Mathieu Viet replied to the topic BuddyPress 8.0.0 in the forum Miscellaneous 4 years ago
Hi @tamarazambrana & @niftythree
The signup fields order issue will be fixed in next BuddyPress version. Thanks a lot for your feedback.
For more details about the issue: https://buddypress.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/8500
Nifty replied to the topic BuddyPress 8.0.0 in the forum Miscellaneous 4 years ago
Hi @imath,
We are having the same issue as @tamarazambrana. Tested on a new and up-to-date WordPress and BuddyPress install with no other plugins or any sort of caching anywhere. There are no errors in the browser console on the front-end or back-end. If we add 8+ (from rough observation) fields into Signup field, the rearrangement of fields do…[Read more]
Mathieu Viet replied to the topic BuddyPress 8.0.0 in the forum Miscellaneous 4 years ago
Could you share more information about your config, eg: Is there a plugin playing with xProfile fields, multisite or not, etc..?
I guess what you call “primary cell” is the primary field of the primary Group (what we initialize as the Name field).
When on the Signup Fields group, what is the JavaScript error your browser’s…[Read more]
Active 3 months, 2 weeks ago