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  • @style960


    @yespapa This plugin will do exactly what you’re looking for –



    @venutius Good advice yeah. From WP admin – plugins > add new, search for ‘child theme creator’. Plenty of options that will do the job.



    Themes which make use of option panels may allow you to only use the parent theme. If you can cover the changes you need by using that panel. But if you need make custom changes to css or add additional functionality, save yourself potentially big headaches and use a child theme. They don’t exist for fun.



    The ‘active’ theme should always be the child theme. That’s not my opinion, that’s fact. And you don’t need to be a developer to use, or create one. Most premium themes are packaged with a child theme, and if you don’t have one, just add a plugin and create one. Then activate it. You will find no WordPress developer that doesn’t recommend the use of a child theme.

    Maybe this will help –



    @william_oneb Please stop giving members advice to edit their active theme. All changes of this nature should always be made in a child theme. Check the codex –



    Or better still, direct to the individual activity itself. Just sending the member to the top of the SWA isn’t particularly useful.



    That is incorrect. Always use a child theme for such changes, whether in style or amended/additional functionality.

    The advice above will mean css changes you have made will be lost when your theme is updated. Make all edits in a child theme, every time.



    Do you have a link to the page?



    I’m sure if you posted a link to your registration form you’ll get the answers you need 🙂



    I’ve looked again in Kleo theme options, I can’t see anything that would cause this. It really needs support from the theme author –



    From what I can see on a clean install of Kleo/Buddypress, the Top Bar has a menu location assigned to it in WP admin called ‘Top Menu’. This works the same as any other WordPress menu meaning you can add or remove items from that menu.

    In WP admin go to Appearance > Menus and select Top Menu. Under Screen Options (top right) ensure the Buddypress box is ticked (allows you to assign Buddypress links to any menu). You should be able to remove the links you don’t want to show from that menu, then save it.

    If you installed Kleo with the demo data it might be the case that these links were automatically added. But you should be able to remove them to your liking. There’s nothing going on here that Buddypress is automatically doing itself when it’s enabled.



    Can you post a screenshot of how you think the site should look, and a screenshot of what you see as a problem. I have access to the Kleo theme, and some experience of customizing the WordPress toolbar.



    Make sure this is in your child theme custom css:

    #td-outer-wrap { background-color: #colourhere; }



    I’ve resolved this now with the use of this plugin –



    Hi Steve,

    Thanks for the reply, I see what you’re suggesting, but I’m looking for a function to directly add items to the profile menu on the toolbar in the same way BP does. I don’t want to assign profile items to a theme location, or create a new menu within my theme.




    @olliecard I would suggest after reading your requirements you could save yourself a good few headaches by considering using Ultimate Member over Buddypress. If I understand what you need correctly, it has a stronger base than BP in this scenario.



    You could also use this plugin. Exclude the URLs you want to be accessible to all. Everything else will be hidden, including from SERPS.





    This works for me:

    if( is_user_logged_in() ) {
        $page = get_page_by_title( 'Dashboard');
        update_option( 'page_on_front', $page->ID );
        update_option( 'show_on_front', 'page' );
    else {
        $page = get_page_by_title( 'Home' );
        update_option( 'page_on_front', $page->ID );
        update_option( 'show_on_front', 'page' );

    Added to functions.php if anyone else references this post.

    I use My Private Site to keep the bulk of the site hidden from visitors / search engines –

    Thanks for your help.



    Pretty basic but I’d be more than willing to take a little direction.



    * single plugin compatible with Buddypress



    Hi Henry, thanks for the prompt reply. I understand what you’re saying and why that approach is always followed. It leaves me in a tricky spot though. I can’t use Ultimate Member and meet my deadline as their activity stream extension isn’t ready yet, and I can’t use Buddypress because the members functionality I need doesn’t exist in a single plugin (or if it does, I can’t find it). I’d like the solution to be in a single Buddypress plugin as opposed to relying on multiple plugins which may or may not be updated, or chunks of code taken from different sources that aren’t guaranteed to work further down the line.



    @danbp Thanks, I’ll take a look at that.



    @mercime Apologies for the late reply, I’ll give this a try, thanks.



    @danbp Sounds good. Will this work in member activity streams as well? I’m undecided on whether to use SWA yet since my site is a primary feature + social network elements, as opposed to purely social network/community. I’m using BP to increase member interaction and enhance that primary feature (sports prediction). Second guessing what users are likely to do, copying and pasting external URLs is quite likely. Thanks.

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