Avatars aren’t shown after the upgrade
Hi. I know there are other topics about that issue but this is new. Because I tried everything to solve that avatar issue but it still has a problem.
I’ve upgraded to 1.2.5 from and now some of the group and member avatars are gone.
I tried to fix with .htaccess but it didnt work.
How can i solve that? thanks.
http://example.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/filesFor BP_AVATAR_UPLOAD_PATH, you can try the snippet posted by 3dperuna:
https://buddypress.org/community/groups/how-to-and-troubleshooting/forum/topic/bp-1-2-4-custom-bp_avatar_url-change/#post-56257But in some cases, that isn’t accurate. Only you can enter in the correct filepath.
I tried several snippets. It’s not working
May it be because of I have two blogs installed? The other blog doesn’t use BP. It’s just a blog to post our new developments and news. May it be the reason?
@r-a-y The second blog has another upload directory for itself. So it’s ok to have another blog. But what’s the problem with my root blog?
I have made fresh, clean installs of WP 3 as multisite and Buddypress 1.2.5. While everything works OK avatars uploaded at BP are not shown in WP blog, blog comments etc
I posted a demo link at https://buddypress.org/community/groups/how-to-and-troubleshooting/forum/topic/how-to-show-bp-avatars-in-wordpress-blogs/
Does the demo version ay buddypress.og works okay with WP multisite blogs – is there any demo?
This bug is actually making Buddypress 1.2.5 unusable.Still has the same problem…
@ronia , @alierkurt –
Try the newest release — BP — and see if that works:
https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/buddypress. applied the patch but it didn’t work
@r-a-y I also applied and nothing changed…
Wordpress 3
Fresh new installations
(No upgrades, no conversions, just Multisite/multiblog and subdirectory from the beginning)
Sample blog post – http://kmela.net/kc/newdemo/2010/07/06/new-post-one/
Sample activity stream – http://kmela.net/kc/members/newdemo/activity/User newdemo is confused as she uploaded her avatar from BP but cannot see that in her blog comment
Well ronia, at least you can see the avatars
I can’t see my own.
Yep Alice but that does not solve the problem. This bug was not there prior to 1.2.4 perhaps so users who were using those cannot upgrade now because the members will be critically affected at loss of their photo in blog posts, comments etc.
Since Activity streams and Friends are out of the box features these days in popular soft-wares whether complex like Elgg or simple like Vanilla forums, I think it is high-time BP is integrated out of box in WP 3 now that WPMU and WP merged. It should not be too difficult where Matt and Andy are there – if they sit together this can be solved even by today evening
yeah and im having the problem since yesterday. i had to shut my site down and its now useless because of that issue. i really need a solution
The pictures aren’t physically lost or deleted. There is something in the configuration that is causing it to miss where the image is, and it’s falling back on the gravatar.
I’m mobile right now, but I’d like to personally help one of you fix this, so that we can get avatars resolved asap.
@johnjamesjacoby Yeah John. I see the files in the directory but there is a problem to reach them. When I try to go to the url files/avatar.jpg it says “Not Found”. I try to go to the wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/avatar.jpg it says “Not found” again. So there’s a huge problem and ? really need to fix it. Hope you help me asap
because my site is still down.
OK. I’ve uploaded my all subdomain fiels to the root and it works now. I’ve upgraded to and now it works. But I still have some avatar issues. For example, I can’t see some of my group and member avatar thumbnails. When I try to re-upload an avatar, it works.
@john-james … I have the same issue. Here is the thread in question if you find it helpful.
It has to do with where Buddypress is looking for your uploaded avatars. By default, it is pointed to the right place. I don’t remember the exact code to fix it, but I’ll look it up right now to help you out. It fixed the issue for me, so hopefully it will for you. Be back soon.
Here is the code I used. Put this in bp-custom.php in your plugins folder, and it should correctly display your user’s BP avatar across an entire WordPress MU install. Lemme know if it works!
function nfm_bp_avtar_upload_path_correct($path){
if ( bp_core_is_multisite() ){
$path = ABSPATH . get_blog_option( BP_ROOT_BLOG, ‘upload_path’ );
return $path;
add_filter(‘bp_core_avatar_upload_path’, ‘nfm_bp_avtar_upload_path_correct’, 1);function nfm_bp_avatar_upload_url_correct($url){
if ( bp_core_is_multisite() ){
$url = get_blog_option( BP_ROOT_BLOG, ‘siteurl’ ) . “/wp-content/uploads/”;
return $url;
add_filter(‘bp_core_avatar_url’, ‘nfm_bp_avatar_upload_url_correct’, 1);Originally found here: https://buddypress.org/community/groups/how-to-and-troubleshooting/forum/topic/custom-avatars-arent-shown-on-single-blogs-in-wpmu/
@bennadler – Thanks! But it is not WordPress MU – it is WordPress 3 as multisite (sub directories) – the code is not working.
Sorry, that is what I meant. I am using WordPress 3.0 with multisite activated. That is the exact code. I am running WordPress 3.0 and Buddypress 1.2.5. I have this code installed in my bp-custom.php file and it activates the avatars across the whole domain. Are you absolutely sure you have this all in the right place? Did you put wrapped around the code I provided?
@bennadler – Thanks again. Where exactly you have put bp-custom.php ? I tried in all the documented paths, and yes php code wrapped around. My test site is ** subdirectory ** based and cannot get to work. A link to your active site will be appreciated.
@ronia you should put bp-custom.php file into the wp-content/plugins folder. Don’t put it into plugins/buddypress. Becasue bp-custom is a custom file which runs before your BP plugin. So that’s how it works.
@bennadler I didn’t use your code but I re-uploaded all files into the root directory and it worked.
@alicethewonder – I did . Still no luck. I am using *subdirectory* type of Multisite. BP Avatar works fine in activity, BP profile etc but Gravatar still shows up in WP blog comments. Can the php gurus pleaseee help!
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