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Advanced Search plugin needed

  • @tr123



    I understand from a previous post I made that an advanced search is not yet available. What I need is a search plugin where user can make more than one search for a member. For example you could search for members, by age, location, hobby in one search (taking these things from created fields in profile.

    I would be happy to pay towards for this as a paid plugin or make a donation if its something other people are looking for to.

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  • @djpaul


    I am working on something but it’s gonna be ages until it’s ready




    sorry to bump this up,

    but I need the same as the initial OP,

    I would also be able to pay up to $50 for a solution that would allow searching by different search terms.



    I think what I need is more or less

    and I am confident this is progressing soon or later.



    I’m willing to add $100 to this project!!!



    Is this plugin still being updated? Or worked in to the core of 1.3?



    It was never finished, as other things came up. It’s something I want to do after I update another plugin.



    I was able to make an advanced search page by manipulating this line in bp-core-classes.php.

    $sql[‘where_searchterms’] = “AND pd.value LIKE ‘%%$search_terms%%'”;

    Example: Let’s say you have a profile field called “Location” whose field_id in the bp-xprofile-data table is 5, and you have a profile field called “Gender” whose field_id is 12. Then to search all females whose location start with “Los” you could replace that line above with:

    $sql[‘where_searchterms’] = “


    EXISTS (

    SELECT *

    FROM wp_bp_xprofile_data


    wp_bp_xprofile_data.value like ‘los%%’

    AND wp_bp_xprofile_data.field_id =5

    and wp_bp_xprofile_data.user_id=pd.user_id



    EXISTS (

    SELECT *

    FROM wp_bp_xprofile_data


    wp_bp_xprofile_data.value = ‘FEMALE’

    AND wp_bp_xprofile_data.field =12

    and wp_bp_xprofile_data.user_id=pd.user_id


    AND pd.field_id=1

    Of course, to make a fully functional advanced search page there’s a lot more than just that, but it demonstrates the basic idea. If anyone finds this helpful or wants an elaboration, let me know.



    It’s something I want to do after I update another plugin.

    Achievements? ;-) *crosses fingers*



    @holdenandmason1 could you further elaborate this with a proper code how i could search the entire site even groups, profiles, members etc..??


    I would also make a donation on such a plugin, I need the same as the initial OP, so maybe a developer can get a hand on this.



    All those wanting this plugin, please contact me. Perhaps if we each put in an equal amount, we can pay to get this created via what do you think?



    @dre1080, my post was about creating an advanced search page to search members based on the profile fields. Like the original poster said, “For example you could search for members, by age, location, hobby in one search (taking these things from created fields in profile.”

    You could use a Google search to do what you’re asking for.



    BP Member Filter is a plugin by JJJ that does what you want:

    I’ve tested this back in the BP 1.1.3 days and it worked to some extent.

    Haven’t tested this with BP 1.2.

    You could also potentially use the “Search Engine” plugin by Scott Kingsley Clark:

    It works as a spider so it indexes all content on your site (so I’m guessing it would include BP content)… I should state that I haven’t used this though.

    But it wouldn’t offer the “advanced search” functionality you’re looking for. More like a sitewide search.

    Unfortunately the plugin “BP Member Filter” is a plugin by JJJ is not working anymore, read this thread:



    You could also potentially use the “Search Engine” plugin by Scott Kingsley Clark:

    It works as a spider so it indexes all content on your site (so I’m guessing it would include BP content)… I should state that I haven’t used this though.

    OK, I tried Scott’s “Search Engine” plugin on BP. It is well intended, but still in very deep beta. As far as I could tell, it was only indexing blog posts, and I couldn’t seem to test even that, because each time I hit the search box, the result was always a single, non-clickable Google Search Result unrelated to the content that should have been indexed.

    Google Custom Search also seems to have issues with BP, as it was not indexing forum posts. Perhaps a site map needs to be submitted for GCS to pick up on forum posts?



    I could definitely do with an advanced search function as well. I am trying to setup a directory based site where each user will select their occupation and location as well as other details. It should then be possible for someone to specify an occupation and location in the one search.

    I’ve done quite a bit of work on this site and I’m really loving buddypress but unfortunately without the ability to search in this way I’m thinking I might have to scrap the whole thing and custom build my own directory based site.

    @holdenandmason1 any chance you would be able to give a more detailed explanation on how you created your advanced search.

    @DJPaul is this something you are still working on or have you too much else on?



    I could definitely do with an advanced search function as well. I am trying to setup a directory based site where each user will select their occupation and location as well as other details. It should then be possible for someone to specify an occupation and location in the one search.

    I’ve done quite a bit of work on this site and I’m really loving buddypress but unfortunately without the ability to search in this way I’m thinking I might have to scrap the whole thing and custom build my own directory based site.

    @holdenandmason1 any chance you would be able to give a more detailed explanation on how you created your advanced search.

    @DJPaul is this something you are still working on or have you too much else on?



    It’s something that I want to work on, but I haven’t got time. I contribute to BuddyPress and do BP consultancy and plugin development in the evenings and weekends (or at lunch, as you can see from this reply). Something else I really want to do is contribute features and patches directly to the BP core, which I’m trying to do for 1.3.

    Split between reading virtually every thread on these forums (helping and/or moderating where I can), attending the fortnightly BP Dev Chats, keeping an eye on tickets in the (bug) tracker, supporting two existing plugins and doing client development work… it’s just crazy. It reminds me of this post, by Jeff Sayre — “I’m BuddyPress-ed for Time”.

    So the only way I can possible do this is in a decent time frame is dropping one of the above, or if someone wants to hire me to do build on the search.




    It’s something that I want to work on, but I haven’t got time. I contribute to BuddyPress and do BP consultancy and plugin development in the evenings and weekends (or at lunch, as you can see from this reply). Something else I really want to do is contribute features and patches directly to the BP core, which I’m trying to do for 1.3.

    Split between reading virtually every thread on these forums (helping and/or moderating where I can), attending the fortnightly BP Dev Chats, keeping an eye on tickets in the (bug) tracker, supporting two existing plugins and doing client development work… it’s just crazy. It reminds me of this post, by Jeff Sayre — “I’m BuddyPress-ed for Time”.

    So the only way I can possible do this is in a decent time frame is dropping one of the above, or if someone wants to hire me to do build on the search.




    Thanks for the quick response @DJPaul. I totally understand what you’re saying. I was just curious to know if it was something that might be available in the future or if I should just plough on with an alternative.

    I’d be willing to donate as was mentioned by a few others above but with the particular project I’m working on at the moment I’m hoping to have it done in a few weeks so either way looks like I’ll be going with an alternative option.

    Thanks again though, and thanks for all your other contributions to Buddypress..



    Thanks for the quick response @DJPaul. I totally understand what you’re saying. I was just curious to know if it was something that might be available in the future or if I should just plough on with an alternative.

    I’d be willing to donate as was mentioned by a few others above but with the particular project I’m working on at the moment I’m hoping to have it done in a few weeks so either way looks like I’ll be going with an alternative option.

    Thanks again though, and thanks for all your other contributions to Buddypress..



    @ Paul Gibbs… what’s your rate? LOL i’m willing to pay



    Is anybody working on this at the moment, or made any progress or such a thing? I could provide the motivation you need to finish if so. Please contact me directly if so.



    Is anybody working on this at the moment, or made any progress or such a thing? I could provide the motivation you need to finish if so. Please contact me directly if so.




    Brajesh has built an awesome search that I use on my site. highly recommended.

    Creating The sitewide global/unified search Page for your Buddypress Theme

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