Try changing the permissions of your wp-content folder.
i was trying to give permission of 777.
but still its not working.
any other solution?
my website running on windows server
Wordpress version : WordPress 3.0.1.
Buddypress Version 1.2.7
i was give permission of 777, but still it doesn’t display user avatar, its display default avatar (mystery-man)
while user was upload their own avatar. but its doesnt seen in profile,.
its very urgent for me.
please give me other solution,
i was already talk with my hosting provider but he was told me permission is 777 for wp-content.
please guide me.
Ask your host whether the PHP GD extension is installed and loaded
PHP GD extension is installed!
can you please suggest me another solution?
its very urgent for me.
i dont know what should i do?
please help me.
Is the uploaded avatar being saved on the server?
and ask your web host whether the owner/group permissions are correct to allow the server or user to write to directories. This issue is not just about chmod and the continual advice from general quarters around the web and from hosts to set directories to world writable 777 is starting to get irritating.
P.S We understand it is urgent but you mustn’t state that in a post it’s not our problem
I resolved this kind of issue by sitting down with Linux guides and a test server until I had a fair grasp of things – note only fair though still get confused by much 
post content of your install’s htaccess file here – and clarify whether you’re on single WP or multsite (if multisite – subdomain or subdirectory)
Thanks for your replay.
@paul – uploaded avatar saved in /wp-content/uploads/avatars/signups
@mercime – wordpress working on signle site on root. (http://mysite.com)
My .htaccess :
# BEGIN WordPress
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . index.php [L]
# END WordPress
@hnla : my site is host on windows server. i was check permission for read/write for IIS user.
but i dont know whats going wrong….. 
waiting for your reply.
if i m adding bellow code i get 500 error
any other solution?
i am waiting for solution…..
=== i am waiting for solution…..===
@newvisioninfotech It is important that your WordPress installation is working correctly before installing and activating BuddyPress https://codex.buddypress.org/getting-started/before-installing/#wp-configuration
Instead of only waiting for solution here, I suggest that you also post your issue at WP.org forums where there are more people with Windows hosting https://wordpress.org/support/
This isn’t a paid support forum and as such comments like I am waiting for a solution… do not go down well!
Also bear in mind that technically this isn’t or is unlikely a BP or WP issue but a server configuration one.
I have this same issue. When someone creates a new user and uploads a custom Avatar, the upload seems to work, but once logged in the default Avatar shows up.
If the user then edits their profile and uploads an Avatar, it will show up and replace the default Avatar. So, in general the custom Avatar works, but not when a user first registers for the site.
It seems as though the images that get stored in the ‘uploads/signups’ directory don’t work, but images stored in the other directories do.
Any advice?
Ok, the issue arrises when I ‘bp_core_activation_signup_user_notification_to’ and switch the confirmation email to someone other than the user… So, it’s something with the activation not be activated by the actual user.