15 years ago
@elaineskapetis plz share , kindly regards
agree, +1
you can use plugins in existing bbpress
i love this plugin
Sorry, it’s my fault Really great plugin! Wow la vita e` bella !
@Dwenaus about thread comments. Like on this picture: http://s006.radikal.ru/i213/1002/54/d2697bdd7e39.png
That idea is from russian IT site http://habrahabr.ru/ . And sorry for my poor language
Thank you! It is one of the most expected features i’d like to have
BTW, what with rating on comments? some of them sometimes are great and it’ll be good to rate them also!
https://bbpress.org/plugins/topic/allow-images/ this one?
how could I use this plugin with one-click installed bbpress ?
I had, but than switched that widget to recently active users…
maybe it’s about user admin doesn’t shows?