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  • @willpcg


    Nahummadrid – thank you!

    Thats exactly what I need.



    I did.

    I was unsuccessful.

    I came here to see if anyone else had any success.



    I’m looking for it as well.



    Thanks I’ve found several of the 2.9.2 to 3.0 guides but all of them kept leaving me a blank screens after following the steps.

    Going to try removing this multisite bug and see if things get better.




    Received a request from my client to add this feature this week, and thought this post deserved bumping in hopes of raising the odds it gets included in 1.2.x.



    Thanks John! I’ll keep checking back for your plugin.



    Thanks, I had looked around too and didn’t see anything.



    Bump :(



    Thanks Mike!

    However, I was looking more for something that would send BP Messages, not emails.

    Let me know if you run across anything! I’m still scouring the web for a plugin or hack that will do that.



    Just stumbled across the new BP Roadmap! Looks like the content filter will be coming out August 17th! Exciting stuff!

    No idea about the “Show more notices” part of the Username instead of Full name issue.



    After an hour of digging through the TRUNK files and uploading the individual pieces I managed to revert the bars back to normalcy. Not sure which file did it, but its all fixed!



    I was just digging through the list of BP sites in the other thread comparing notes.

    It looks like somehow the “userbar” div is missing from my setup. Can anyone tell me where it is located so I can try to clear it of any bugs?



    We sent out the activation links last Friday – the un-clicked links ought to be deleted by now then. Thanks for the info Jeff.



    Wait just figured it out – Had to snag SVNx and then export the files via y’alls trunk address.



    Is there an easy way to install the Trunk version? I’ve been trying to figure out the subversion client all morning.



    Thanks John – at least its a start. I’ll see if I can figure something out in there.



    Its definitely got alot of great info on it. I’m not sure I’m having issues with the actual code or with the implementation of bp-custom.php though – hence the response to Jeff after he linked me that page.



    I don’t mean to dig up a several day old thread but I’ve been working with the code I found on the post’s second page and still seem to have the same difficulty. I think I may be doing something wrong with bp-custom.php itself – not necessarily the code.

    Here’s what I did, maybe you could take a second and look to see if I made an obvious mistake?

    I didn’t have a bp-custom.php file in either the plugins or mu-plugins folders so I created one from scratch.

    With an empty page open I added the following code:


    * Plugin Name: bp-custom
    * Description: Custom Scripting for Securing Member and Group Directories
    * Version: 1.0

    function js_restrict_access(){
    global $bp, $bp_unfiltered_uri;

    if (!is_user_logged_in() &&
    (BP_MEMBERS_SLUG == $bp_unfiltered_uri[0] ||
    BP_GROUPS_SLUG == $bp->current_component ||
    BP_BLOGS_SLUG == $bp->current_component)){

    bp_core_redirect( get_option('home') . "/register" );

    add_action( 'wp', 'js_restrict_access', 3 );


    I saved the php document as bp-custom.php

    I uploaded it to the wp-content/plugins directory.

    (I also tried wp-content/mu-plugins directory.)

    I went to log in and see if I needed to activate it – nothing shows up on the screen period – even on the dashboard.

    Just in case it’s relevant I’m running:

    I’m running WPMU 2.7.1 and BP 1.0.1

    Thanks in advance for any help.



    Ugh, I just implemented the bp-custom.php updates listed there and it causes my whole screen to go blank whenever I load up the page.

    I’ll have to look into this deeper on Monday.



    As always, thank you very much Jeff. Hopefully they’ll come out with something where we can moderate who signs up soon.



    Once again you helped solve my problem – thanks for the link Jeff. Have a great evening.



    1. Which version of WPMU you are running


    2. Whether you’ve installed WPMU in a subdirectory or as a subdomian


    3. Whether you upgraded from a previous version of WPMU. If so, from which version.

    Nope, new install.

    4. Whether WPMU was functioning properly before installing/upgrading BuddyPress

    Still working

    5. Which version of BuddyPress you are running

    Latest (1.0)

    6. Whether you have any plugins other than BuddyPress installed and activated


    7. Whether you are using the standard BuddyPress themes or customized themes


    8. If running bbPress, which version

    Using 1.0

    9. A list of any errors in your server’s log files




    Just realized I had bpdev plugin still on – must have missed it. Removed it and the problem was solved. Please disregard this post.



    Success at last!

    After uninstalling the whole shebang, dropping the database, and starting from scratch without using ‘members’ as a name for the files it all works now.

    Now its time to start customizing it – and hopefully not mess it up!

    Thanks again for all the help everyone!



    Hey Guys,

    Thanks for the help. I’ll be spending the rest of this morning following the potential fixes and let you know the outcome. Keep your fingers crossed!

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