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BuddyBar for bbPress

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  • @hatiro


    I managed to get this working correctly on a fresh install, but then got the white screen of death. Seems to be out-of-sync with Burt’s BP Groups plugin. On activating that with Buddybar for BBPress get cannot activate group plugin fatal error cannot redeclare IXR_IntrospectionServer in BBIncludes/Backpress/class.ixr.php line 873………

    Any thoughts????



    OK, found that if I comment out

    //require_once( BACKPRESS_PATH . ‘/class.ixr.php’ );

    in oci_bb_group_forums.php it all works happily together…!!!!



    This works almost fine for me.

    When I try to go to Admin in bbpress I get the white screen.

    Help Please!



    List version numbers of buddypress, wordpress mu, and bbpress.



    WPMU 2.8.2

    Buddypress 1.0.3

    bbPress 1.0.2

    That is the only problem, white screen in bbpress admin.



    You did, input the deep integration code properly? Check your apache error logs as well.



    hatiro, I suspect that’s an issue with deep integration and BP Groups not knowing to check for the existence of it. I haven’t used BP Groups in a while to see how it holds up with this plugin, but I’ll probably check it out soon as I have a site using it that needs to be updated.




    I think you are right, the integration used by BPGroups becomes redundant when further integration is used, as it seems to want to double up. The forums, and posts work fine for me with that line commented out so fingers crossed I’ve got it working OK.

    I think to find any white screen issues with the buddybar plugin everyone should start from a zero plugin count and then work forwards after activating the buddybar plugin to see which plugins are intefering with it. Perhaps in the future a full deep integration plug in can be set up to resolve these issues.



    Hi Guys!

    I’m also having 2 niggling issues with this plugin. 1) If I’m logged out of wordpress AND bbpress, and I log into bbpress, the buddybar doesn’t change from the logged out status. If I click the login link on the buddybar through the forums and log in, it redirects me back to the blog homepage, not the page I clicked from.

    Here’s what I’m running…

    WPMU 2.8.2

    Buddypress 1.0.3

    bbPress 1.0.1




    This is probably going to sound stupid, but I copied and pasted the example code from the readme and (as it is late) I did not notice there were single quotes around the whole thing. Not sure why they are there but I ended up grabbing the bottom one unknowingly and it took me a bit to realize it was why I was getting a parsing error.

    But now all is well and as soon as I can find a bbPress version of the default buddypress template I am golden.

    Thanks for this it is a huge help to provide integration.



    At lriggle; Your first issue sounds more like a cookie issue between BuddyPress and bbPress. Logging through bbPress isn’t giving you the correct cookies for WordPress/BuddyPress to recognize you as logged in. You’ve got some kind of one-way communication going on, and that can be hard to track down. Start by checking your bbPress integration settings and go from there?

    The second issue is just a login screen thing. If you click the login link on the buddybar anyways, it will just direct you to the WordPress login page, which will dump you back at the blog root by default. There are other redirection plugins for WordPress and WPMU that will help with this.



    @ John James Jacoby

    Thanks for the info! I’ve verified that all my Keys and Salts are the identical, and double checked that the deep integration code given here ( has the correct path.

    I’m not sure where else to check for cookie issues.

    I’ll look into the redirection plugins for my other issue.




    Lriggle, tracking down cookie issues can be a huge pain. If you’ve got everything else lined up, then it’s possible it could be an XMLRPC issue or another plugin causing a conflict, both of which are tedious. Good luck!



    Any updates on compatibility with BP1.1? I’ve installed the latest bleeding version of BP but when including the wp-blog-header.php I now get a blank screen at the forums.

    Any idea’s?



    There is a bug in the deep integration script

    if ( !defined( ‘ABSPATH’ ) & !defined( ‘XMLRPC_REQUEST’ )) {

    define( ‘WP_USE_THEMES’, false );

    include_once( ‘/your/absolute/path/to/wordpress/wp-blog-header.php’ );

    header( “HTTP/1.1 200 OK” );

    header( “Status: 200 All rosy” );

    It looks like everything is working fine, but a user from the german buddypress forum ( mt ) find out, that wordpress overwrites the buddypress header and so there comes header 200 back and often it is a 302 or even a 404.

    this is the new script from mt.

    if ( !defined( ‘ABSPATH’ ) & !defined( ‘XMLRPC_REQUEST’ )) {

    define( ‘WP_USE_THEMES’, false );

    include_once( ‘/your/absolute/path/to/wordpress/wp-config.php’ );



    I post it hire because I think it must be interesting for everyone. In fact it is really important for seo and the german forum is far away from hire…




    how does the plugin work with BP 1.1? I have intergrated bbpress into wpmu, but the buddy bar won’t show up. Any suggestions?




    my second-level menus aren’t popping out on bbpress. i tried the fix on the first page of the thread but the CSS file is different in newer versions of buddypress. can anyone suggest a solution, please?

    /* third-and-above-level lists */

    #wp-admin-bar ul li ul ul {
    margin: -28px 0 0 183px;

    #wp-admin-bar ul li:hover ul, #wp-admin-bar ul li li:hover ul, #wp-admin-bar ul li.sfhover ul, #wp-admin-bar ul li ul li.sfhover ul { /* lists nested under hovered list items */
    left: auto;

    #wp-admin-bar ul li.align-right:hover ul {
    right: 0;

    #wp-admin-bar ul li:hover ul ul, #wp-admin-bar li.sfhover ul li ul {
    left: -999em;




    thanks for the plugin but i can’t get to my bbpress admin when i use the deep integration code. using buddypress 1.0.3, wpmu and bbpress 1.0.2. I have gone all five pages of this thread and tried everything everyone has suggested but whenever i put in the deep integration code i get redirected back to my blog’s homepage. if i take the code out i can access bbpress admin just fine. i have subdomains for my blogs but have forums on a subdirectory.

    If there have been any further updates pls advise



    This works ok for me in bbpress front-end. however in bbpress admin, i actually had to manually add all the referenced #wp-admin css style in bb-admin/style.css in order to make this works.




    mu- 2.8.6

    buddypress – 1.1.3

    bbpress – 1.0.2

    I am seeing the buddypress bar links on the left hand side, but they dont get put at the top like in buddypress, there is no formatting/styling to them. Any suggestions?



    is possible have an updated version of this plugin for BP1.2.1 and the latest version of WP? thanks!



    I’ve just updated this plugin to work in BP 1.2.1 and bbP 1.0.3.

    Available here:



    Ran Plugin. I’m getting this error.

    Warning: call_user_func_array() []: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, ‘bp_core_admin_bar_css’ was given in /home8/legionsq/public_html/WoV/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 395

    Warning: call_user_func_array() []: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, ‘bp_core_add_js’ was given in /home8/legionsq/public_html/WoV/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 395

    I also see all of the BuddPress links at the bottom of my bb-admin page. Groups, Activity etc…



    Hello all! Beating my head against the wall with this one. Installed as directed but in the header of my bbpress install i just get this:

    Warning: include_once(/home1/jointlcm/public_html/worknpro/worknpromagazine/wp-blog-header.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home1/jointlcm/public_html/worknpro/Worknpromagazine/bbpress/bb-config.php on line 13

    Warning: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening ‘/home1/jointlcm/public_html/worknpro/worknpromagazine/wp-blog-header.php’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/lib64/php:/usr/lib/php’) in /home1/jointlcm/public_html/worknpro/Worknpromagazine/bbpress/bb-config.php on line 13

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home1/jointlcm/public_html/worknpro/Worknpromagazine/bbpress/bb-config.php:13) in /home1/jointlcm/public_html/worknpro/Worknpromagazine/bbpress/bb-config.php on line 15

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home1/jointlcm/public_html/worknpro/Worknpromagazine/bbpress/bb-config.php:13) in /home1/jointlcm/public_html/worknpro/Worknpromagazine/bbpress/bb-config.php on line 17

    Forum still works fine below all this tho.

    Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!



    ok so I figured out it was unable to locate my blog-header.php due to a capitalization error. Now however a completely blank screen comes up. Any ideas?

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