activation to create the page using the template.

    There is only one theme going to be used on the site I’m working on so the loop code and profile code can coexist in the same template.

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