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  • @snorklebum


    My posts with links seem to get blocked so..
    The Getting Involved link up top has the links to trac and you will likely be interested in the roadmap tab to see what is currently planned (although I believe as in any project the list of features can change in final release).



    Looking at trac they are still beavering away on the next releases. It’s worth having a peak to see what goodies may be coming up 🙂



    Only accounts with administrator access should see those additional options, have you tested disabling other addons and the Twenty Nineteen theme?



    When you go to Dashboard-> Users-> Profile Fields you can edit the fields and change the visibility. If you are still seeing the data after saving these changes ensure you have cleared cache and you are not logged in as an account that has access to view this data.



    Hey, BuddyPress uses bbpress for it’s forum software, you may be better asking there. You’ll also find a plugin directory specific to the forums that hopefully will have something that meets your requirements.



    I’m guessing this is security related to stop account stealing. ie the person who owns the original email address has to confirm they wish to make the change.




    You could try testing with one of the inbuilt themes like 2019 to check the css loads. If it does it is likely something related to your theme choice.

    I notice that on your themes support pages they say ‘Theme should be compatible with these plugins but no styling support added in the theme itself.’



    The core functionality is provided by BuddyPress and Events Manager.

    Additional :-
    BuddyPress Group Email Subscriptions
    BuddyPress Sitewide Activity Widget
    Comment Mail
    Comments Widget Plus
    Events Manager – Email Users
    Newsletter – Events Manager Integration

    Although obviously your needs will vary depending on what you are attempting to achieve.



    Some of what you’re attempting is similar to something I’ve set up in the past.

    1. Events manager allowed us to track attendance and set limits, there are plugins that let you email only signed up attendees as well.
    2 That sounds like a good way of doing things.
    3. We use the newsletter plugin for this part.
    4. don’t currently do but I’ve seen plugins that offer this functionality.
    5. Groups should hopefully cover that.
    6. Should be possible but no experience of doing.

    Hope that helps


    Participant, search for the plugin, on the plugin page click advanced view, scroll to bottom and there should be an option to select previous versions for download.

    I’m assuming you haven’t been taking backups if you are unable to roll back, now would be a good time to install updraftplus or similar so you have a backup available.




    Not that I know of, there is some work happening to add a REST api to BP but there is no release date at the moment. Even once that is released there is no guarantee that an app will be made to use it.
    You could have a try at coding one yourself maybe?



    I used very similar code but add_filter('bp_before_member_header_meta', 'devb_show_role_on_profile');

    Do you want it to display on other pages?



    Have you tried Dashboard -> Tools -> BuddyPress then run the Repair total members count?



    I run browser addons to block extra scripts and google analytics is one of the scripts I block when I visit sites, maybe some of your users are doing similar?



    Hey, we use Events Manager by Marcus Sykes and also run Comment Mail by Websharks inc. It’s a long time ago that I set it up but the event creators get emails and have options, it also gives the users options to receive notifications about follow up comments etc.

    Hope this helps.



    We use BP and event’s manager to create something very similar, obviously another bunch of plugins and some custom code were added but functionality is very similar.



    That’s not a problem, just really looking for a pointer towards which file I actually need to edit or if there is one of those magic override things.



    Thanks looks interesting but was hoping to not have to switch right now, is that the best option?



    Hi, Sounds similar to what we are seeing, I believe there is a ticket open for this already..

    Hopefully they’ll have it fixed soon



    I migrated from Ning to Buddypress last year roughly following a very old guide. I had to manually tidy up the json exports and it only imported basic user information, posts and groups. We primarily used ning for events and I moved those in to events-manager myself.

    It took a lot of trial and error and if you’re not that technical I’d recommend paying someone to carry out the process, I just wouldn’t expect miracles.




    Is this the free version of the customizr theme you are running? Which page isn’t showing correctly? I run this theme on my site and can’t see any problems anywhere but maybe I’m looking in the wrong place.



    1) The box to the right of the Send To you can enter other usernames or type friends names in to send a message to multiple people
    2 & 3) it looks like you should be able to use CSS to hide these

    Hope that helps



    I just use a plugin WP Change Default From Email which works for us.



    I use one of those plugins as it enables easier group communications but also use when doing messages to everyone, it does mean that there are two places for people to change their email preferences but the tracking and targeting it offers is useful also throttling keeps me under my hosts email limits.


    function is_valid_email_domain($login, $email, $errors ){
     $valid_email_domain = ".edu";// whitelist email domain
     $valid = false;
     $current_email_domain = strtolower( substr( $email, -4));
     if( $current_email_domain == strtolower($valid_email_domain) ){
     $valid = true;
     // if invalid, return error message
     if( $valid === false ){
     $errors->add('domain_whitelist_error',__( '<strong>ERROR</strong>: you can only register using .edu emails' ));
    add_action('register_post', 'is_valid_email_domain',10,3 );

    I’m a bit rusty with php but give that a try, as you’re only doing one lookup I’ve removed the array and loop.

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