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BP1.2+ Plugin Wishlists

  • @stwc


    I thought it might be useful to our many plugin developers if we had a thread where we could talk about our dream plugins, and if someone wanted to develop something, they’d know there was a demand already.

    I’ll start: I find that the greatest gaps in functionality for the new site I’m putting together is in the integrated BBpress forums. Many BBpress plugins could presumably be ported to BP, but that’s beyond my limited skills at this point.

    So, some plugins I’d love to see

    • Forum Inline image attachments
    • Forum quoting (with cite)
    • Forum whispers (basically private messages inline in forum threads, like Vanilla, visible only to sender and sendee)
    • Some buttons for basic formatting on textareas (like TinyMCE, but simplish)

      I know Boone is looking at a couple of these, I think, and there are some other plugins like Events and Achievements that I’m waiting for with much excitement on 1.2.

      That’s a wishlist start, for me, anyway. What BP plugins, extending forums or otherwise, are on your wishlist?

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  • @peterverkooijen


    I find that the greatest gaps in functionality for the new site I’m putting together is in the integrated BBpress forums

    BBpress is not part of Buddypress -> BBpress forums

    When I ask about core BP issues here, I’m often referred to the WP or WPMU forums. But questions about BBpress are apparently OK. Why? I don’t get it. Personally I don’t see what forums have to do with a social network. You don’t see Facebook and LinkedIn integrating an oldfashioned linear forum.

    So my wishlist? Remove forum integration so I don’t have to comment stuff out or have one more item in an already way too cluttered admin area.

    And things like adding (parts of) TinyMCE to textareas you can do yourself if you know some basics of theme customization and read the instructions in the TinyMCE documentation.

    (Edited by r-a-y to stay on topic)



    Let me ask you though: what is the single most-used, most-trafficked, important element of this very site we’re on right now for most of us?

    Hint: it’s this (relatively feature-poor) forum.

    Different people have different needs, and the forum component of BBpress is an essential one for many users of BP. My thinking was that this thread could be about not just possible plugins for that area, but things that people would love to see in plugin form for any area of BP. I’ve tried over the last 6 or 8 months to give as much back to this community here by helping others as I’ve taken or solicited help from them. I’m not asking for help with BBpress. A wishlist is just that — nobody gives a good goddamn, mostly, but occasionally somebody plays the angel.



    Although I must reserve the right to ask for help with the BBpress component of BP, for those in the know, in the future. From people who might be willing offer it. ;-)







    I like this thread, so I’m going to check back on it in 3 hours. If you haven’t cleaned it up yourselves, I’ll do it for you.

    And… if I wasn’t posting this from the Apple store, I’d probably have locked it. Haha!



    Hey gang,

    Just moderated my first thread; removed some sentences due to topic irrelevancy, but the main gist is still there.

    Going back to stwc’s initial post:

    – forum inline attachments – Boone has a port of _ck_’s old plugin working for the most part

    – quote – i’ll take a look at this one when i have some time

    – forum whispers – not really interested in this one… maybe someone else can take a look at this?

    – gui for textarea – Boone has a TinyMCE plugin for this

    Peter, as you well know, you can disable forum integration. Privacy is an issue, yes. There’s no complete solution right now (patiently waiting for Jeff’s plugin), but one solution I’ve tried is Jehy’s Registered Users Only 2 plugin. Though, I did modify it a tiny bit for BP needs. I can post the modified code if anyone’s interested.



    In order of preference:

    • Privacy: I’m guess I’m patiently waiting on Jeff too. I’m really looking forward to the multiple options that it’ll provide for each user</i>
    • Galleries: Yes, I know that I could purchase the plugin from Rajeesh… but college students are notorious for being cheap, eh?</i>
    • Facebook synchronization: I’m really liking the new Tweetstream plugin. If only we had a compatible Facebook plugin again.



    Thanks for the cleanup, mods. Apologies for being intemperate.



    BP Breadrumbs

    Facebook Connect (no rpx, just a plain simple well done fb connect implementation)

    Tadlock’s Members plugin adapted for BP

    And of course the often quoted Privacy/Gallery/Events plugins, but I’m positive that those will be available soon.



    since i use bbPress as an external install (on a subdomain and within bp) – want to carry over some of the basic plugins. So, I’m working on bb-signatures, bb-code, bb-smiles into the BP group forums section (maybe ajaxed quote – not sure yet)

    also, i have company directory app (standard address, contact, members, deals, reviews, tagging) that runs on a hybrid wordpress based site – i’m thinking about converting this into a bp component (based on groups?)



    Oh, I forgot one more plugin that would be cool.

      Sitewide Editors. Basically everything that an Admin can do except for editing or installing themes and plugins. Basically this plugin is for people that we would like to moderate our site, but are too untech that we’re afraid they might delete a plugin/theme or meddle with a setting that shouldn’t be meddled with.

    @etiviti (rich!): I’d be interested in a company directory plugin for BP.



    The only plugin I want is an Events plugin. Not very creative… I know. LOL.

    p.s. BTW Peter… Facebook actually does have regular old fashioned linear forums.



    I have quite a list.

    – Database which allows users to add to it and comment/give their opinion about, basically something like imdb.

    – The many questioned gallery plugin, I’m working on a non-profit project right now, so I’m not paying for anything.

    – Invites plugin, make your users invite other users through importing their im list for example.

    – Start user plugin, a plugin which tours people around the site and let them do certain things For example by letting them do 5 steps, and through a percentage meter, tell them how many steps they’ve done. This will make it easier for users to see what they can do on your site and how stuff works.

    – Forum inside buddypress thats not linked to groups.

    That’s probably not even all the stuff I would want for Buddypress, just the things I can come up with at the moment. :)




    – Privacy, Privacy, Privacy

    – invite anyone from within BP + invite anyone from outside (when you know their e-mail-address).



    The cleanest solution for an invite plugin would be a plugin based on the open stack so people don’t have to share their password.



    events and Invite friends plugin :)



    @Xevo I like the Tour-Plugin idea very much! GREAT idea!!!



    I’m moving this to the Ideas board



    Ditto – ‘Invite a friend’ (outside of community) very evident in other SN; Ning as an example, helps grow a community.



    Sitewide tagging of Blogposts, groups, members, forum posts activities … would be great!




    I’d really like to see your RUO2 modification, I’d like to use it.


    Tweetstream is going to have a brother… from the same great author, and it’s probably a matter of days…



    @luccame and @paulhastings0, the brother is already born, it just said his first words! Working hard on it but yes Facestream (facebook intergration) will be there! I say at the end of next week?




    Here’s my modified code for Registered Users Only 2:

    I didn’t spend much time on it, but it gets the job done.

    I used this on WPMU and only activated the plugin on the blog where BP is installed; I don’t recommend activating this site-wide.



    @Peter Hoffman and @luccame: Sweetness.



    I would kill for a widgetized version of the activity stream, sort of like how the old sitiwide activity widget worked. The ability to add a group activity widget, say, onto a blog sidebar would be extremely helpful to spurring community contributions.

    I also wish there were a plugin to allow you to post to a blog from the core activity stream, as well as join blogs from the blog directory.

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