looks good, but 2 members only?!
the reason for only 2 members is because I have only just put buddypress on the site
What theme is that using?
oh sorry, I misunderstood the initial post (I haven’t read it carefully, I didn’t get you were the one who put it on
@Symm2112 its using Justin Tadlocks Hybrid as parent theme and a blend of the Malleable child theme from Patrick of http://developdaly.com/
I must say, you did a good job.
presume my last post got caught in the spam que because of two links, so will avoid this time.
The parent theme is Justin Tadlocks Theme Hybrid & the child theme is down to Patrick of developdaly.com.
I just added the BuddyPress reguired functions to my child theme, loving the functionality of BuddyPress 1.2, still some CSS needing to be worked out, but am happy to share the theme/code if wanted
@thekmen please share. much appreciated.
Very nice job. Server is so slow though.
If you want, you can put it up at freebpthemes.com.
What is the ratings plugin you’re using?
@Scotm as soon as BuddyPress 1.2 gets officially released, I will be happy to update it & share it.
@David Lewis, thanks, Media Template having serious latency issues this week, hopefully the speed issues are a bit better now.
@Andrea_r, thanks, wait till 1.2 gets released so it can include any bug fixes, but no probs then.
@Arx Poetica the ratings plugin I am using is GD Star Rating http://www.gdstarrating.com
Wow. Really good job. I’m looking forward to the release of this theme!
Have you tried the forums yet? I haven’t tested that on mine yet.
Nice site. Have you ever posted on Yahoo Answers. There’s a section called Reality Television and it’s full of American Idol fans. I bet if you posted your site to this section, you’d get a lot of new members. The fans are usually on the site the night of the show.