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Adding Terms of Service To Registration

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  • @mercime


    There was a free one that hasn’t been updated for a while but if you’d like to dive in and update the code yourself go ahead.

    There’s a premium TOS plugin which is compatible with BP



    thanks @mercime, I appreciate your response. Have you tried either of them? If so, which would you say is better to go with. $19 is not a bad deal to keep me from spending a couple of hours modding code, though GPL is always the direction I prefer to go. What do you think?



    I haven’t used either of the plugins. If you can code, then do so. That way, you’re not dependent on anybody when you need to upgrade to new WP/BP version. As far as I know WPMUDev plugins are GPL. BP 1.7 is coming up soon and I don’t know if the $19 covers upgrades. Best thing is to inquire about upgrades to plugin in their contact form.


    Participant i did use this plugin a while ago (may be 4-5 months ago) and it sort of worked. I guess i did have to do some tweaking though.. uhhhh i never remember things.. but i can tell you it works, its one of my clients site so i shouldn’t share the url, but that things is still working perfectly even after upgrading to bp 1.6



    I am using the plugin “Terms of Use” it is the third option when you search for the plugin.

    It does not show up on the registration form (at least not for the them I am using) but there is an option to do so (perhaps with other themes) and shortcode.

    It however shows up on the registered user’s dashboard and they have to agree to it before they can begin using it.

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