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BuddyBar for bbPress

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  • @rohan_kapoor


    Anyone good with .htaccess rewrite rules?

    I stuck the following in a blank .htaccess but it doesn’t seem to be executing.

    RewriteEngine On

    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^[^.w{3}]$
    RewriteRule ^$ %{HTTP_HOST} [C]
    RewriteRule ^([^.w{3}]+)$ [R=301,L]

    What I’m trying to do is get .htaccess to execute as


    EDIT: I managed to get it work a little like this:

    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^[^.w{3}]$
    RewriteRule ^$ %{HTTP_HOST} [C]
    RewriteRule ^([^.w{3}]+)$ [R=301,L]

    My only problem is that i want it to appear as Any ideas people?



    Some more debuggin for the admin bar in combination with Transposh(and maybe some other WP-plugins that manipulate output in a special way)

    if(!strpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'],'forums/rss.php') and !strpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'],'admin')) {
    if ( !defined( 'ABSPATH' ) & !defined( 'XMLRPC_REQUEST' )) {
    define( 'WP_USE_THEMES', false );
    // You will need to get the ABSOLUTE path to this file |
    // \|/
    include_once( 'public_html/wp-blog-header.php' );
    header( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" );
    header( "Status: 200 All rosy" );



    That would disallow the buddybar in the admin area, which sort-of goes against what the point of this plugin is in a way.

    There are lots of variations of how this could work though, and that is certainly one of them. Thanks for helping out!



    BP bar not working…!!!

    This is what i did

    I had a full integration – means i had copied all the keys from wp- config to bb-config accordingly.

    I had done all other settings so that a discussion forum made in buddypress is shown in bbpress.

    I uploaded the buddypress bar plugin to the my-plugin directory.

    Added the code into bb-config

    with the absolute path of FILE i.e include_once( ‘/public_html/wp-blog-header.php’ );

    activated the plugin

    nothing happened!!??

    Did i miss any step??



    Can you please copy and paste your bb-config.php file with the passwords removed. It would also be appreciated if you could link us to your site.




    I think I really messed something up… I get the following error:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare update_user_status() (previously declared in Imy\domain\wp-admin\includes\mu.php:417) in my\domain\bb-includes\functions.php on line 1249

    Someone had a similar thing going on? Hope someone could help me out… Thanks!



    Nicholaszen, are you using a 0.9x version of bbPress? If so, this plugin will not work for you.

    In the 1.0.1 version of bbPress, that function is in I haven’t tried this with 1.0.3 yet myself, but I’ll be sure to give it a spin tomorrow.



    here is my wp-config with db details and auth key removed


    if ( !defined( ‘ABSPATH’ ) & !defined( ‘XMLRPC_REQUEST’ )) {

    define( ‘WP_USE_THEMES’, false );

    include_once( ‘/public_html/wp-blog-header.php’ );

    header( “HTTP/1.1 200 OK” );

    header( “Status: 200 All rosy” );


    define( ‘BBDB_NAME’, ‘database here’ );

    define( ‘BBDB_USER’, ‘user here’ );

    define( ‘BBDB_PASSWORD’, ‘pass here’ );

    define( ‘BBDB_HOST’, ‘localhost’ );

    define( ‘BBDB_CHARSET’, ‘utf8’ );

    define( ‘BBDB_COLLATE’, ” );

    define(‘BB_AUTH_KEY’, ‘


    define(‘BB_SECURE_AUTH_KEY’, ‘


    define(‘BB_LOGGED_IN_KEY’, ‘


    define(‘BB_NONCE_KEY’, ‘


    define(‘BB_AUTH_SALT’, ‘


    define(‘BB_LOGGED_IN_SALT’, ‘


    define(‘BB_SECURE_AUTH_SALT’, ‘


    auth keys here ^ same as that in wp-config

    $bb_table_prefix = ‘bn_’;

    define( ‘BB_LANG’, ” );

    $bb->bb_xmlrpc_allow_user_switching = true;




    @Rohan my website is

    and forums are at

    Thanks for help



    John James Jacoby wrote:
    I haven’t tried this with 1.0.3 yet myself, but I’ll be sure to give it a spin tomorrow.

    Just upgraded WPMU to 2.8.1 and also upgraded BP to 1.0.3 and applied the __init / __construct fix to wpmu-functions.php (

    And I’m up and running with the BuddyBar.

    Man upgrading isn’t fun!



    @Mohit Kumar: After reviewing your bb-config.php it appears I need some more information. Are you running WPMU 2.7.1 or 2.8.1?

    @r-a-y: I tried and ended up nuking the whole site. I had to restore all the backups!



    JJJ, my bad.. you’re right.. I was running 0.9x.. Now I upgraded to 1.0.1, but now I got a white screen.. Like R-A-Y says.. upgrading really isn’t any fun..!



    @Nicholaszen: see if you can get to /bb-admin/ if you can, then the chances are that the theme files got corruputed.. Just have it change the theme.



    its 2.7.1 !!



    @i Rohan: admin get me the same lovely white screen.


    My apache acces log shows the following: – – [16/Jul/2009:19:31:35 +0200] “GET /forum/ HTTP/1.1” 200 –



    @Mohit Kumar: I know this has to do with cookie integration but I have found that sometimes the buddybar doesn’t work if this code isn’t in your bb-config.php file if you are using WPMU 2.7.1:

    //WordPress MU Cookie Integration
    define( 'WP_AUTH_COOKIE_VERSION', 1 );

    If you could also post you WPMU wp-config.php file without the passwords and usernames it would be helpful as well.

    @Nicholaszen: When I made that upgrade, I ended up having the same problem. I moved all of the plugins from /my-plugins/ to /bb-plugins/ and the themes from /my-themes/ to /bb-themes/. That managed to reset the site enough so that I could access the forum’s admin and from there I could re-activate the theme. Try that and let us know.



    @ rohan its my wp-config

    define(‘DB_CHARSET’, ‘utf8’);

    define(‘DB_COLLATE’, ”);

    define(‘VHOST’, ‘no’);

    $base = ‘/’;

    define(‘DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE’, ‘’ );

    define(‘PATH_CURRENT_SITE’, ‘/’ );

    define(‘SITE_ID_CURRENT_SITE’, 1);

    define(‘BLOGID_CURRENT_SITE’, ‘1’ );








    $table_prefix = ‘wp_’;

    define (‘WPLANG’, ”);

    if( $base == ‘BASE’ )

    die( ‘Problem in wp-config.php – $base is set to BASE when it should be the path like “/” or “/blogs/”! Please fix it!’ );

    define( “WP_USE_MULTIPLE_DB”, false );

    define( ‘WP_AUTH_COOKIE_VERSION’, 1 );

    if ( !defined(‘ABSPATH’) )

    define(‘ABSPATH’, dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/’);

    require_once(ABSPATH . ‘wp-settings.php’);




    @Rohan: Nope, that trick didn’t work.. :(

    But if I delete the following from the bb-config file the site shows up again:

    if ( !defined( ‘ABSPATH’ ) & !defined( ‘XMLRPC_REQUEST’ )) {

    define( ‘WP_USE_THEMES’, false );

    include_once( ‘my/domain/wp-blog-header.php’ );

    header( “HTTP/1.1 200 OK” );

    header( “Status: 200 All rosy” );




    @Mohit Kumar: you are missing the cookie hash, etc. in your wp-config.php in addition to the lines I told you to add to your bb-config.php. Install the plugin

    to wpmu and add the code it tells you to to your wp-config.

    @Nicholaszen: is your wpmu site disappearing or your bbpress site? or both?



    @Rohan: Only the bbpress site dissapears.. The WPMU side has no problems.. But the bbpress site only dissapears with the code above.



    Those of you getting white screens without any ability to see why, need to check your server error logs to figure out what’s killing it. 9 times out of 10 it’s probably an out of memory on the server side of things, as php probably isn’t getting enough memory allocated to it.



    @JJJ: This is the only thing I see in my logs.. If I loop it up, it says that it is ‘moved permanently’.. Does this mean I did something wrong?

    [17/Jul/2009:10:44:31 +0200] “GET /my/forum HTTP/1.1” 301 236

    [17/Jul/2009:10:44:31 +0200] “GET /my/forum/ HTTP/1.1” 200 –



    Not sure Nicholaszen. Since there’s a lot of activity going on with BuddyPress patches and MU changes, I’m going to hold off chasing any ghosts on this plugin until the next stable versions come out.

    I’m keeping an eye on this daily so I’m still supporting it, but there won’t be a new version until the next versions of MU and BP come out, unless any major flaws or bugs are uncovered.



    i am using that plugin in

    i want to use user’s avatars in forum pages too.. i tho its possible because we are calling buddypress with this plugin right?



    unsalkorkmaz, that’s a totally different topic.

    Please look at this thread:

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