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  • @vusis


    @qwu123: do you mind posting where you found it – for the benefit of others that may have the same question



    I”m experiencing a similar wierd problem:
    i’m using the latest BP + WP stack.

    in firefox: firebug says the `

    ` … tag encapsulates everything. i.e. directory results etc
    on the other hand. i.e. and chrome say that the dir-form tag is only the form header (u know where it says “Groups Directory” for example.)
    i checked the actual code and I discovered that i.e + chrome are correct! for some reason firefox is not picking up the closing tag for dir-form. and so it uses the very last `

    ` on the page.

    that messes up the CSS completely.
    Please check and verify that my eyes are not playing tricks on me. thanx



    i’m having the same problem with ie 7/8



    I created a a post, i’m wondering if we are experiencing the same problem



    finally I figured it out:
    for the benefit of those that are still going into this:

    what I eventually had to do is call the _init function from the loader.php directly without checking if bp is loaded. I think the problem was that i was hooked into a delayed action.

    If anyone can provide an appropriate action for me to hook into it would be great, but for now. No hook and it works.



    @vtowel. did you finally get this to work for you? I’m still getting the 404 error. :(



    hi there guys this is pretty old i know however, i desperately need help:
    i’m using the following setup:
    wp 3.1 bp 1.2.7


    I followed all your instructions. If i change the line 45 in the loader, i get an error from my browser saying there were too many url redirects.
    If I do not change the loader code, I notice that the $bp->current_ation variable is empty :(

    Please help.



    I would happily start working on this.



    Interesting challenge you have.
    how can i recreate the problem on my machine? is there anything you edited prior to encountering this problem?



    What does this mean?



    I have a problem:

    how do i pickup the group_id of the forum topic. Thant way i can build the link to the from topic from the home page.



    bp_get_the_topic_object_permalink() – not working

    Burt perhaps you can assist.



    hey i’ve got it to work, I’m quickly setting up the plugin to work as a widget and i’ll upload it :)
    Note i’m still working on getting the correct permalink though, but that shouldn’t be a train-smash. will you posted

    <div class="topic-list">
    <?php if (bp_has_forum_topics() ) : ?>
    <?php while ( bp_forum_topics() ) : bp_the_forum_topic(); ?></p>
    <div class="topic-list-item"><a>" rel="bookmark" class="title"><?php bp_the_topic_title(); ?></a></div>
    <?php endwhile; ?>
    <?php else: ?>
    <p>There are no topics</p>
    <?php endif; ?>



    i think the loop we are looking for is:




    Alex, its a money issue chap.



    i should say this is probably the worse limitation of buddypress.



    This is great, the what i wanna do next is show certain tabs (profile groups) to different member levels.

    I saw there’s a function called profile_group_tabs. is there a way i can perhaps play around with this?



    thanks this works very well for me too.



    I really don’t understand how the patch works, but i activated the plugin alone without the patch and it works; no one is allowed to create groups.

    now i’m working on conditions – thanks for the plugin



    hey guys please help me figure this post out :(

    i think its got to do with what we are talking about above



    have you found a solution for this? i’m desperately looking for this too- i found this post but i cant seem to figure it out.



    hey guys i cant seem to figure this one out hey; i’ve tried to patch the bp-groups.php file but i get a

    #1 HUNK Failed at 449 – please see my reject file


    *** 453,459 ****

    bp_core_redirect( $bp->loggedin_user->domain . $bp->groups->slug . ‘/create/step/’ . $bp->groups->current_create_step );


    – if ( !$bp->groups->new_group_id = groups_create_group( array( ‘group_id’ => $bp->groups->new_group_id, ‘name’ => $_POST[‘group-name’], ‘description’ => $_POST[‘group-desc’], ‘news’ => $_POST[‘group-news’], ‘slug’ => groups_check_slug( sanitize_title($_POST[‘group-name’]) ), ‘date_created’ => time() ) ) ) {

    bp_core_add_message( __( ‘There was an error saving group details, please try again.’, ‘buddypress’ ), ‘error’ );

    bp_core_redirect( $bp->loggedin_user->domain . $bp->groups->slug . ‘/create/step/’ . $bp->groups->current_create_step );


    — 453,474 —-

    bp_core_redirect( $bp->loggedin_user->domain . $bp->groups->slug . ‘/create/step/’ . $bp->groups->current_create_step );


    + $group_details = array(

    + ‘group_id’ => $bp->groups->new_group_id,

    + ‘name’ => $_POST[‘group-name’],

    + ‘description’ => $_POST[‘group-desc’],

    + ‘news’ => $_POST[‘group-news’],

    + ‘slug’ => groups_check_slug( sanitize_title($_POST[‘group-name’]) ),

    + ‘date_created’ => time() );


    + /* Allow plugins to halt group creation for whatever reason. On doing this the plugin

    + should use the bp_core_add_message function to inform the user why the group creation

    + has failed.

    + N.B. The data passed in $new_group is unsanitised. */

    + if ( ! apply_filters( ‘bp_allow_create_group’, true, $group_details ) )

    + return bp_core_redirect( $bp->loggedin_user->domain . $bp->groups->slug . ‘/create’ );


    + if ( !$bp->groups->new_group_id = groups_create_group( $group_details ) ) {

    bp_core_add_message( __( ‘There was an error saving group details, please try again.’, ‘buddypress’ ), ‘error’ );

    bp_core_redirect( $bp->loggedin_user->domain . $bp->groups->slug . ‘/create/step/’ . $bp->groups->current_create_step );


    i’m not too sure what that means and how it can be fixed? :(

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