BP Album+ || New Features Requests and Discussion
If you need a free image gallery or photo album for BuddyPress, BP Album+ is probably the plugin you’re looking for. BP Album+ adds instant, FaceBook style photo albums to all of your user’s profiles.
You can always get the most up-to-date version from the WordPress plugin repository at this link:
Or, if you like living on the bleeding-edge of BuddyPress development, you can get the latest beta here:
This forum thread is for discussing new features the community would like to see in future releases of the BP Album+ plugin.
All ideas are welcome, no matter how crazy, bandwidth-intensive, or strange …but the final call on what goes into the plugin and when will be made by the development team.
Photos and user interfaces are a uniquely “visual” thing, so when posting an idea to this thread, please try to include a LINK to a website that’s doing the thing you want included in the plugin. For original functions that don’t exist *anywhere* yet, draw a sketch of your idea in a paint program and post a link to the image.
This will make it much easier for users that don’t speak English to understand your idea.
So, Let’s get started!
We will be including our own flash player with the plugin.
That way, BP users won’t have to work with a closed-source player or a very restrictive open source one that forces you to put 3rd party advertising on your content.
We do not currently have the plugin linked to the global search function, but we’ll get it added as we continute with development.
RE: I was wondering if there are any plans/timescale to add album/picture ratings to your album+ plugin? Sort of a “thumbs up”, “thumbs down” system.
Eventually, yes.
Basically, we’re systematically adding every feature you’d see on a major social networking site.
RE: Hey Foxly is it possible to use NetBeans to edit files live on the server? Was just curious because I want to test it out, I currently use GVim.
It depends what you mean by “Live on the Server”.
If you mean “Live on a LOCAL development server”, yes, NetBeans excels at this job. It even automatically refreshes modified files, so if you’re dumping debug info to a text file and have it open in NetBeans, added text will show up in the display sort of like a terminal window.
On the other hand, if you mean “Live on a remote server”, yes it can do that as well. Ideally just by mounting the remote server HTTP directory as a network drive.
I think NetBeans might also have FTP functionality, but I haven’t tried it yet.
@foxly: Have you guys considered publishing a timeline/roadmap like BP has (or maybe you already have and I just haven’t seen it)? This might help others plan their own projects around estimated feature roll-outs.
BP Album+ has a very straightforward roadmap: systematically clone the media management features of Facebook, Flickr, and YouTube …and do it as quickly as possible.
In order of priority, we’re working on the following features:
1) Batch file uploading (2 -3 days)
2) AJAX image sorting (about a week)
3) Demo templates (that show all the features, emulate facebook and flickr, etc) (about 10 days)
4) Albums for groups (about 2 weeks)
5) Streaming audio and video (about 3 weeks)
6) Disk quota
7) Tight integration with BP’s tagging and search functions
Photos widget, “your friends’s recently updated media”, etc
9) “Like” feature on media items. (Possibly dependent on BP, as I think they’re adding capability to the BP core)
10) Inappropriate content flagging
At that point we basically match Facebook, Flickr, and YouTube feature-for-feature.
I’m sure after that we’ll get lots of site-specific feature requests (can you add a feature that lets users doodle on their photos, etc) but the core features give you what you need to run practically any website.
Am awaiting for these features and more maybe a RSS feed or API for support mobile apps like twitpic does
I’m on BETA-0-1-9-2 I go to the media page and in “fresh” browsers, cleared cached, cookies all that good stuff.
In Safari: Safari can’t open the page “http://mysite.com/members/me/album/â€. The error is: “cannot decode raw data†(NSURLErrorDomain:-1015)
In Firefox: Content Encoding Error The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
In Opera: Just random character fill the page
At one point when try to view an image I got this:
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/me/public_html/mysite/wp-content/plugins/bp-album/includes/templates/album/home.php:11) in /home/me/public_html/mysite/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 868
Can’t test it in IE because I’m at home (with a mac). But I will on Monday.
We haven’t seen that error before …I’ll get on it first thing tomorrow (its currently 10pm here).
Please post some example URL’s from the site that consistently give the error. (This one is probably site-specific, so I’ll need to debug it on the actual live website).
@foxly I am going to test the new beta, which looks promising.
I did installed it in the plugins directory along with the old one, and in order to test it (live site), I switch the folder name of the plugin to make it active (the old with the new). When I switch for the new (beta) I think that all the previously uploaded images are not there in profiles/photos. Does that mean that members need to re-upload again?
Othewise, there were a few fixes I needed to solve with the old plugin, mainly caused by the fact that my WP installation is in a SUBFOLDER (and surely enough, I am not the only one with such a setup). So please consider coding paths to file so that it works fine for both cases (WP in root and WP in subfolder).
You can find more about it here, with code fixes kindly provided by the other plugin author, Francesco.
The original thread was closed, don’t know why and don’t know by who, without a word to me:
This configuration and fixes surely apply to many other. (I am not the only one having WP in a sub folder, am I?).
Well, thanks for taking this into consideration for the next release.
testing the new beta
can’t remove someone who tagged themselves I click remove but nothing happens
1) You can’t just “switch” from version 0.1.7 to, because doesn’t have an upgrade routine (because its a beta). If you install it on a server that already has a 0.1.7 install, all sorts of strange things will happen.
If you really, really want to upgrade to, you’ll have to delete all of your user’s uploaded images, delete all of 0.1.7’s database tables, then install; but for systems with existing users that have uploaded a lot of media, it’s probably just better to wait until we put out the next release version.
2) BP Album+ works just fine when you install WP in a subfolder. The reason it doesn’t work properly on *your* installation is because you’ve used some “hack” posted on the Internet to modify your installation to hide the subfolder from the URL displayed in the browser.
Guys, there is a lot of VERY BAD advice posted on the Internet about how you can cut and paste code into WordPress to do various things, and a lot of this advice is incomplete or wrong. The hack you’re using only handles *one* way plugins get the base URI, and as you install more plugins you will start to get all sorts of problems.
If you want to install WordPress in a subdirectory, the correct way to do it is to set it up as a virtual host in your apache config file, or using a redirect:
Redirect: (OK) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pC_HNbly6mI
Virtual host: (Best) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HW2xWJpjKQk
3) It’s relatively easy for us to make the URI’s to media items in BP Album+ configurable, no matter how somebody sets up a WP installation, if that’s what you guys want.
…but based on my research so far, we *cannot* fix the problem with images not showing up in the activity stream on WP installs that are a) in a subdirectory and b) not using a redirect or virtual host method of URL shortening, because of the way *BuddyPress* stores activity stream attachments.
How BP Album+ stores an image URI:
[$offset] + [ / album / 04 / kittens_15.jpg]
How the BuddyPress activity stream stores an image URI (last I checked…. I will research this more when I have time):
[ http://www.example.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/01/album/04/kittens_15.jpg ]
So when you use a hack to dynamically change your base URI, BP Album+ can handle it (because we dynamically generate the full URI), the BuddyPress activity stream cannot handle it (because it uses a static URI) and the activity stream post items break.
But the bottom line is, all of this is happening because you haven’t set up your WP installation properly and are using “hacks” off the Internet to mess with your site.
Set up your WP install properly, and you won’t have problems.
@foxly I sent you a PM with login info to my site for testing.
RE: “testing the new beta. can’t remove someone who tagged themselves I click remove but nothing happens”
Defect has been confirmed on my dev system. We will add it to the queue.
can I help test ?
I would love to see this working asap
@foxly Well, at the least somebody points me to the right direction about that.
I did suspect that having WP in a subfolder I would run into all kinds of problems with BuddyPress as I go along. But didn’t know about setting it up in another way, since WP just works fine like that.
I will have a look at the youtube links you provide (didn’t do that yet).
Thanks again!
I will let you know…
RE: “can I help test ? I would love to see this working asap
Just try-out every feature in the plugin, and give a detailed report of any problems you find and how to reproduce them.
can’t remove someone who tagged themselves – I click remove but nothing happens
tagging and untagging yourself works
can only tag yourself if you visit the image on the users profile page – is that intentional ?
Click on the displayed image in the activity stream nothing happens
Click the link in – uploaded a new picture: mynewpicture.png in the activity stream nothing happens
I have to click on view to then display the image
create album – a little unsure why location and members is there ?
The album name is displayed next to the image, think would look better above or below
Still testing
Do you think it is possible to use a redirect rule in .htaccess instead of going with the cPanel option from the video you provided? (I do not have cPanel, and I am on MediaTemple), to have images to doisplay fine in the activity stream?
Please note that WP itself installed in a subfolder is not a problem (https://codex.wordpress.org/Giving_WordPress_Its_Own_Directory), and URLs are generated without the subfolder. It is the BuddyPress components that generates the subfolder in URLs/permalinks. And that is the reason why I needed this code (who was provided by r-a-y) to get rid of it:
// Getting rid of the subfolder in URLs/permalinks
function my_bp_override_core_domain() {
$domain = get_bloginfo('url');
return $domain;
add_filter('bp_core_get_root_domain','my_bp_override_core_domain');I believe that as you said, many could be the issues with WP in a subfolder if not handled properly, but I also believe that there are *many* users using a subfolder installation, and probably the core BP should take this into consideration and properly handle one option (root installation) or another (subfolder installation), without having to use workarounds.
There is an article from Jeff Starr that may be interesting:
I did try different solutions, but none of them worked.
But because this is not related only to your plugin, I will probably going to open a thread about the whole subfolder-related topic.
Still, if you got an answear for me, I am here.
Okay, well clearly you’re smart and you’ve put some effort into debugging your system.
I will add a config option to the next BP Album+ beta that lets users set a custom path for activity stream items. But… it will not fix your existing activity stream items, and if you ever change your directory structure after using the option, you’ll lose all your activity stream items again.
Remember, this is a limitation in BuddyPress, not BP Album+
Still, your best options are:
1) To put your WP installation at the HTML root, which will give you the best compatibility with plugins.
2) If you’re running multiple installs in a single HTML root, use virtual hosts.
3) And if you don’t want to learn how to use virtual hosts, you can probably use a redirect in your .htaccess file as you described (that’s what cPANEL does). Note that there could be SEO implications with using a redirect.
“5) Streaming audio and video (about 3 weeks)”
Will this also include the support of putting youtube and other 3rdparty videos into your video gallery?
We’ll certainly try.
But remember, we are *not* adding “embed content from fifty different free streaming video sites” type functionality.
More like the top 5 sites, and that’s it.
Depending on free sites to host your media content is BAD …because every time the other site changes something, it breaks the plugin, and then *we* have to figure out how to fix it for the changes the other site has made.
We can do that for a few sites, but not all of them; otherwise we’d never get any work done on other features. This is why Facebook only allows embeds from a few selected sites, and hosts most of their content themselves.
If you’re running even a moderate sized social community, eventually you will have to do the same, start hosting your own media files.
That makes sense. And I think that as long as you cover the top 5 or so sites (e.g. YouTube and Vimeo for video and Flickr and Photobucket for images) things will work for the vast majority of users.
I wonder if oEmbed might provide a simpler way for yall to do that.
Perhaps making a way to globally enter 3rd party streaming sites through the admin panel? For example…
Making an input that allows you to enter a example url.
Than users can choose that the latest 16 characters are the important ones and that the streaming site is labeled with Veoh.
More examples:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4E606X_TaDI (label: youtube)
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2bsvj_amv-strawberry-panic_creation (label: dailymotion)
Then making another textbox where you can enter an embed code off the site, where you paste the embed code and where you place a certain character needs to be replaced with the earlier mentioned code.
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2bsvj_amv-strawberry-panic_creation (label: dailymotion)
<object width=”480″ height=”360″><param name=”movie” value=”http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/video/@“></param><param name=”allowFullScreen” value=”true”></param><param name=”allowScriptAccess” value=”always”></param><embed type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” src=”http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/video/@” width=”480″ height=”360″ allowfullscreen=”true” allowscriptaccess=”always”></embed></object>
This all will make the end code that gets displayed to the users like this..
<object width=”480″ height=”360″><param name=”movie” value=”http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/video/x2bsvj“></param><param name=”allowFullScreen” value=”true”></param><param name=”allowScriptAccess” value=”always”></param><embed type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” src=”http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/video/x2bsvj” width=”480″ height=”360″ allowfullscreen=”true” allowscriptaccess=”always”></embed></object>
Is it normal when you click an image on the activity stream to view it, to takes you to the home page without displaying the image?
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