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  • wolfapache9516


    When I activate buddypress default theme it gives me blank page when clicked on create new blog but on wordpress default theme it does not show blank page.



    I am still getting blank page at can someone provide assistance. Is their any support for this?



    you never responded to this either ….



    I guess you dont answer twice 2 the same persions inquiry …. I tried it when I was installing it but you even there never responded me twice and left me hanging with the problem



    I have already activated buddypress but this theme does not get activated How can I do that?



    well for some reason I am unable to activate it can you please guide me I have done it before its just bad luck this time



    When I was testing your demo sites at I clicked on register, even that showed me a blank page. Also when I was testing to create a blog on that demo site it still gave me a blank page.




    Here is the information required:

    1. Which version of WPMU are you running?

    The 2.8.4a version of WordPress MU

    2. Did you install WPMU as a directory or subdomain install?

    I installed it in my public_html and blogs as sub-directory

    3. If a directory install, is it in root or in a subdirectory?

    In public_html

    4. Did you upgraded from a previous version of WPMU? If so, from which version?

    No it was a first time install

    5. Was WPMU functioning properly before installing/upgrading BuddyPress?

    No I installed both one after the other. After both were installed, then started testing.

    6. Which version of BuddyPress (BP) are you running?

    BuddyPress 1.1.1 installed

    7. Did you upgraded from a previous version of BP? If so, from which version?

    No it is a first time install

    8. Do you have any plugins other than BuddyPress installed and activated?

    Yes several of them.

    9. Are you using the standard BuddyPress themes or customized themes?

    First downloaded Facebuddy theme from buddydress but it gave an error so I installed

    and activated the default buddypress theme.

    10. Have you modified the core files in any way?

    No customization

    11. Do you have any custom functions in bp-custom.php?

    No did not customize it

    12. If running bbPress, which version?

    I have not installed bbpress but I am interested to install bbpress. Do I need to install

    it seperately ?

    13. Please provide a list of any errors in your server’s log files.

    blank pages when someone clicks on create a blog, unable to set themes and control

    admin area for created blogs.

    When trying to update or upload plugins, it freezes up.

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