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BuddyPress 12.0.0

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  • @imath


    Hi @legiosmoke

    I’ve just test Astra with BuddyPress 12.0, it works as expected, images are not disappearing, here’s a proof of it:

    Screenshot Astra theme



    Previously, Using rest API Member was able to invite member, but now it gives error after new BuddPress update, see attached image,



    Hi @meghraaj,

    We are using the REST API endpoint internally to manage group members and it works as expected. I’ve just tested the CREATE endpoint successfully in a similar way than the one we’re explaining here:

    I wasn’t able to reproduce the issue, sorry. Have you made sure to deactivate all plugins but BuddyPress to test your code?



    I see no

    wp_options or

    In database phpmyadmin

    I wnt to install old version



    I installed old version and after update same failure. All URLs are with -2
    It is really annoying
    I activate bp classic and it works again properly but

    Why is a link

    not working for showing own account as it worked before



    Hi Mathieu, tried it, no change unfortunately. This looks like the wrong item for the topic anyway, as the file /bbpress/includes/extend/buddypress/members.php doesn’t have any pagination code at all. Consequently a bug for some unknown length of time.
    Might the issue be better posted at the bbPress site?
    Another issue cropped up with the display of recent posts in a member’s group activity tab. A bbPress (not a BP group) private topic was created and was correctly showing in the group activity posts. The title and body of the content were later edited, and although the content of the post in the group activity tab didn’t change to reflect the edit, (even when the page cache was purged), the topic title did match the last edit.



    Hello sir what about my issue please help me.



    There’s is no response on this Ticket–

    Does it sound like the Ticket does not make sense?




    Hi @priyam1234

    I’m not sure to understand what you’re trying to do, but if you need to force the BP Directories metabox to be shown in the Nav Menus Admin Screen, you can try that:

    function priyam1234_hidden_meta_boxes( $hidden, $screen ) {
    	if ( isset( $screen->id ) && 'nav-menus' === $screen->id ) {
    		$hidden = array_diff( $hidden, array( 'add-post-type-buddypress' ) );
    	return $hidden;
    add_filter( 'hidden_meta_boxes', 'priyam1234_hidden_meta_boxes', 10, 2 );




    I’ve developed a plugin that extends the BP_Group_Extension class to enhance BuddyPress Groups’ functionality. Inside the class constructor, I aim to access the settings of the respective group to verify if the extension has been activated through that group’s settings.

    Before BuddyPress version 12, I could simply access the $bp->groups->current_group->id to retrieve the current group’s ID. However, after upgrading to version 12, accessing $bp->groups->current_group returns just 0. How can I now retrieve the group ID from within the constructor in version 12? Here is a sample code demonstrating what I am trying to do:

    class MyExtension extends BP_Group_Extension {
      function __construct() {
            global $bp;
            $group_id = $bp->groups->current_group->id;
    function register_group_extension() {
        bp_register_group_extension( 'MyExtension' );
    add_action( 'bp_init', 'register_group_extension' );



    Hi @tdakanalis

    Thanks for your feedback. Short answer is: you can’t anymore. In BP 12.0.0, we’ve delayed the moment when BuddyPress objects are fully set to the time when WordPress parses a query in order to comply with the WP Rewrite API.

    We’ve faced the issue you’re talking about because group extensions are loaded way too early. We haven’t changed this to avoid too much back compatibility issues and opted to build the BP Classic plugin for users that may use plugin like yours.

    If you can’t get the group ID in the constructor method of your group extension, it doesn’t mean you can get it when you actually need it: that is to say when your group’s extension screen/nav is generated by BuddyPress.

    Actions you need to take:
    1. Make sure you are using the latest BP Group Extension API (the one we introduced in version 1.8 which returns arguments to the parent class (eg return parent::init( $args );). I advise you to read this updated documentation about it:
    2. Use the newly introduced (12.0.0) show_tab_callback, see
    3. Look at the code explaining how to use this new argument here or there
    4. Update your code 🙏.



    Hello Matthieu and everyone

    I’m coming to you again because I can’t use the Online Members and Recently Online Members widgets.

    To tell the truth, I don’t see them offered in 12 anymore.

    What I do is create single blocks using tags like

    <!– wp:bp/online-members /->

    <!– wp:bp/active-members /–>

    Alas, it’s still in English on the right panel, even though I’ve translated the blocks.
    My french blocs

    My website: (see right panel)

    How can I get them in another language?

    Congratulations again on your work!



    It works like a charm!



    Hi @perchenet

    Just to be sure we are talking about the same things:
    – The Active/Online members legacy widgets were removed from BuddyPress 12.0.0 and moved into the BP Classic add-on as they were deprecated since 10.0.0 (following their migration as block widgets in version 9.0.
    – The Active/Online members block widgets are available in 12.0.0 and are (almost completely) translated into french. In 12.0.0 we’ve changed the way we build blocks to use the WordPress way (block.json + wordpress/scripts builder) instead of our “9.0 to 11.0” way (Parcel.js).

    The below screenshot is showing the Active/Online members block widgets translated into french.

    Online/Active members

    Looking at your screenshot, it looks like you are using a custom translation file and renamed these widgets to “Aupostien·ne·s rĂ©cemment en service / en ligne”.

    I also see that the default block widget title is not translated, I guess WordPress is not supporting translating the attributes described into the block.json file (that’s why I was writing (almost completely) a bit above). I agree that’s annoying and I’ll probably work on a way to have the default title translated. But, you can customize this title using the Block Inspector from the right sidebar once you activated its display (follow the first arrow in the below screenshot).

    Block Inspector

    So to have the title into french you just need to enter your text into the “Titre” field like I did on the above screenshot. So you can use “Aupostien·ne·s rĂ©cemment en service” as the block widget’s title for example.

    Thanks again for your congrats 😍



    Hello Mathieu

    Thank you very much for your reply. I’m having trouble expressing myself or I don’t understand how the blocks work.

    For my application, I need to put the shortcut in a text block like this:

    Unfortunately, I can’t change the title as mentioned in your reply.

    I can do it if I put the block in an article, but I can’t do it in the Sidebar. Is there a solution?

    Thanks a lot!

    Translated with (free version)



    Hello @perchenet

    Thanks a lot for the screenshot you shared with us. I guess you are using the Classic Widget plugin (or a filter to carry on using WP Legacy widgets UI). If you were using the Block Widgets interface that replaced it during WordPress 5.8, you’d be able to also set the title from the BP Block Widget Inspector.

    I believe you have 2 choices:
    – Activate BP Classic to get the BP Legacy widgets back and be able to use them with the WP Legacy Widgets UI.
    – Or since the text widgets seems to render serialized blocks, you can use the Post Block Editor to visually set the Online/Active members block title, then from the « more » button of the Block tool bar, use the « Edit HTML » menu item to get the serialized block which should contain the title attribute you set. If this « Edit HTML » menu item is not available for the block (I may have disabled it), use the Block Editor command to switch to the code view. Copy the serialized block and paste it into your widget block and it should display your custom title above the avatars into the front-end part of your site.

    I can’t test myself until 6/7 hours as it’s office hours for me 😅



    Oh, Mathieu

    I think you are right. It seems I use Classic Widget plugin and not the Block Widgets interface. I really don’t know why and how.

    My WP version is the very last one 6.4.2
    I double check my plugins, there is no Classic Widget plugin or something like that.

    That is very strange to me.




    I have installed the newest BP 12 version and all seems good except images do not display on other pages that have nothing to do with BP, pages like About US or Help Center. Also the website Logo doesn’t display in the header but it shows on BP pages like Profile, Members etc.
    I have regenerated CSS in elementor, installed BP Classic but this didn’t help.

    Could anyone point me in the right direction to fix it?
    Many thanks



    Just to add to this I have tried ot torubleshoot in various ways. Only decativating BP plugin fixes the issue.
    Many thanks



    Where do I add my feedback on what Buddypress needs to be taken up by more websites?
    Life’s too short – I’ll just write it here and be brutally honest as a semi-techie (most users?). I saw this; “I think the number one problem is the UI. Most people install BuddyPress on their or a default theme and the result is not pretty. This deters most people and makes them look for other solutions.” THIS is the problem. Its VERY VERY ugly out of the box and VERY hard to get looking anything like facebook or anything nice. Yet I know it’s great spftware / platform!!!! How frustrating is that?!! I tried many months to get it looking good – and EVENTUALLY found a great theme and it looks v good now – BOY was it hard and in the meantime I used Peepso – but all the while I WANTED TO USE Buddypress!! – as I much prefer the community around it and the fact it’s built by you wordpress folk. Pack it with one SINGLE graet theme – and it will rocket. My two cents.



    ps – I LOVE the private community update, and everything else you’ve done – I feel spoiled really – hence why I want it to be even more successful 🙂



    Hi, not sure if this a bug or a set-up issue with BP 12 and BP Classic installed. When viewing another Member’s Profile and then clicking on your own Profile (Account Menu top right) it activates the other Member’s relevant Menu Item instead of switching to your own Profile! Rolled back to BP 11.4 and all works as expected. Could you check please. Thanks.



    Hi @windhillruss

    Thanks a lot for your feedback I’ll check this asap 👌

    Hi @epgb101

    Thanks a lot for your feedback. I agree we need to improve the front-end design. As I’ve explained here, we are very ambitious trying to integrate with any themes. In next major version (14.0.0, because 13 is a hard number), we’ll carry on on this road but we will also try something new: build a new BP Block Only Theme where we can control every part of the design (which is far from being the case with other themes). So I am confident we’ll reduce the gap you’re talking about and I’m very positive about the fact being able to use the WP Site Editor to organize the layout will attract (back) more people to use BuddyPress.

    Hi @maciejatmyshca

    Really sorry to read about your issue. I have no idea about why this is happening. Someone else shared about a similar issue in a previous reply to this topic. I have tested (again) with WordPress latest version + Twenty twenty four and only BuddyPress activated and I had no issues with images or styles.



    Sure Mathieu sounds good – what about ‘simply’ (nothing is simple I know) bundling future BP release with BuddyX Theme installer – as you know, that is a great looking BP theme out of the box and FREE! – but I wager not everyone would find out about BuddyX until after they’ve tried and possibly failed to get a good look with the std WP themes. Thanks.



    Hi @windhillruss

    I’ve just tested BuddyPress v12.0.0 with or without BP Classic and I wasn’t able to reproduce your issue. To me everything works fine, if you can clone your site on a local/staging environment, I advise you to disable all plugins but BuddyPress and BP Classic and use a bundled WordPress theme to see if the issue is still there (it shouldn’t), then activate one by one your plugins to see which is not behaving the right way.

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